
Global statistics
Rank TOP 1 % 159
Games TOP 23 % 368
K/D TOP 20 % 1.22
Kills TOP 18 % 6,321
Deaths 5,167
Time TOP 21 % 81 hours
Last seen 14.09.2024 20:46
Kill streak TOP 12 % 18
Death streak 12
K/G TOP 11 % 17.18
Headshots 4,924
Team kills 371
Team deaths 383
Revives TOP 22 % 1,058
Revived 1,356
Repairs TOP 16 % 4
Plants TOP 22 % 27
Defuses TOP 5 % 21
Health packs given 0
Health packs taken 1,329
Ammo packs given TOP 17 % 205
Ammo packs taken 669
First blood TOP 17 % 22
First victim 7
Shoves TOP 21 % 259
Shoved 243
Axis TOP 5 % 62 hours
Allies TOP 10 % 19 hours
Soldier TOP 25 % 29 minutes
Medic TOP 7 % 46 hours
Engineer TOP 4 % 28 hours
FieldOp TOP 17 % 2 hours
CovertOp TOP 8 % 5 hours
Battle sense TOP 6 % 19,064
Explosives and Construction TOP 6 % 9,043
First Aid TOP 7 % 8,594
Signals TOP 14 % 858
Light Weapons TOP 6 % 29,896
Heavy Weapons TOP 20 % 216
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 10 % 1,489
Mega kills TOP 14 % 4
no crshr
no crosshair
dr splifenstein
on crshr
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 4 % 2,572 924 TOP 50 % 36.11 % TOP 20 % 13.96 %
Grenade launcher 1,045 336 TOP 43 % 51.39 % 21
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 2 % 870 73 16
M7 TOP 5 % 175 263 5
Thompson TOP 9 % 706 2,461 34.09 % 12.59 %
Grenade 661 339 32.67 % 17
Stielhandgranate TOP 2 % 566 94 14
Pineapple TOP 7 % 95 245 3
Karabiner 98k TOP 2 % 576 29 TOP 25 % 38.75 % TOP 11 % 10.03 %
Luger TOP 5 % 159 34 TOP 40 % 39.72 % TOP 10 % 14.02 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 6 % 58 15
Silencer TOP 13 % 3 0
Garand TOP 14 % 109 58 51.44 % 17.23 %
Scoped Garand TOP 3 % 103 42
Landmine TOP 5 % 96 47 TOP 19 % 61.58 % 6
Carbine TOP 5 % 95 124 33.62 % TOP 25 % 9.05 %
Sten TOP 4 % 81 42 TOP 41 % 38.46 % TOP 26 % 16.95 %
Gewehr 43 TOP 39 % 43 17 63.39 % 16.90 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 5 % 42 15
MP 34 TOP 7 % 33 18 39.80 % 17.17 %
FG 42 TOP 7 % 24 50 30.05 % 11.11 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 8 % 6 6
Artillery TOP 9 % 24 74 95.00 % 0
Airstrike TOP 9 % 22 113 86.00 % 1
Colt TOP 14 % 21 109 39.23 % 10.71 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 25 % 3 48
Silenced Colt 0 2
Panzerfaust TOP 8 % 18 53 94.12 % 5
Knife TOP 49 % 13 2 1.84 % 0
Back stab TOP 7 % 12 2 0
MG 42 TOP 23 % 6 24 16.63 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 17
Browning TOP 25 % 5 34 19.05 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 28
Bazooka TOP 16 % 4 174 80.00 % 1
Machinegun TOP 27 % 3 25
Shove TOP 22 % 3 2 0
Dynamite TOP 38 % 1 4 4.76 % 0
Satchel TOP 30 % 1 5 21.74 % 3
Flamethrower 0 8 0.00 % 0
Suicide 862
Team switch 19
Gravity 7
Map rubble 2
Crush 1
Hurt trigger 1
Target laser 0 3 0
Construction madness 0 0 1
Mortar 0 47 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
Darko 185 47 3.94
Trunfos 173 130 1.33
de luxe 114 120 0.95
terM 106 75 1.41
Warp 103 106 0.97
THE69EYES 102 56 1.82
Mid4s 99 52 1.90
Dr.Manijak(Slo) 92 43 2.14
DarkTrooper 86 75 1.15
gryphi 78 26 3.00
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
B dot B iQA 143 60 0.42
hunter 137 76 0.55
Trunfos 130 173 1.33
muchacho. 128 67 0.52
de luxe 120 114 0.95
Warp 106 103 0.97
S3ALL 100 59 0.59
mennen 82 61 0.74
1ndx 82 44 0.54
{q_-<l 76 69 0.91