
Deputy *5614CBA3
Server statistics
Rank TOP 2 % 243
Games TOP 14 % 605
K/D TOP 28 % 1.10
Kills TOP 14 % 7,703
Deaths 7,004
Time TOP 14 % 119 hours
Last seen 26.08.2024 22:08
Kill streak TOP 4 % 24
Death streak 10
K/G TOP 29 % 12.73
Headshots 5,144
Team kills 311
Team deaths 372
Revives TOP 13 % 1,650
Revived 1,443
Repairs TOP 10 % 9
Plants TOP 10 % 67
Defuses TOP 5 % 20
Health packs given TOP 14 % 429
Health packs taken 1,067
Ammo packs given 0
Ammo packs taken 765
First blood TOP 16 % 22
First victim 18
Shoves TOP 32 % 101
Shoved 346
Axis TOP 4 % 74 hours
Allies TOP 5 % 45 hours
Soldier TOP 4 % 11 hours
Medic TOP 5 % 61 hours
Engineer TOP 4 % 31 hours
FieldOp 40 seconds
CovertOp TOP 3 % 17 hours
Battle sense TOP 5 % 21,027
Explosives and Construction TOP 5 % 11,117
First Aid TOP 6 % 10,071
Signals 0
Light Weapons TOP 6 % 26,607
Heavy Weapons TOP 5 % 3,521
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 4 % 6,854
Mega kills TOP 21 % 2
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 4 % 2,189 2,003 TOP 36 % 38.05 % TOP 42 % 12.16 %
Thompson TOP 5 % 1,509 2,621 38.22 % 12.42 %
Grenade launcher 1,016 485 TOP 8 % 59.94 % 28
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 2 % 692 184 17
M7 TOP 3 % 324 301 11
Gewehr 43 TOP 2 % 534 51 TOP 27 % 44.47 % TOP 19 % 11.60 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 1 % 424 41
MG 42 TOP 17 % 522 67 TOP 13 % 23.04 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 1 % 513 53
Karabiner 98k TOP 2 % 492 100 TOP 24 % 38.79 % 5.07 %
Garand TOP 2 % 362 71 TOP 15 % 47.84 % TOP 9 % 14.80 %
Scoped Garand TOP 1 % 267 53
Carbine TOP 2 % 307 134 TOP 17 % 41.61 % 6.56 %
Grenade 225 359 32.93 % 14
Stielhandgranate TOP 5 % 149 163 11
Pineapple TOP 7 % 76 196 3
Landmine TOP 4 % 107 138 TOP 10 % 62.63 % 5
Luger TOP 6 % 87 55 43.01 % 8.09 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 13 % 13 24
Silencer TOP 20 % 2 1
MP 34 TOP 4 % 69 37 39.91 % 19.15 %
Bazooka TOP 4 % 67 161 TOP 22 % 95.70 % 7
Panzerfaust TOP 5 % 54 123 91.67 % 12
Colt TOP 8 % 43 106 40.23 % 10.47 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 34 % 1 48
Browning TOP 14 % 40 53 26.23 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 7 % 29 30
Sten TOP 9 % 22 52 37.36 % 19.17 %
Machinegun TOP 8 % 19 28
Knife TOP 14 % 15 13 5.64 % 0
Back stab TOP 9 % 8 6 0
Flamethrower TOP 9 % 7 9 58.81 % 0
Dynamite TOP 9 % 6 3 8.51 % 0
Satchel TOP 10 % 5 5 14.29 % 1
FG 42 TOP 16 % 3 55 34.31 % 8.51 %
Scoped FG 42 0 7
Mortar TOP 11 % 2 57 50.00 % 0
Shove 1 3 0
Airstrike 0 77 0.00 % 0
Artillery 0 113 0.00 % 0
Suicide 1,016
Team switch 64
Gravity 16
Hurt trigger 4
Crush 3
Explosive 1
Map rubble 1
Construction madness 0 0 1
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
page 112 106 1.06
crux 106 109 0.97
de luxe 99 133 0.74
Lee Dong John 89 113 0.79
Aliaz 83 65 1.28
Bongoo!!! 82 79 1.04
Alexandra... 79 48 1.65
N3|bp'Eclips 71 59 1.20
PaRtaGe 71 19 3.74
-proZac-> 69 22 3.14
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
de luxe 133 99 0.74
Lee Dong John 113 89 0.79
crux 109 106 0.97
page 106 112 1.06
GJIRO 92 65 0.71
Bongoo!!! 79 82 1.04
nightmAre 69 30 0.43
[!!!]TigeR 66 41 0.62
Aliaz 65 83 1.28