
Server statistics
Rank TOP 7 % 705
Games TOP 9 % 993
K/D 0.66
Kills TOP 11 % 9,612
Deaths 14,659
Time TOP 8 % 9 days
Last seen 07.01.2025 20:45
Kill streak TOP 22 % 14
Death streak 19
K/G TOP 47 % 9.68
Headshots 9,584
Team kills 497
Team deaths 647
Revives TOP 14 % 1,435
Revived 2,848
Repairs TOP 28 % 2
Plants TOP 5 % 184
Defuses TOP 4 % 23
Health packs given TOP 8 % 924
Health packs taken 2,082
Ammo packs given TOP 4 % 1,497
Ammo packs taken 629
First blood TOP 13 % 25
First victim 48
Shoves TOP 21 % 209
Shoved 539
Axis TOP 3 % 76 hours
Allies TOP 2 % 131 hours
Soldier TOP 2 % 24 hours
Medic TOP 4 % 63 hours
Engineer TOP 2 % 67 hours
FieldOp TOP 2 % 36 hours
CovertOp TOP 3 % 18 hours
Battle sense TOP 3 % 35,008
Explosives and Construction TOP 3 % 17,884
First Aid TOP 4 % 13,458
Signals TOP 4 % 5,977
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 59,460
Heavy Weapons TOP 3 % 5,136
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 4 % 5,876
Mega kills TOP 15 % 3
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 2 % 3,631 3,578 28.54 % 11.70 %
MP 40 TOP 4 % 2,269 6,302 28.87 % 10.71 %
Grenade launcher 614 826 48.42 % 32
M7 TOP 2 % 425 234 20
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 4 % 189 592 12
Mortar TOP 1 % 574 91 29.38 % 15
Grenade 357 668 21.23 % 30
Pineapple TOP 3 % 213 198 20
Stielhandgranate TOP 5 % 144 470 10
Sten TOP 1 % 296 97 33.05 % 14.24 %
Landmine TOP 2 % 289 338 49.80 % 20
Colt TOP 2 % 223 162 34.69 % 9.54 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 5 % 54 60
Silenced Colt TOP 7 % 7 2
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 32 % 1 4
Carbine TOP 3 % 204 165 TOP 38 % 36.02 % 5.73 %
Bazooka TOP 2 % 188 119 70.78 % 13
Garand TOP 9 % 180 132 TOP 38 % 40.69 % TOP 30 % 11.11 %
Scoped Garand TOP 2 % 169 114
Artillery TOP 3 % 137 321 40.48 % 13
MP 34 TOP 2 % 119 103 34.95 % 12.99 %
Luger TOP 4 % 108 275 34.41 % 7.13 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 13 % 12 121
Silencer TOP 13 % 3 2
Akimbo Silenced Luger TOP 17 % 2 1
Karabiner 98k TOP 5 % 100 303 33.04 % 8.07 %
Airstrike TOP 3 % 95 144 52.22 % 6
Panzerfaust TOP 4 % 86 321 66.30 % 8
Gewehr 43 TOP 10 % 82 140 TOP 43 % 38.56 % TOP 31 % 10.53 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 4 % 73 106
Dynamite TOP 4 % 18 10 TOP 36 % 5.29 % 4
Knife TOP 9 % 17 26 3.43 % 0
Back stab TOP 11 % 6 8 0
MG 42 TOP 13 % 11 188 10.09 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 160
Browning TOP 17 % 8 70 16.67 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 43
Satchel TOP 11 % 4 12 6.50 % 2
Shove TOP 28 % 2 0 0
Machinegun 0 79
FG 42 0 106 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 18
Flamethrower 0 6 17.13 % 0
Water 0 1 0
Suicide 724
Team switch 62
Gravity 60
Hurt trigger 9
Crush 6
Map rubble 1
Construction madness 0 0 2
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 207 359 0.58
trolololo 148 142 1.04
Jocke_med_kniven 145 67 2.16
[n]innocent-bystander 126 94 1.34
Major MAJOR 120 119 1.01
BlAcKAnGeL 116 157 0.74
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 112 208 0.54
ERYThR0P0iETiN 112 73 1.53
ExploreR 108 131 0.82
fishy' 102 262 0.39
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 359 207 0.58
fishy' 262 102 0.39
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 208 112 0.54
nightmAre 196 64 0.33
edshotmachine 187 56 0.30
1.618033 172 58 0.34
muchacho. 162 42 0.26
Warp 157 99 0.63
BlAcKAnGeL 157 116 0.74
aCid. 155 73 0.47