Server statistics
Rank | TOP 2 % 63 |
Games | TOP 2 % 4,304 |
K/D | TOP 0 % 2.45 |
Kills | TOP 1 % 107,932 |
Deaths | 44,140 |
Time | TOP 2 % 33 days |
Last seen | 21.02.2025 20:08 |
Kill streak | TOP 1 % 33 |
Death streak | 25 |
K/G | TOP 1 % 25.08 |
Headshots | 167,652 |
Team kills | 1,450 |
Team deaths | 2,877 |
Revives | TOP 2 % 12,812 |
Revived | 8,616 |
Repairs | 0 |
Plants | 0 |
Defuses | 0 |
Health packs given | TOP 4 % 2,129 |
Health packs taken | 536 |
Ammo packs given | 3 |
Ammo packs taken | 4,662 |
First blood | TOP 1 % 412 |
First victim | 186 |
Shoves | TOP 1 % 4,355 |
Shoved | 2,649 |
Axis | TOP 0 % 29 days |
Allies | TOP 2 % 104 hours |
Soldier | TOP 44 % 9 minutes |
Medic | TOP 0 % 33 days |
Engineer | TOP 15 % 3 hours |
FieldOp | TOP 18 % 98 minutes |
CovertOp | TOP 28 % 31 minutes |
Battle sense | TOP 0 % 264,265 |
Explosives and Construction | TOP 25 % 474 |
First Aid | TOP 1 % 75,789 |
Signals | TOP 42 % 71 |
Light Weapons | TOP 0 % 688,300 |
Heavy Weapons | TOP 16 % 315 |
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons | TOP 31 % 158 |
Mega kills | TOP 0 % 230 |
Ultra kills | TOP 0 % 21 |
Monster kills | TOP 1 % 2 |
edshotmachine |
western.Shootej |
Aimerz+ Shootej |
ScreaMy<3 |
KeisezrG |
Super SaiyajiN G |
:>>> |
:ooo |
G2/Shootej |
aimerz+.Shootej |
NL Shootej |
yellow flash |
western. Shootej |
shootej888 |
Super Saiyan |
Headhunter |
Shootej- |
:))) |
Hes Machine Bro |
G2/Shootej #Logitech |
*_*_*_* |
[uwu] |
newmousetest |
hihihi |
EnVyUs Shootej #Eikichi |
Super SaiyajiN |
howdy |
yeehaw |
:DDD |
[UWU] shootej ArtiSan |
Tokyo Ghoul |
TtDragons |
Starlight Pro - Tenz Shtej |
[Aimerz+] Shootej |
* 7ckngmad |
(-|-)Shootej |
KeizesrG |
b00merdemon <o/ Shootej |
#3hselite |
western|Shootej |
meee |
let's go |
Aim9 - Shootej |
woojo |
:ooooo |
finalmouse capetown |
G Pro Ultra Light |
model o wireless |
xm1r |
KeisezrG Shootej |
xzist{ SHOOTeJ |
shootej |
Sticking Dot To A Bot |
Shootejisab00merdemon |
#Eikichi |
SEN Shootej |
:-) |
chillingz |
*_*_*_*_* |
mEclipse |
m0NESY- |
Aimtastic-Shootej |
3HsElite |
Titan Shootej |
Titan Shootej #3HsElite |
okuna |
mEclipsenAt0r |
Zzzz |
gg's |
wink wink '-) |
testj |
Beer-sHOOTEJ- |
WESTERN Shootej #Zowie |
woohoo |
3HsElite SAMURAJ X |
who is that!?!? |
BEERS|Shootej 0.Aim |
beerz+ Shootej |
cool ja |
hmmm |
Ochi Anwutji |
vF Shootej |
We Wink We Dink Shootej |
zzzzz |
cfggg |
old roots |
[UWU]Shootej |
EnVyUs |
Aimerz+ Shootej :> |
cfgtestt |
[UWU] shootej |
TL/Shootej #Aimerz+ |
yellow flash Shootej |
x]]] Shootej |
aIMURZ+ Shootej |
let's paly |
Shootej.NL |
HeadHunter# |
testjj |
SEN Shootej :>>> |
EnVyUs Shootej SaiyajiN G |
WESTERN Shootej #Beers |
BEERS|Shootej x]] |
beers7Shootej |
'-'@_ |
it's over lvl9000 |
yes yes yes |
mousetest |
gpro |
mouss |
:ppppp |
testtt |
x)))) |
Eichi Anzuka |
new etplayer |
hehe :> |
2MGover |
Titan Shootej 3HsElite |
toxxxx |
oh boy |
sth/Shootej |
let's go baby |
gjffgj |
washed |
mEclipse Shootej |
hmm |
shrood style |
superglide |
geegeeman |
KC Shootej #SaiyajiN G |
Fingertipper |
Shootej <o/ b00merdemon |
BEERS_Shootej new @Ati_ |
numeric |
relax |
1tapelite |
kut spel |
bam bam |
phewwww |
SaiyajiN |
mowgli |
nerds |
phewphew in 2021 |
Zowie S2 |
#Eichichi |
Sasaku |
1.. |
Go2/Shootej |
Beer'Shootej |
shootej:> |
Aimerz+ Shootej Beerz |
=edshotmachine= |
zero Aim :< |
mousee |
d:DDD |
edshot machine |
.edshotmachine |
oiiii |
Kappa |
testjjj |
:<<< |
Starlight-12 Zeus |
:zzz |
hey hi |
'-'@__________ |
KeizesrG Shootej |
Go2 |
sk.Shootej |
flup dup |
geegee |
western7Shootej x]] |
edshotmachine'Shootej |
I Shootej, |
Aimerz+ Shootej :>>> |
hdhdf |
weee |
new mouse |
pinkboy |
testje |
mx518 |
Shootej<3 |
Starlight-12 |
3HsElite Shootej QPL |
Mr Headshot |
skypad/800dpi/2.1sens |
kgg |
evelina |
western.Shootej Drunkej |
:}}}}}}}} |
Shootej @ Western |
Ballong Dior |
finalmouse |
we wink and we Dink Shootej |
new mousej Shootej |
--_-- |
Aimerz+ Shootej heho |
guy's FOCUS! |
pfff |
Shootejedshotmachine |
no Aim just luck :< |
edshotsWShootej |
gfjgh |
reelay |
blabla |
stfu thanks |
nerdjih_ |
1234 |
GL | :>>> |
mysterious player |
whoopty |
mikey |
ssss |
:xxx |
eyy gg mannn!!! |
moi |
apple |
the flash |
Sasuke pfp |
western.Shootej #Beers |
sticking Crosshair! |
western-Shootej #Zowie |
shyZiC |
g715 |
:]]] |
xZist{ Shootej nEw mOus |
newcfgtej |
Aimerz+.Shootej (:>) |
NL Shootej Tipsy |
jupp |
chillings |
awesome shot |
noway |
chill |
Super Saiyan lvl9000 |
Super Saiyan Shootej |
mee |
woo |
finalmouse.Shootej |
*_*_*_*_*_* |
phew phew in 2021 |
x))))))))) |
G Pro |
No Aim just luck |
Echi Anzuka |
zzz |
GL | |
sick zzz :< |
G Pro SuperHEAVY |
:)))) |
settings |
ballmouse 1990 |
pew |
we dem boyz |
washed Aimer :( |
VG | SaiyajiN |
trrr |
G2/<:D |
Hitty Spitty Tittynator |
DA V3 Shootej |
nippy |
oety toety |
G2/Shootej.NL |
Reap3r ph3w |
DotOnBot |
g303 Shroud// Shootej |
EnVyUs Shootej SaiyajiN |
restart |
hsfreaks-Shootej #ZOWIE |
shoZiC |
:]]]] |
fdhhdh |
EJJJ|Shootej |
Shootej #BEERSSS.ET |
Soz4ownage |
Aimerz+ Shootej :o |
Aimerz+ Shootej :) |
aimerz+/Shootej |
:OoOoOo |
:>> |
:>>>>> |
bkgnbg |
:pppppp |
Super |
Super b0uncy<3 |
he hit THOSE!?! |
(.)(.)BoobynAtor |
final |
phew |
moustest |
testjeee |
gpro :o |
testt |
testjee |
jhffjh |
muisjeee |
zzzzzzzzzzz |
hdgdgh] |
boring shit game |
cherry |
??????? |
logitech :o |
chilling |
Aonaro |
hfgdg |
logitech test |
:*** |
it's a trap |
worst aimer :< |
mysterious guest |
jgfj |
d:p |
d:pppp |
uups |
gegee |
jaja |
DoAp:x |
dthfg |
new player |
Shootej SAIYAJIN |
... |
SaiyajiN TKO |
3Hselite Shootej #SaiyajiN |
999 |
///////// |
Aim9-Shootej |
poosislayer |
are you searious!?! |
v3 prr |
henry |
huhu |
erwin bischop |
G2/Shootej #Aimerz+ |
FlashyDashy:00 |
kC Shootej |
paly |
raww |
zicy |
western7Shootej |
western.Shootej #Drunkej |
Yeehaww-Shootej |
n0Hs:< |
Siuuuuuu_Shootej |
BEERSSSS_Shootej |
b00merdemons'Shootej |
I Shootej |
ShOotej, |
Shootej:] |
we wink and we Dink |
Shootej /Aimerz+ |
ShootejDrunkej |
wheeeeee |
Aimerz+ Shootej :B |
Shootej:) |
=) shootej |
yesway |
ZZzzzZZ |
beter jaa |
are you serious? |
3tapelite |
psst hey you wink '-) |
pling pling |
yeee |
'-) wink wink |
:oooo |
yes yes yes my friend |
ggg |
111 |
shit mouse |
newww |
muisjeeee |
what is he |
oeff |
muisssss |
warmupie |
whooooo |
Finalmouse Shootej |
xmas aim |
oohyess |
dhgdf |
b0uncy<3333 |
oiiiiii |
opjektief pleyor |
viper testejj |
sheesh |
broodje ei |
pieuwww |
logitexh is trash |
#3hselite Shootej |
Ochi Anwutji Shootej |
cfgtest |
n1c3 |
yep |
juuh |
G pro test |
v56 |
chillz |
jdggj |
fucking lagfest |
mousje |
Snitchy Bitchy 0_- |
:)))))))) |
sensy |
jhgd |
Shootej d:DDDD |
xddd |
VG | Shootej SaiyajiN |
1 2 3 test |
eclipse |
whoohooo |
probablyyes |
howdy roudy |
zowie |
Srs |
oooreeallyy :000 |
skoll |
!nkyW!nkyn0t0rious:0 |
ChessPlayer on FPS:00 |
whala |
sjuuuu |
w&e |
aimhigh-Shootej |
b00merdemon-Shootej |
Shootej #EC1-A :>> |
muisss |
b00merdemon Shootej |
x]] Shootej |
western.Shootej x]] |
(HBO)Shootej' #BEERS |
Beertastic-Shootej :D |
x]]] |
x]]] Shootej- |
Aimerz+ Shootej #BEERSSSS |
Shootej@brody'swombbro |
Superlight2 Shootej |
Titans Shootej |
western.Shootej x)) |
Cool Jaaaa Shootej |
Shootej* |
POMPEN-Shootej |
DDDonky |
weeeee |
aah ooh |
5h00731 |
mennen's boldhead |
idle7Shootej |
Drunkej+ Shootej |
bored zzz |
jeweet |
ghfhfgj |
ssssh |
trying viper |
fhcghcdg |
:pp |
fgdhhgfd |
ShiiShaa |
:>>>>>>> |
yeah buddy |
fgdhfhg |
whooo |
fucking dumb |
hey you wink ,) |
dfghhdhf |
hiiii |
finalmouse cape town |
no focus show |
phewww |
.Shootej |
tssss |
muistestjee |
oeffff |
hoohoo |
gpro :oo |
fgjfjg |
samurai |
mousjeee |
hes facking machine |
ha-hi |
oooooooo |
*<|:-D< |
zzZzzzzz |
nope |
hfgdfhxg |
suu |
oojeej |
ffy |
styyla |
hey youuu |
:oo |
pieww |
saiii |
hdgdgh |
S<3b0uncy |
ghhh |
okok |
nice one |
hes machineee bro |
fhsdhdfsdfh |
wooiiii |
33345 |
-A- |
Simonej |
cg_teamchatsonly 1 |
impressive |
sneaky beaky my friend |
-_0 wink |
howdy-Shootej |
oow baby |
hdgd |
gfshhgfhg |
UnnamedPlayer |
sick zzzz |
Titans Shootej #3hselite |
mouseetestj |
hes facking machine bro |
3hsElite SsSs |
3HsElite Shootej |
12345 |
fsdghdfh |
who is he!?!?! |
testjjjj |
Aim9.Shootej |
:))))) |
who is he |
eyy gg mannn! |
gdsdg |
aiii |
4k ET |
he hit that |
123 |
SEN Shootej 7 |
:(((((( |
fdxfh |
alright relax |
m0n |
2345 |
you serious?!? |
smile guys |
muisje |
pfeew |
v3 prrr |
hyperspeed |
DA V3 testj |
Starlight Pro - TenZ |
mennen cheats :( |
ooreeelyyy |
western.Shootej beerAim |
woi oi woi! :D |
fdsaasdf |
Genesis 37:35 |
yeehawww |
new to ET |
olee |
// Messej 10 |
reeeeeeee |
Titan Shootej #SaiyajiN G |
g303 Shroud// Testej |
VG | Shootej #SaiyajiN G |
360hz |
ScreaM0000W |
It's Over 9000! |
Hsjes In 2K23! |
p0ck3t r0ck3t!!!! |
oleeee |
w&e Shootej |
western/Shootej #Zowie |
shooting abit |
Yeow!! |
ooh my gaaawddddddd! |
Rii Shootej #TipsyAim |
setupej |
Alexej #N.o1 FAN |
yee:o |
double whammy |
wombbrothers|Shootej |
Shootej GG MEN |
western.Shootej x]]] |
(HBO)Shootej' :B |
(HBO)Shootej' #Drunkej |
Aimtastic-Shootej! |
Aimtastic-Shootej! #Dru |
oleee |
yghhgh |
G2/Shootej #BeerAim |
Shootej #B33rss |
buffer |
x))) |
western. Shootej :> |
fdhdfh |
ducky |
Siuuuuuuuu_Shootej |
AllSluts&Shootej |
Drunkej7Shootej |
|K|Shootej |
cfgtjeee |
Shootej :>>> |
Omg He Hit That!?!? |
full |
new mousej |
Superlight27Shootej |
Trinhunt-Shootej |
:x.Shootej |
:-)* |
donked |
)-|-)Shootej |
:ooo' |
Aimerz+ Shootej* |
Aimerz+ Shootej BeerAim |
Aimerz+ Shootej Beers |
sick zzz |
Aim addict |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
boring shit |
whoohoo |
://// |
it's over lvl 9000 |
psst |
ffgx |
hfxdfdxh |
hdd |
boring game |
fluppert |
hkgh |
gjdffgd |
<3333 |
d:ppp |
jggdfj |
kgkh |
>,< |
beers zzzz |
testjeeeee |
muisjee |
dttg |
funny guy |
flupke |
:>>>> |
nerds go 10map |
ghxxhf |
geegee x))) |
g pro Shootej |
logitech |
so bad |
-_-_-_- |
boring kak game zzz |
test |
ne |
dggdfgsx |
boring kak game |
stfu |
dghhdg |
rtwsdwasd |
*_* |
gg man |
worst aimer :< Shootej |
hdhf |
what a shit game |
hfdghfdg |
meeee |
hfsf |
hdjgjh |
ooo |
12310 |
:))) Shootej |
Titan |
jgdgdrfj |
test 2.0 |
no aim sunday |
noAim :( |
cfgggg |
'-'@_ Snaily |
Smurfnator |
hhihhii:o |
Cycle |
svczdsgz |
567 |
DA V3 |
oh.boy.:Shootej |
inss |
geegeeman Shtej |
Shootej!!!! |
batronico |
we paly oke we palyy |
adil |
Starlight 12 Pro TenZ |
Guy's FOCUS |
whopper dopper |
starlight |
360hz Shootej |
its upper dubber |
sjuuu |
western-Shootej #BEERS |
:}}}} |
56781 |
moes test |
:}}}}}}} |
womby |
Yeow xD |
b00merdemons<o/ Shootej |
Shootej #yourmom |
WESTERN Shootej #BeerAim |
WESTERN Shootej #EC1-A |
WESTERN Shootej #tipsyAim |
western.Shootej #TipsyAima |
---------- |
Final test |
ejjjj GG MEN! |
Aimtastic/Shootej |
sH0OTEJ- |
Shoot3j... |
Shootej... |
scrlk |
560073j |
BEERS_Shootej new @Oly |
og.AimerZ+ Shootej |
(NoAim) Shootej |
Shootej:'] |
pils.Shootej |
Sheesh:o Shootej |
newcfgtestej |
Testej+ Shootej |
big old boomer |
Beers And Cheers |
Aimer |
aimerz+.Shootej olee |
NL Shootej New Ati_ |
Fake Shootej |
mennen> Shootej :( |
Aimerz+ Shootej<3 |
Weapon statistics
Weapon | Kills | Headshot acc. | Suicides |
MP 40 | TOP 0 % 81,613 | TOP 0 % 20.52 % | |
Thompson | TOP 0 % 20,879 | TOP 0 % 20.72 % | |
Luger | TOP 0 % 3,705 | TOP 0 % 17.43 % | |
Grenade | 878 | 21 | |
Colt | TOP 1 % 580 | TOP 0 % 18.62 % | |
Knife | TOP 1 % 105 | 0 | |
Grenade launcher | 72 | 11 | |
Karabiner 98k | TOP 9 % 34 | 8.51 % | |
Airstrike | TOP 9 % 19 | 0 | |
MP 34 | TOP 11 % 13 | 17.88 % | |
Carbine | TOP 16 % 10 | 0.00 % | |
FG 42 | TOP 10 % 9 | 8.33 % | |
Browning | TOP 19 % 7 | 0.00 % | |
MG 42 | TOP 33 % 3 | 0.00 % | |
Panzerfaust | TOP 15 % 3 | 0 | |
Machinegun | 1 | ||
Landmine | TOP 35 % 1 | 0 | |
Sten | 0 | 16.28 % | |
Garand | 0 | 12.90 % | |
Flamethrower | 0 | 0 | |
Dynamite | 0 | 1 | |
Artillery | 0 | 0 | |
Suicide | 2,146 | ||
Target laser | 0 | 0 | |
Satchel | 0 | 1 | |
Construction madness | 0 | 0 | |
Gewehr 43 | 0 | 2.40 % | |
Mortar | 0 | 0 | |
Airstrike marker | 0 | 0 | |
Shove | 0 | 0 | |
Bazooka | 0 | 0 |
Easiest preys
Player | Kills | Deaths | K/D |
crux | 2066 | 1070 | 1.93 |
Major MAJOR | 1142 | 464 | 2.46 |
page | 1023 | 451 | 2.27 |
P A A V O | 971 | 595 | 1.63 |
*Bat* | 963 | 238 | 4.05 |
muchacho. | 910 | 672 | 1.35 |
mennen | 868 | 447 | 1.94 |
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO | 846 | 487 | 1.74 |
xAvi' | 835 | 311 | 2.68 |
flyEaglesfly | 835 | 204 | 4.09 |
Worst enemies
Player | Deaths | Kills | K/D |
crux | 1070 | 2066 | 1.93 |
muchacho. | 672 | 910 | 1.35 |
P A A V O | 595 | 971 | 1.63 |
S3ALL | 573 | 749 | 1.31 |
THE69EYES | 514 | 765 | 1.49 |
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO | 487 | 846 | 1.74 |
t!lt | 467 | 682 | 1.46 |
Major MAJOR | 464 | 1142 | 2.46 |
page | 451 | 1023 | 2.27 |
mennen | 447 | 868 | 1.94 |