
Server statistics
Rank TOP 10 % 1,285
Games TOP 25 % 278
K/D TOP 50 % 0.82
Kills TOP 28 % 2,525
Deaths 3,080
Time TOP 25 % 53 hours
Last seen 26.10.2021 16:13
Kill streak TOP 47 % 10
Death streak 12
K/G 9.08
Headshots 1,565
Team kills 159
Team deaths 189
Revives TOP 24 % 722
Revived 781
Repairs TOP 32 % 1
Plants TOP 32 % 11
Defuses TOP 26 % 2
Health packs given TOP 31 % 109
Health packs taken 393
Ammo packs given TOP 19 % 154
Ammo packs taken 224
First blood TOP 41 % 4
First victim 8
Shoves TOP 31 % 116
Shoved 168
Axis TOP 8 % 25 hours
Allies TOP 8 % 27 hours
Soldier TOP 5 % 8 hours
Medic TOP 9 % 25 hours
Engineer TOP 9 % 9 hours
FieldOp TOP 10 % 4 hours
CovertOp TOP 7 % 6 hours
Battle sense TOP 8 % 9,798
Explosives and Construction TOP 11 % 2,964
First Aid TOP 11 % 3,948
Signals TOP 11 % 1,131
Light Weapons TOP 9 % 10,288
Heavy Weapons TOP 6 % 2,423
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 9 % 1,787
Ultra kills TOP 12 % 1
Holy-shit kills TOP 0 % 1
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 8 % 715 907 30.81 % 10.16 %
MP 40 TOP 9 % 583 1,046 31.07 % 8.87 %
MG 42 TOP 20 % 239 24 TOP 22 % 21.61 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 3 % 232 22
Grenade launcher 238 264 48.17 % 11
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 5 % 134 134 7
M7 TOP 6 % 104 130 4
Grenade 109 187 27.23 % 3
Stielhandgranate TOP 9 % 64 93 2
Pineapple TOP 10 % 45 94 1
Artillery TOP 4 % 90 60 TOP 16 % 76.89 % 1
Garand TOP 26 % 86 24 41.45 % 12.70 %
Scoped Garand TOP 3 % 84 23
Browning TOP 13 % 66 19 18.15 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 5 % 54 16
Karabiner 98k TOP 7 % 61 58
Landmine TOP 6 % 59 45 54.95 % 4
Gewehr 43 TOP 19 % 59 46 37.94 % 10.10 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 5 % 55 37
Mortar TOP 3 % 59 32 25.00 % 1
Carbine TOP 10 % 30 35
Bazooka TOP 8 % 25 63 72.73 % 3
Flamethrower TOP 3 % 21 0 TOP 29 % 68.77 % 2
Airstrike TOP 10 % 18 24 31.48 % 0
Colt TOP 20 % 13 45 28.53 % 8.08 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 21 % 4 24
Sten TOP 12 % 13 16 29.95 % 8.05 %
Luger TOP 20 % 12 46 36.61 % 8.96 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 30 % 2 16
Silencer 0 1
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 1
MP 34 TOP 13 % 12 9 31.72 % 10.14 %
FG 42 TOP 11 % 8 18 32.22 % 9.09 %
Scoped FG 42 0 1
Machinegun TOP 19 % 5 8
Knife TOP 24 % 3 11 1.10 % 0
Satchel TOP 30 % 1 4 26.67 % 1
Panzerfaust 0 75 0.00 % 0
Dynamite 0 2 4.55 % 0
Suicide 257
Team switch 14
Gravity 10
Crush 1
Hurt trigger 1
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
purple 56 79 0.71
crux 54 65 0.83
muchacho. 44 98 0.45
nelix 43 27 1.59
THE69EYES 37 55 0.67
Alexandra... 34 26 1.31
killbill 31 23 1.35
pewpewi 30 22 1.36
[!!!]sNoss'i 29 43 0.67
Psychopomp 27 11 2.45
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
muchacho. 98 44 0.45
purple 79 56 0.71
crux 65 54 0.83
S3ALL 59 22 0.37
THE69EYES 55 37 0.67
a domestic cat 52 27 0.52
[!!!]sNoss'i 43 29 0.67
jessi 43 10 0.23
fatcat 37 24 0.65