
VIP *E2F544E8
Server statistics
Rank TOP 7 % 760
Games TOP 4 % 2,231
K/D 0.65
Kills TOP 5 % 22,865
Deaths 35,433
Time TOP 4 % 21 days
Last seen 08.10.2022 19:32
Kill streak TOP 19 % 15
Death streak 19
K/G TOP 43 % 10.25
Headshots 22,884
Team kills 1,250
Team deaths 1,730
Revives TOP 1 % 20,214
Revived 8,448
Repairs TOP 14 % 9
Plants TOP 9 % 79
Defuses TOP 13 % 6
Health packs given TOP 1 % 10,303
Health packs taken 555
Ammo packs given TOP 18 % 172
Ammo packs taken 3,323
First blood TOP 12 % 26
First victim 54
Shoves TOP 7 % 880
Shoved 2,016
Axis TOP 2 % 7 days
Allies TOP 1 % 14 days
Soldier TOP 5 % 8 hours
Medic TOP 1 % 20 days
Engineer TOP 5 % 19 hours
FieldOp TOP 6 % 8 hours
CovertOp TOP 35 % 21 minutes
Battle sense TOP 1 % 133,263
Explosives and Construction TOP 6 % 7,166
First Aid TOP 0 % 200,718
Signals TOP 9 % 1,364
Light Weapons TOP 1 % 195,836
Heavy Weapons TOP 4 % 4,755
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 48 % 52
Ultra kills TOP 12 % 1
rfX Alexandra
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 1 % 12,365 8,289 25.91 % 11.09 %
MP 40 TOP 1 % 7,264 14,880 26.86 % 10.31 %
Grenade 1,435 1,981 19.67 % 84
Pineapple TOP 1 % 916 605 60
Stielhandgranate TOP 2 % 519 1,376 24
Colt TOP 3 % 338 361 28.73 % 9.27 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 2 % 193 191
Silenced Colt 0 3
Luger TOP 3 % 281 712 28.40 % 8.97 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 2 % 160 344
Silencer 0 3
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 6
Grenade launcher 266 2,072 38.00 % 19
M7 TOP 3 % 229 708 18
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 9 % 37 1,364 1
MG 42 TOP 2 % 136 494 11.42 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 7 % 34 410
Browning TOP 2 % 135 246 14.02 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 8 % 22 168
Machinegun TOP 2 % 132 134
Mortar TOP 2 % 119 506 23.06 % 3
Carbine TOP 4 % 108 362
Airstrike TOP 4 % 70 391 52.61 % 1
Panzerfaust TOP 5 % 43 976 65.00 % 9
Bazooka TOP 6 % 39 466 67.65 % 9
Landmine TOP 7 % 38 817 57.07 % 7
Karabiner 98k TOP 9 % 31 775
Artillery TOP 7 % 30 789 34.26 % 1
Knife TOP 6 % 20 41 TOP 45 % 4.46 % 0
Dynamite TOP 8 % 7 10 4.42 % 4
Gewehr 43 3 418 27.47 % 2.40 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 23 % 3 349
Garand 2 187 24.14 % 6.38 %
Scoped Garand TOP 27 % 2 146
Construction madness TOP 15 % 1 0 0
Airstrike marker TOP 40 % 1 0 0
MP 34 TOP 35 % 1 132 33.96 % 5.56 %
Sten 0 102 14.29 % 0.00 %
FG 42 0 118 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 7
Flamethrower 0 17 48.28 % 0
Water 0 1 0
Suicide 198
Team switch 101
Gravity 56
Crush 34
Hurt trigger 21
Explosive 3
Map rubble 1
Satchel 0 41 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 423 740 0.57
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 398 766 0.52
VELTINS 291 239 1.22
muchacho. 252 615 0.41
Major MAJOR 251 392 0.64
S3ALL 247 688 0.36
fishy' 235 518 0.45
mennen 225 442 0.51
BlAcKAnGeL 210 339 0.62
de luxe! 209 449 0.47
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 766 398 0.52
crux 740 423 0.57
S3ALL 688 247 0.36
muchacho. 615 252 0.41
fishy' 518 235 0.45
edshotmachine 451 86 0.19
de luxe! 449 209 0.47
[WombRaiders]BrodyPig 443 179 0.40
mennen 442 225 0.51
Tuima 433 203 0.47