
Server statistics
Rank TOP 13 % 1,614
Games TOP 21 % 328
K/D 0.66
Kills TOP 27 % 2,286
Deaths 3,451
Time TOP 22 % 59 hours
Last seen 23.04.2024 15:45
Kill streak 8
Death streak 16
K/G 6.97
Headshots 1,833
Team kills 87
Team deaths 161
Revives TOP 24 % 660
Revived 583
Repairs TOP 18 % 6
Plants TOP 16 % 35
Defuses TOP 10 % 8
Health packs given TOP 17 % 350
Health packs taken 459
Ammo packs given TOP 11 % 358
Ammo packs taken 166
First blood TOP 47 % 3
First victim 6
Shoves 10
Shoved 116
Axis TOP 8 % 20 hours
Allies TOP 5 % 39 hours
Soldier TOP 21 % 37 minutes
Medic TOP 8 % 25 hours
Engineer TOP 7 % 13 hours
FieldOp TOP 10 % 4 hours
CovertOp TOP 3 % 17 hours
Battle sense TOP 7 % 10,324
Explosives and Construction TOP 8 % 4,209
First Aid TOP 10 % 4,225
Signals TOP 10 % 1,301
Light Weapons TOP 8 % 10,616
Heavy Weapons TOP 19 % 231
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 5 % 4,524
Mega kills TOP 34 % 1
Hugo's cat's friend
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 7 % 677 720 28.24 % 9.43 %
MP 40 TOP 11 % 344 1,606 28.34 % 9.69 %
Grenade launcher 284 255 45.46 % 11
M7 TOP 3 % 211 77 6
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 7 % 73 178 5
Garand TOP 2 % 179 12 34.79 % TOP 48 % 9.26 %
Scoped Garand TOP 3 % 101 10
Gewehr 43 TOP 3 % 150 28 TOP 47 % 36.89 % TOP 28 % 10.97 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 3 % 89 23
Carbine TOP 3 % 146 35
Grenade 110 194 34.91 % 22
Pineapple TOP 7 % 65 59 14
Stielhandgranate TOP 10 % 45 135 8
Sten TOP 3 % 100 13 29.91 % 11.32 %
MP 34 TOP 4 % 56 9 32.64 % 11.05 %
Colt TOP 8 % 50 32 30.76 % 10.55 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 18 % 5 12
Silenced Colt TOP 24 % 2 0
Karabiner 98k TOP 8 % 38 51
Landmine TOP 7 % 35 89 65.19 % 1
Browning TOP 15 % 29 10 18.13 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 8 % 20 6
Luger TOP 13 % 28 55 31.89 % 13.16 %
Silencer TOP 4 % 10 2
Akimbo Luger 0 22
Artillery TOP 11 % 15 51 39.62 % 0
MG 42 TOP 21 % 11 35 15.55 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 17 % 5 22
Machinegun TOP 12 % 9 4
Airstrike TOP 17 % 7 26 51.85 % 0
Knife TOP 17 % 5 11 6.77 % 0
FG 42 TOP 16 % 5 14 29.76 % 5.33 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 16 % 2 0
Satchel TOP 13 % 3 1 7.41 % 17
Panzerfaust TOP 17 % 2 103 33.33 % 0
Bazooka TOP 18 % 2 48 0.00 % 0
Dynamite TOP 37 % 1 2 4.69 % 0
Flamethrower 0 2 0.00 % 0
Suicide 123
Gravity 6
Hurt trigger 2
Team switch 2
Construction madness 0 0 1
Mortar 0 36 0.00 % 0
Shove 0 1 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
ExploreR 67 89 0.75
k!mbO_o 59 107 0.55
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 49 114 0.43
LOL 41 74 0.55
Bongoo!!! 31 25 1.24
BuLZaaR'' 30 33 0.91
muchacho. 25 50 0.50
BURPS! 23 17 1.35
purple 23 31 0.74
*Bat* 22 17 1.29
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 114 49 0.43
k!mbO_o 107 59 0.55
ExploreR 89 67 0.75
LOL 74 41 0.55
edshotmachine 55 13 0.24
h y p e r l oo p 52 14 0.27
muchacho. 50 25 0.50
nightmAre 49 13 0.27
fishy' 43 18 0.42
:>! 41 14 0.34