Server statistics
Rank | TOP 2 % 120 |
Games | TOP 15 % 501 |
K/D | TOP 40 % 0.92 |
Kills | TOP 18 % 4,527 |
Deaths | 4,911 |
Time | TOP 17 % 86 hours |
Last seen | 06.01.2025 13:36 |
Kill streak | TOP 2 % 28 |
Death streak | 13 |
K/G | 9.04 |
Headshots | 4,966 |
Team kills | 187 |
Team deaths | 196 |
Revives | TOP 14 % 1,398 |
Revived | 893 |
Repairs | TOP 11 % 11 |
Plants | TOP 23 % 19 |
Defuses | TOP 38 % 1 |
Health packs given | TOP 5 % 1,843 |
Health packs taken | 992 |
Ammo packs given | TOP 30 % 56 |
Ammo packs taken | 545 |
First blood | TOP 13 % 26 |
First victim | 17 |
Shoves | TOP 12 % 467 |
Shoved | 443 |
Axis | TOP 6 % 33 hours |
Allies | TOP 4 % 53 hours |
Soldier | TOP 12 % 102 minutes |
Medic | TOP 4 % 72 hours |
Engineer | TOP 18 % 2 hours |
FieldOp | TOP 15 % 2 hours |
CovertOp | TOP 6 % 7 hours |
Battle sense | TOP 4 % 20,783 |
Explosives and Construction | TOP 23 % 577 |
First Aid | TOP 5 % 11,462 |
Signals | TOP 33 % 131 |
Light Weapons | TOP 6 % 23,313 |
Heavy Weapons | TOP 14 % 468 |
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons | TOP 10 % 1,346 |
ZzZ |
??? Power |
sensivity test |
Inaccurate |
Should i play seriously? |
Leaiyan |
t3ST |
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Yajirobe |
enemy FRAGGED |
___ |
Amateur |
Crumbled Cookie |
Visual Instincts. |
Gaymer |
Low IQ Gaming |
Aimless |
N00b3st |
Zeta* |
... |
Test |
Joel Miller |
Full Power |
Richard 'Dick' Johnson |
O_o |
O-o |
High sens = aimbot |
TryAgainNewCoinNeeded |
BeHardista |
De-Sync |
turkish cheater |
SensitivityWayTooLow |
mommY |
80.Robot20.Human |
The Bad Touch |
Slow Reaction Times |
Petrol Dollars |
Smoothskin |
Missing Link |
Professional Player |
CG_FOV ? |
50bulletsperminute |
I'm The Worst Player |
Just Testing |
Noob testing |
Ruined Mousepad |
Stoned |
TheWitcher2Download |
225 degree one mouse swipe |
CG_FOV Test |
MyTeamGotAProPlayer |
Slow And Shaky |
Hasta La Vista, Baby! |
OnceIWas7YearsOld |
Pacs In Advance FFS |
Coward IFSK Player |
Brainless |
Quantum Dot |
Nice One M8 |
Noob |
Grimes |
Where did you hide at? |
Shake that booty |
Twitch.tv/Z3t487 |
Pacifist |
Geralt of... |
Innocurate |
Aimbot OFF |
deez nutz ez |
bodyshotmachine |
Power Level: 26 |
SANCHEZ the toxic moron |
Fidget Spinner |
333 FPS Test |
Bad Aimer |
Zot |
the enemy is weakened |
s1mple |
I Took The R.E.D. Chill Pill |
x16 |
BananaIsWeakened |
Z.K10 |
HOW?! |
Kredi is my God |
FasterThanLight |
CG_Aimbot 0 |
384 |
Nothing |
WeNeedMoreHidingRats |
60 Hz Test |
Shit Inet is ideal to get rekt |
Zetaje |
axis spy |
Faster Than Light |
Person Of Color |
Wake Me Up When WW3 Is Over |
SANCHEZanddaddYLowIQWarning |
Zulu |
Time is on my side, yes, it is! |
Spec |
Aimsox |
120 Hz |
Slow Reflexes |
2000 power level |
Humanized Aimbotter |
Do obj or gtfo |
fake mAus |
fake teammate |
Lag test |
TheWitcher2 |
TheWhinerOfBlaviken |
CJ from San Andreas |
RI took the red chill pill |
Butchji.cfg |
TestingButchji.cfg |
OnTheVergeOFRAGE |
I'm Already Dead? |
ThisSensitivityIsForLows |
Aimbot.net |
Aim Assist: On |
Jorma on the flee |
Why So Serious? |
Aimbot ON/OFF |
I'm The Smartest Cheater |
Ch34t3r |
AimSpastic-NewBorn |
NiceAimbotsOnETLegacy |
Legacy Noob Friendly |
Yajirobe1x |
7FFF |
Furiza |
I'm Black |
admin trash campers in spawn |
(BOT)Pete uses humanized aimbot |
Weapon statistics
Weapon | Kills | Headshot acc. | Suicides |
Thompson | TOP 3 % 2,311 | TOP 47 % 12.17 % | |
MP 40 | TOP 5 % 1,387 | 12.26 % | |
MP 34 | TOP 1 % 232 | TOP 40 % 15.66 % | |
Grenade | 130 | 23 | |
Colt | TOP 4 % 123 | 10.78 % | |
Sten | TOP 3 % 100 | 13.47 % | |
Luger | TOP 5 % 81 | 10.21 % | |
Bazooka | TOP 6 % 40 | 8 | |
Knife | TOP 13 % 23 | 0 | |
Garand | TOP 38 % 16 | 8.89 % | |
MG 42 | TOP 19 % 12 | 0.00 % | |
Panzerfaust | TOP 10 % 11 | 2 | |
Browning | TOP 28 % 10 | 0.00 % | |
Machinegun | TOP 13 % 8 | ||
Grenade launcher | 8 | 1 | |
Airstrike | TOP 18 % 6 | 0 | |
Karabiner 98k | TOP 20 % 6 | 9.09 % | |
Gewehr 43 | TOP 27 % 6 | 17.07 % | |
Artillery | TOP 21 % 4 | 1 | |
Carbine | TOP 23 % 4 | 6.67 % | |
Satchel | TOP 11 % 4 | 8 | |
FG 42 | TOP 25 % 2 | 6.58 % | |
Flamethrower | TOP 33 % 1 | 0 | |
Dynamite | TOP 37 % 1 | 1 | |
Landmine | TOP 35 % 1 | 0 | |
Suicide | 216 | ||
Target laser | 0 | 0 | |
Construction madness | 0 | 0 | |
Mortar | 0 | 0 | |
Shove | 0 | 0 |
Worst enemies
Player | Deaths | Kills | K/D |
crux | 175 | 112 | 0.64 |
AnGaraT | 107 | 76 | 0.71 |
trolololo | 100 | 79 | 0.79 |
h y p e r l oo p | 88 | 38 | 0.43 |
aCid. | 82 | 69 | 0.84 |
THE69EYES | 77 | 63 | 0.82 |
Gnat:> | 67 | 30 | 0.45 |
daddY | 66 | 48 | 0.73 |
PLAYBOY VARDASCA | 62 | 30 | 0.48 |
cruisectrl | 60 | 16 | 0.27 |