'xD p4re,

Donator *A84BBE31

This player has been banned.

Global statistics
Games TOP 30 % 262
K/D TOP 29 % 1.07
Kills TOP 27 % 3,156
Deaths 2,942
Time TOP 31 % 46 hours
Last seen 26.05.2021 16:54
Kill streak TOP 28 % 13
Death streak 9
K/G TOP 33 % 12.05
Headshots 1,935
Team kills 205
Team deaths 208
Revives TOP 31 % 558
Revived 688
Repairs TOP 22 % 2
Plants TOP 26 % 20
Defuses TOP 15 % 5
Health packs given TOP 20 % 263
Health packs taken 381
Ammo packs given TOP 41 % 19
Ammo packs taken 157
First blood TOP 31 % 8
First victim 11
Shoves TOP 18 % 345
Shoved 223
Axis TOP 9 % 24 hours
Allies TOP 9 % 22 hours
Soldier TOP 19 % 46 minutes
Medic TOP 11 % 21 hours
Engineer TOP 5 % 21 hours
FieldOp TOP 21 % 84 minutes
CovertOp TOP 17 % 85 minutes
Battle sense TOP 9 % 9,448
Explosives and Construction TOP 7 % 7,387
First Aid TOP 12 % 3,949
Signals TOP 36 % 116
Light Weapons TOP 9 % 14,241
Heavy Weapons TOP 10 % 839
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 29 % 198
Mega kills TOP 35 % 1
'xD p4re,
p4re @noskill
--- p4re
p4re @highsens
birthday p4re
p4re @aimless
p4re @skilless
p4re @ganjagoggles
GPRO p4re
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 9 % 800 908 35.97 % 16.03 %
Grenade launcher 738 196 TOP 13 % 58.12 % 20
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 3 % 393 89 12
M7 TOP 3 % 345 107 8
Thompson TOP 10 % 584 1,033 34.07 % 15.23 %
Grenade 323 210 40.91 % 51
Stielhandgranate TOP 5 % 180 103 31
Pineapple TOP 5 % 143 107 20
Karabiner 98k TOP 3 % 242 23
Carbine TOP 4 % 139 52
MG 42 TOP 4 % 50 28 22.47 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 18
Luger TOP 12 % 45 36 34.83 % 17.22 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 12 % 17 7
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 1
Colt TOP 9 % 45 35 31.47 % 15.02 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 18 % 6 17
Silenced Colt 0 1
Landmine TOP 7 % 44 47 60.61 % 5
Sten TOP 9 % 25 17 37.58 % 17.41 %
Machinegun TOP 7 % 24 3
Browning TOP 9 % 21 19 14.47 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 13
Bazooka TOP 9 % 18 37 118.18 % 0
Gewehr 43 TOP 16 % 16 19 TOP 43 % 36.78 % TOP 7 % 13.64 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 13 % 11 13
Panzerfaust TOP 10 % 11 54 93.33 % 1
Artillery TOP 17 % 7 66 25.00 % 0
Knife TOP 16 % 6 8 2.20 % 0
Airstrike TOP 18 % 6 41 40.74 % 0
MP 34 TOP 19 % 5 5 33.08 % 16.28 %
Garand TOP 38 % 3 38 36.08 % 8.20 %
Scoped Garand TOP 28 % 2 35
Flamethrower TOP 17 % 3 1 73.73 % 1
Dynamite TOP 38 % 1 0 2.17 % 0
FG 42 0 20 19.05 % 25.00 %
Suicide 41
Team switch 35
Gravity 8
Hurt trigger 4
Crush 2
Explosive 1
Satchel 0 1 9.09 % 0
Construction madness 0 0 0
Mortar 0 30 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
Lee Dong John 70 91 0.77
Specht. 66 38 1.74
oink 64 41 1.56
medvetalp 59 95 0.62
MARSHALL 56 106 0.53
hunter 53 57 0.93
crux 47 30 1.57
uGc'powi 45 40 1.13
Ulven 44 20 2.20
GJIRO 42 43 0.98
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
MARSHALL 106 56 0.53
medvetalp 95 59 0.62
Lee Dong John 91 70 0.77
ice&sun 68 37 0.54
JosetTe 65 34 0.52
hunter 57 53 0.93
GJIRO 43 42 0.98
GYMSHARK:: Paulm8 :-) 42 8 0.19
oink 41 64 1.56
*Ban* 41 28 0.68