
Regular *2594AEF1
Global statistics
Rank TOP 1 % 136
Games TOP 2 % 5,094
K/D TOP 37 % 0.97
Kills TOP 3 % 48,133
Deaths 49,730
Time TOP 2 % 42 days
Last seen 17.06.2024 17:12
Kill streak TOP 7 % 21
Death streak 17
K/G TOP 49 % 9.45
Headshots 46,062
Team kills 2,287
Team deaths 2,002
Revives TOP 2 % 12,220
Revived 9,411
Repairs TOP 9 % 9
Plants TOP 29 % 16
Defuses TOP 15 % 5
Health packs given TOP 1 % 8,041
Health packs taken 1,027
Ammo packs given TOP 4 % 1,596
Ammo packs taken 7,087
First blood TOP 6 % 80
First victim 80
Shoves TOP 4 % 1,890
Shoved 3,209
Axis TOP 0 % 39 days
Allies TOP 5 % 62 hours
Soldier TOP 17 % 57 minutes
Medic TOP 0 % 40 days
Engineer TOP 5 % 20 hours
FieldOp TOP 4 % 21 hours
CovertOp TOP 16 % 91 minutes
Battle sense TOP 1 % 227,446
Explosives and Construction TOP 9 % 4,118
First Aid TOP 1 % 81,560
Signals TOP 5 % 4,901
Light Weapons TOP 1 % 284,483
Heavy Weapons TOP 18 % 300
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 24 % 314
Mega kills TOP 10 % 6
Monster kills TOP 3 % 1
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 0 % 40,736 4,351 28.77 % 9.46 %
Thompson TOP 4 % 2,732 29,191 27.09 % 10.09 %
Grenade 2,670 2,677 TOP 28 % 39.85 % 177
Stielhandgranate TOP 0 % 2,567 179 168
Pineapple TOP 7 % 103 2,498 9
Luger TOP 1 % 959 114 25.67 % 7.96 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 2 % 196 48
Silencer 0 3
Grenade launcher 466 3,675 TOP 29 % 54.03 % 23
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 3 % 351 220 16
M7 TOP 6 % 115 3,455 7
Landmine TOP 3 % 150 365 52.76 % 9
Karabiner 98k TOP 6 % 79 108 23.48 % 7.06 %
Airstrike TOP 4 % 74 503 TOP 30 % 86.05 % 0
Browning TOP 5 % 49 612 18.19 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 437
Knife TOP 3 % 45 76 TOP 8 % 11.61 % 0
Back stab TOP 20 % 3 14 0
Colt TOP 10 % 40 1,317 26.44 % 3.64 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 25 % 3 560
Silenced Colt 0 16
Akimbo Silenced Colt 0 8
Artillery TOP 8 % 34 467 36.29 % 0
Gewehr 43 TOP 12 % 31 50 26.73 % 6.56 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 8 % 23 32
Carbine TOP 12 % 22 1,303 44.44 % 0.00 %
MP 34 TOP 12 % 14 43 32.13 % 5.85 %
Panzerfaust TOP 10 % 12 105 60.00 % 1
MG 42 TOP 23 % 6 118 17.53 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 31
Bazooka TOP 17 % 3 2,132 53.85 % 0
Sten TOP 30 % 2 514 50.00 % 0.00 %
FG 42 TOP 20 % 2 347 20.00 % 9.09 %
Scoped FG 42 0 21
Garand 1 828 25.82 % 4.76 %
Scoped Garand TOP 35 % 1 654
Flamethrower TOP 34 % 1 13 44.83 % 0
Dynamite TOP 38 % 1 13 2.00 % 0
Satchel TOP 30 % 1 26 25.00 % 0
Airstrike marker TOP 40 % 1 0 0
Shove 1 4 0
Machinegun 0 165
Suicide 6,889
Team switch 141
Gravity 38
Hurt trigger 16
Crush 7
Kicked 0
Construction madness 0 0 0
Mortar 0 552 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 642 858 0.75
*Bat* 619 454 1.36
PAAVO 448 510 0.88
oink 431 348 1.24
k!mbO_o 424 496 0.85
THE69EYES 421 482 0.87
Major MAJOR 417 463 0.90
-proZac-> 415 164 2.53
page 404 464 0.87
mennen 400 594 0.67
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 858 642 0.75
muchacho. 822 355 0.43
QpaQ 703 344 0.49
Lee Dong John 640 319 0.50
S3ALL 634 295 0.47
mennen 594 400 0.67
t!lt 567 311 0.55
PAAVO 510 448 0.88
fishy' 508 320 0.63
de luxe 508 321 0.63