
Server statistics
Rank TOP 5 % 439
Games TOP 15 % 497
K/D TOP 16 % 1.29
Kills TOP 10 % 9,798
Deaths 7,617
Time TOP 14 % 108 hours
Last seen 28.01.2024 00:55
Kill streak TOP 16 % 16
Death streak 21
K/G TOP 6 % 19.71
Headshots 11,582
Team kills 231
Team deaths 462
Revives TOP 9 % 2,490
Revived 1,773
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 22 % 21
Defuses TOP 11 % 7
Health packs given TOP 18 % 317
Health packs taken 456
Ammo packs given TOP 24 % 92
Ammo packs taken 517
First blood TOP 15 % 20
First victim 23
Shoves TOP 17 % 276
Shoved 351
Axis TOP 5 % 47 hours
Allies TOP 4 % 61 hours
Soldier TOP 5 % 7 hours
Medic TOP 4 % 84 hours
Engineer TOP 9 % 7 hours
FieldOp TOP 12 % 3 hours
CovertOp TOP 6 % 6 hours
Battle sense TOP 3 % 28,402
Explosives and Construction TOP 11 % 2,654
First Aid TOP 3 % 18,614
Signals TOP 12 % 867
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 64,431
Heavy Weapons TOP 6 % 2,290
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 10 % 1,265
Mega kills TOP 5 % 12
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 2 % 4,751 1,885 TOP 19 % 40.20 % TOP 15 % 14.86 %
MP 40 TOP 3 % 3,052 3,049 TOP 20 % 40.88 % TOP 10 % 15.11 %
Colt TOP 1 % 364 95 TOP 6 % 48.29 % TOP 27 % 12.75 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 4 % 66 43
Silenced Colt TOP 2 % 16 0
Akimbo Silenced Colt 0 1
Luger TOP 2 % 271 88 TOP 13 % 45.30 % TOP 21 % 12.47 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 6 % 41 29
Silencer TOP 20 % 2 1
Grenade 168 402 29.32 % 9
Stielhandgranate TOP 7 % 85 274 4
Pineapple TOP 6 % 83 128 5
Grenade launcher 165 473 44.63 % 2
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 5 % 103 296 1
M7 TOP 7 % 62 177 1
MG 42 TOP 13 % 128 80 TOP 7 % 26.03 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 4 % 117 64
Bazooka TOP 3 % 117 113 TOP 25 % 93.83 % 11
MP 34 TOP 3 % 108 67 TOP 47 % 39.02 % TOP 15 % 18.32 %
Sten TOP 3 % 101 51 TOP 27 % 41.98 % TOP 9 % 19.98 %
Airstrike TOP 3 % 92 110 TOP 4 % 123.03 % 1
Karabiner 98k TOP 5 % 79 161 45.58 % 10.00 %
Panzerfaust TOP 4 % 77 271 TOP 47 % 90.52 % 11
Gewehr 43 TOP 4 % 72 70 41.34 % 8.03 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 6 % 35 58
Browning TOP 15 % 61 40 TOP 13 % 24.46 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 5 % 52 20
Carbine TOP 7 % 53 80 35.29 % 16.67 %
Garand TOP 7 % 47 40 45.43 % 9.03 %
Scoped Garand TOP 6 % 32 35
FG 42 TOP 6 % 22 67 41.13 % 9.05 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 16 % 2 2
Artillery TOP 9 % 20 162 79.55 % 0
Landmine TOP 11 % 15 131 35.23 % 4
Machinegun TOP 9 % 14 56
Knife TOP 17 % 10 13 4.62 % 0
Back stab TOP 13 % 5 5 0
Mortar TOP 8 % 5 78 33.33 % 2
Satchel TOP 11 % 4 4 15.15 % 0
Dynamite TOP 21 % 2 3 4.35 % 1
Flamethrower 0 4 0.00 % 0
Suicide 214
Team switch 133
Gravity 14
Hurt trigger 6
Crush 4
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
Warp 233 197 1.18
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 206 238 0.87
,`/ 175 140 1.25
crux 161 152 1.06
Stryczek 154 54 2.85
jOS 150 224 0.67
aCid. 149 165 0.90
Major MAJOR 134 103 1.30
hYYzzz 120 98 1.22
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 238 206 0.87
jOS 224 150 0.67
Warp 197 233 1.18
aCid. 165 149 0.90
Monty on the Run 153 114 0.75
crux 152 161 1.06
h y p e r l oo p 141 112 0.79
,`/ 140 175 1.25
muchacho. 112 99 0.88