
Server statistics
Rank TOP 1 % 72
Games TOP 2 % 3,969
K/D TOP 37 % 0.98
Kills TOP 2 % 60,521
Deaths 61,542
Time TOP 2 % 33 days
Last seen 18.09.2024 21:37
Kill streak TOP 4 % 24
Death streak 17
K/G TOP 17 % 15.25
Headshots 40,579
Team kills 4,466
Team deaths 3,822
Revives TOP 2 % 10,695
Revived 11,572
Repairs TOP 17 % 4
Plants TOP 4 % 211
Defuses TOP 5 % 23
Health packs given TOP 2 % 4,762
Health packs taken 8,189
Ammo packs given TOP 6 % 832
Ammo packs taken 4,393
First blood TOP 1 % 472
First victim 339
Shoves TOP 0 % 10,430
Shoved 4,105
Axis TOP 1 % 21 days
Allies TOP 1 % 13 days
Soldier TOP 1 % 105 hours
Medic TOP 1 % 15 days
Engineer TOP 1 % 10 days
FieldOp TOP 1 % 95 hours
CovertOp TOP 7 % 6 hours
Battle sense TOP 1 % 100,883
Explosives and Construction TOP 1 % 72,518
First Aid TOP 1 % 91,577
Signals TOP 1 % 21,752
Light Weapons TOP 1 % 261,475
Heavy Weapons TOP 1 % 32,206
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 10 % 1,331
Mega kills TOP 1 % 75
Ultra kills TOP 0 % 21
Monster kills TOP 1 % 3
Ludicrous kills TOP 1 % 1
Mischievous Cracker
Michael Moore
Enter the Void
Attack is postponed
They will attack in June.
49 days until the attack
44 days until the attack
33 days until the attack
22 days until the attack
54 days until the attack
Martin Wiesengrun
41 days until the attack
38 days until the attack
37 days until the attack
32 days until the attack
29 days until the attack
17 days until the attack
60 days until the attack..
53 days until the attack
46 days until the attack
45 days until the attack
31 days until the attack
7 days until the attack
42 days until the attack
40 days until the attack
36 days until the attack
3 weeks until the attack
18 days until the attack
1 day until the attack
59 days until the attack
52 days until the attack
50 days until the attack
43 days until the attack
35 days until the attack
34 days until the attack
5 days until the attack
48 days until the attack
30 days until the attack
26 days until the attack
6 days until the attack
58 days until the attack
4 days until the attack
55 days until the attack
28 days until the attack
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 1 % 18,366 16,956 35.54 % TOP 12 % 14.58 %
Grenade launcher 10,259 3,717 TOP 24 % 54.52 % 406
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 0 % 5,820 1,458 190
M7 TOP 0 % 4,439 2,259 216
Thompson TOP 1 % 8,697 23,423 34.44 % TOP 13 % 15.05 %
Grenade 6,746 3,350 TOP 8 % 46.61 % 486
Stielhandgranate TOP 0 % 3,911 1,476 287
Pineapple TOP 0 % 2,835 1,874 199
Panzerfaust TOP 0 % 3,625 938 87.88 % 389
Bazooka TOP 0 % 2,918 1,307 TOP 44 % 84.55 % 296
Karabiner 98k TOP 0 % 2,614 905 TOP 41 % 35.67 % TOP 20 % 9.07 %
Carbine TOP 1 % 1,771 1,285 TOP 32 % 36.57 % TOP 12 % 10.30 %
Airstrike TOP 0 % 1,671 706 TOP 15 % 100.37 % 23
Artillery TOP 0 % 1,563 1,450 TOP 10 % 82.46 % 91
Luger TOP 1 % 764 580 TOP 41 % 39.10 % TOP 8 % 14.06 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 2 % 242 191
Silencer TOP 42 % 1 4
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 5
Landmine TOP 1 % 563 760 TOP 2 % 67.48 % 25
Colt TOP 1 % 501 867 TOP 47 % 38.44 % TOP 13 % 14.18 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 4 % 77 288
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 19 % 2 18
Silenced Colt TOP 46 % 1 18
Sten TOP 3 % 112 520 TOP 37 % 39.52 % TOP 18 % 17.94 %
MG 42 TOP 3 % 82 697 TOP 44 % 18.55 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 11 % 16 562
Browning TOP 10 % 66 501 14.74 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 5 % 49 405
Knife TOP 3 % 59 96 1.87 % 0
Back stab TOP 5 % 16 30 0
Machinegun TOP 6 % 26 391
Shove TOP 1 % 25 13 0
Garand TOP 11 % 17 880 34.85 % 8.57 %
Scoped Garand TOP 16 % 8 648
Dynamite TOP 4 % 16 17 3.70 % 20
MP 34 TOP 11 % 16 280 39.94 % 20.34 %
Gewehr 43 TOP 27 % 11 273 35.31 % 8.11 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 15 % 9 218
FG 42 TOP 9 % 10 706 37.50 % 10.53 %
Scoped FG 42 0 35
Mortar TOP 7 % 9 586 52.17 % 1
Flamethrower TOP 8 % 8 42 44.21 % 1
Satchel TOP 19 % 2 33 10.71 % 4
Construction madness TOP 16 % 1 1 1
Rubble TOP 19 % 1 1 0
Airstrike marker TOP 41 % 1 2 2
Unknown 0 2 0
Water 0 5 0
Suicide 15,033
Team switch 175
Gravity 132
Hurt trigger 79
Crush 33
Map rubble 3
Kicked 2
Target laser 0 3 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
Warp 1454 1548 0.94
aCid. 1041 1544 0.67
VELTINS 955 514 1.86
crux 704 847 0.83
Major MAJOR 690 690 1.00
PAAVO 689 687 1.00
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 663 934 0.71
DarkTrooper 602 682 0.88
Jocke_med_kniven 601 183 3.28
TeD 583 416 1.40
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
Warp 1548 1454 0.94
aCid. 1544 1041 0.67
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 934 663 0.71
jOS 888 577 0.65
S3ALL 878 506 0.58
crux 847 704 0.83
mennen 817 535 0.65
Major MAJOR 690 690 1.00
PAAVO 687 689 1.00
DarkTrooper 682 602 0.88