
VIP *B2946511
Server statistics
Rank TOP 3 % 157
Games TOP 3 % 3,155
K/D TOP 6 % 1.65
Kills TOP 1 % 73,153
Deaths 44,339
Time TOP 3 % 28 days
Last seen 22.05.2024 17:42
Kill streak TOP 0 % 52
Death streak 11
K/G TOP 2 % 23.19
Headshots 79,049
Team kills 3,672
Team deaths 2,455
Revives TOP 2 % 13,724
Revived 7,934
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 6 % 129
Defuses TOP 5 % 18
Health packs given TOP 3 % 3,012
Health packs taken 2,837
Ammo packs given TOP 3 % 2,075
Ammo packs taken 2,918
First blood TOP 1 % 324
First victim 250
Shoves TOP 2 % 2,908
Shoved 2,504
Axis TOP 1 % 11 days
Allies TOP 1 % 18 days
Soldier TOP 4 % 11 hours
Medic TOP 0 % 23 days
Engineer TOP 4 % 25 hours
FieldOp TOP 1 % 67 hours
CovertOp TOP 4 % 11 hours
Battle sense TOP 1 % 202,029
Explosives and Construction TOP 4 % 11,178
First Aid TOP 1 % 101,769
Signals TOP 1 % 27,013
Light Weapons TOP 0 % 489,016
Heavy Weapons TOP 2 % 8,590
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 5 % 4,520
Mega kills TOP 1 % 82
Ultra kills TOP 1 % 15
Monster kills TOP 0 % 4
Kredenc Hohoho
Kredenc <3
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Kredenc PFBitches
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Kredenc KoKoKo
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Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 0 % 35,026 11,099 TOP 15 % 40.88 % TOP 20 % 14.31 %
MP 40 TOP 0 % 24,752 18,668 TOP 15 % 42.07 % TOP 19 % 13.93 %
Grenade 4,046 2,369 TOP 15 % 42.11 % 118
Pineapple TOP 0 % 2,775 779 92
Stielhandgranate TOP 1 % 1,271 1,590 26
Colt TOP 1 % 1,698 353 TOP 19 % 44.43 % TOP 12 % 14.45 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 0 % 1,030 142
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 2 % 26 1
Silenced Colt TOP 2 % 23 6
Airstrike TOP 0 % 1,381 469 TOP 7 % 110.67 % 8
Artillery TOP 1 % 1,170 612 TOP 16 % 78.14 % 16
Luger TOP 1 % 954 623 TOP 21 % 43.20 % TOP 16 % 13.05 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 1 % 566 256
Silencer TOP 7 % 6 4
Akimbo Silenced Luger TOP 7 % 6 2
Grenade launcher 794 2,918 TOP 13 % 57.13 % 12
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 2 % 402 1,807 5
M7 TOP 2 % 392 1,111 7
Carbine TOP 1 % 470 540 TOP 4 % 47.73 % TOP 4 % 11.09 %
Karabiner 98k TOP 2 % 456 942 TOP 9 % 43.78 % TOP 9 % 10.10 %
Machinegun TOP 1 % 413 210
FG 42 TOP 1 % 370 416 TOP 10 % 41.66 % TOP 12 % 12.70 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 16 % 2 10
MG 42 TOP 1 % 353 540 TOP 9 % 25.78 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 2 % 217 463
Panzerfaust TOP 2 % 290 1,212 TOP 23 % 101.41 % 27
Sten TOP 2 % 212 308 TOP 15 % 45.17 % TOP 25 % 17.21 %
Bazooka TOP 2 % 197 702 TOP 6 % 107.20 % 16
Browning TOP 4 % 155 198 TOP 23 % 21.93 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 3 % 101 124
Landmine TOP 3 % 140 645 TOP 38 % 56.16 % 4
MP 34 TOP 2 % 133 241 TOP 17 % 45.33 % TOP 35 % 15.84 %
Knife TOP 2 % 111 62 2.55 % 0
Back stab TOP 2 % 47 25 0
Satchel TOP 4 % 17 23 TOP 45 % 22.22 % 0
Dynamite TOP 9 % 6 16 4.59 % 1
Shove TOP 12 % 5 10 0
Garand TOP 38 % 3 368 TOP 40 % 40.36 % 8.95 %
Scoped Garand TOP 27 % 2 258
Construction madness TOP 15 % 1 1 1
Flamethrower 0 45 0.00 % 0
Suicide 2,562
Team switch 172
Gravity 66
Crush 31
Hurt trigger 23
Target laser 0 24 0
Gewehr 43 0 302 TOP 45 % 38.30 % TOP 44 % 9.17 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 215
Mortar 0 302 0.00 % 0
Airstrike marker 0 1 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 2038 1449 1.41
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 1206 907 1.33
Major MAJOR 832 412 2.02
ExploreR 831 383 2.17
DarkTrooper 807 446 1.81
buster* 788 541 1.46
Specht.. 709 316 2.24
Bongoo!!! 708 410 1.73
ERYThR0P0iETiN 688 194 3.55
Warp 683 458 1.49
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 1449 2038 1.41
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 907 1206 1.33
S3ALL 751 646 0.86
///LAINE 562 404 0.72
hunter 543 632 1.16
buster* 541 788 1.46
aCid. 464 594 1.28
Warp 458 683 1.49
Monty on the Run 451 510 1.13
edshotmachine 450 381 0.85