
Server statistics
Rank TOP 14 % 1,817
Games TOP 11 % 719
K/D 0.59
Kills TOP 20 % 4,176
Deaths 7,035
Time TOP 13 % 119 hours
Last seen 07.06.2022 20:21
Kill streak TOP 9 % 19
Death streak 20
K/G 5.81
Headshots 4,702
Team kills 487
Team deaths 351
Revives TOP 16 % 1,238
Revived 1,896
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 16 % 34
Defuses TOP 21 % 3
Health packs given TOP 8 % 1,032
Health packs taken 789
Ammo packs given TOP 7 % 733
Ammo packs taken 510
First blood TOP 18 % 15
First victim 24
Shoves TOP 10 % 600
Shoved 520
Axis TOP 8 % 24 hours
Allies TOP 3 % 95 hours
Soldier TOP 4 % 11 hours
Medic TOP 4 % 65 hours
Engineer TOP 7 % 13 hours
FieldOp TOP 4 % 13 hours
CovertOp TOP 3 % 16 hours
Battle sense TOP 5 % 19,628
Explosives and Construction TOP 9 % 3,443
First Aid TOP 6 % 9,093
Signals TOP 6 % 3,044
Light Weapons TOP 5 % 24,127
Heavy Weapons TOP 5 % 2,357
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 6 % 3,050
Narkoman wole?
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 3 % 2,193 1,152 27.04 % TOP 30 % 13.50 %
MP 40 TOP 8 % 658 3,707 28.71 % 12.70 %
Browning TOP 6 % 157 25 14.20 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 2 % 124 17
Garand TOP 3 % 153 35 32.82 % TOP 10 % 15.33 %
Scoped Garand TOP 3 % 91 27
Grenade 123 302 14.42 % 21
Pineapple TOP 5 % 100 69 17
Stielhandgranate TOP 15 % 23 233 4
Colt TOP 5 % 119 41 23.85 % TOP 41 % 11.64 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 8 % 23 19
Silenced Colt TOP 3 % 13 0
Bazooka TOP 3 % 110 51 61.54 % 7
Sten TOP 4 % 80 19 30.67 % TOP 45 % 15.14 %
Grenade launcher 72 336 31.96 % 1
M7 TOP 9 % 40 77 0
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 10 % 32 259 1
Landmine TOP 5 % 71 132 39.95 % 13
Artillery TOP 4 % 69 231 36.25 % 2
FG 42 TOP 3 % 67 44 22.92 % TOP 49 % 9.19 %
Scoped FG 42 0 2
MG 42 TOP 7 % 51 99 15.28 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 9 % 23 85
MP 34 TOP 6 % 38 44 32.09 % 16.55 %
Mortar TOP 4 % 36 65 12.63 % 2
Panzerfaust TOP 6 % 34 189 67.86 % 3
Carbine TOP 10 % 27 45
Karabiner 98k TOP 11 % 24 131
Airstrike TOP 8 % 23 91 46.94 % 1
Luger TOP 12 % 22 142 26.01 % 9.43 %
Silencer TOP 20 % 2 1
Akimbo Luger 0 62
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 2
Satchel TOP 4 % 19 3 TOP 41 % 22.97 % 1
Machinegun TOP 9 % 13 42
Gewehr 43 TOP 11 % 12 71 22.25 % 8.62 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 21 % 4 61
Knife TOP 17 % 5 18 0.96 % 0
Flamethrower 0 7 187.50 % 0
Dynamite 0 2 0.00 % 3
Water 0 2 0
Suicide 461
Team switch 72
Gravity 3
Hurt trigger 3
Crush 2
Kicked 1
Construction madness 0 0 1
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 104 186 0.56
VELTINS 89 50 1.78
Specht. 87 87 1.00
Major MAJOR 65 72 0.90
fishy' 64 127 0.50
Ruediger 62 58 1.07
GJIRO 59 68 0.87
BlAcKAnGeL 56 88 0.64
oink 55 45 1.22
simpsonr 54 104 0.52
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 186 104 0.56
fishy' 127 64 0.50
Slash:) 121 46 0.38
muchacho. 114 24 0.21
simpsonr 104 54 0.52
buster* 101 42 0.42
HIII 99 30 0.30
de luxe! 91 42 0.46
Monty on the Run 90 41 0.46
BlAcKAnGeL 88 56 0.64