
Regular *789463EA
Server statistics
Rank TOP 2 % 45
Games TOP 0 % 11,935
K/D TOP 24 % 1.16
Kills TOP 1 % 102,448
Deaths 88,697
Time TOP 0 % 111 days
Last seen 14.02.2025 20:31
Kill streak TOP 8 % 20
Death streak 49
K/G 8.58
Headshots 105,961
Team kills 7,423
Team deaths 4,611
Revives TOP 0 % 43,915
Revived 16,075
Repairs TOP 1 % 250
Plants TOP 42 % 6
Defuses TOP 10 % 8
Health packs given TOP 0 % 24,691
Health packs taken 6,046
Ammo packs given TOP 23 % 108
Ammo packs taken 21,800
First blood TOP 7 % 52
First victim 90
Shoves TOP 1 % 7,509
Shoved 7,919
Axis TOP 0 % 110 days
Allies TOP 7 % 28 hours
Soldier TOP 33 % 16 minutes
Medic TOP 0 % 99 days
Engineer TOP 3 % 52 hours
FieldOp TOP 3 % 28 hours
CovertOp TOP 0 % 8 days
Battle sense TOP 0 % 1,088,479
Explosives and Construction TOP 1 % 59,036
First Aid TOP 0 % 416,479
Signals TOP 2 % 16,021
Light Weapons TOP 0 % 880,878
Heavy Weapons TOP 1 % 32,599
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 0 % 124,206
Mega kills TOP 15 % 3
Ultra kills TOP 12 % 1
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 0 % 79,093 5,012 25.20 % 10.62 %
Thompson TOP 1 % 8,356 53,078 26.74 % 11.13 %
Grenade 3,806 4,824 26.68 % 884
Stielhandgranate TOP 0 % 3,772 55 875
Pineapple TOP 11 % 34 4,769 9
Machinegun TOP 0 % 3,334 196
Gewehr 43 TOP 1 % 2,828 10 TOP 10 % 53.71 % TOP 2 % 18.83 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 0 % 2,614 9
MP 34 TOP 0 % 1,641 10 31.24 % 13.05 %
Luger TOP 0 % 1,567 25 26.14 % 9.84 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 1 % 627 12
Akimbo Silenced Luger TOP 4 % 8 0
Silencer TOP 5 % 7 0
Landmine TOP 1 % 526 441 TOP 37 % 56.44 % 14
Satchel TOP 0 % 393 66 TOP 36 % 24.02 % 148
Artillery TOP 2 % 308 1,019 55.10 % 4
MG 42 TOP 1 % 213 279 14.36 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 10
Airstrike TOP 2 % 144 1,387 52.04 % 5
Browning TOP 2 % 136 759 16.53 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 584
Garand TOP 10 % 75 1,246 51.45 % 19.23 %
Scoped Garand TOP 4 % 65 911
Knife TOP 8 % 13 277 0.14 % 0
Back stab TOP 43 % 1 36 0
Colt TOP 26 % 6 2,873 23.78 % 7.69 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 32 % 1 1,227
Silenced Colt 0 46
Akimbo Silenced Colt 0 26
Sten TOP 19 % 5 1,045 26.47 % 7.85 %
Dynamite TOP 22 % 2 19 3.23 % 0
FG 42 TOP 25 % 1 1,087 8.33 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 112
Shove 1 4 0
Panzerfaust 0 34 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 60 0.00 % 0
Suicide 828
Team switch 788
Gravity 238
Hurt trigger 82
Crush 27
Explosive 1
Carbine 0 3,190 0.00 % 0.00 %
Karabiner 98k 0 41 0.00 % 0.00 %
Construction madness 0 0 4
Mortar 0 1,200 0.00 % 0
Airstrike marker 0 1 0
Bazooka 0 3,919 0.00 % 0
Grenade launcher 0 6,247 0.00 % 0
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 0 67 0
M7 0 6,180 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
P A A V O 1732 1337 1.30
crux 1657 1662 1.00
k!mbO_o 1283 1396 0.92
*Bat* 1140 753 1.51
muchacho. 1039 1860 0.56
Major MAJOR 984 786 1.25
Honey77 969 585 1.66
THE69EYES 956 1042 0.92
aCid. 943 1098 0.86
de luxe! 902 1033 0.87
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
muchacho. 1860 1039 0.56
crux 1662 1657 1.00
k!mbO_o 1396 1283 0.92
P A A V O 1337 1732 1.30
S3ALL 1173 723 0.62
Lee Dong John 1138 733 0.64
QpaQ 1136 792 0.70
aCid. 1098 943 0.86
THE69EYES 1042 956 0.92
de luxe! 1033 902 0.87