Server statistics
Rank TOP 5 % 450
Games TOP 6 % 1,492
K/D TOP 27 % 1.10
Kills TOP 6 % 21,440
Deaths 19,507
Time TOP 5 % 14 days
Last seen 29.11.2021 03:48
Kill streak TOP 16 % 16
Death streak 16
K/G TOP 20 % 14.37
Headshots 16,696
Team kills 1,402
Team deaths 818
Revives TOP 2 % 9,683
Revived 4,010
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 18 % 29
Defuses TOP 38 % 1
Health packs given TOP 2 % 3,656
Health packs taken 136
Ammo packs given TOP 38 % 27
Ammo packs taken 1,766
First blood TOP 7 % 55
First victim 60
Shoves TOP 19 % 236
Shoved 911
Axis TOP 1 % 9 days
Allies TOP 2 % 133 hours
Soldier 0 seconds
Medic TOP 1 % 14 days
Engineer TOP 11 % 6 hours
FieldOp TOP 16 % 119 minutes
CovertOp TOP 28 % 32 minutes
Battle sense TOP 1 % 129,314
Explosives and Construction TOP 10 % 2,746
First Aid TOP 1 % 90,614
Signals TOP 24 % 233
Light Weapons TOP 1 % 196,915
Heavy Weapons TOP 8 % 1,121
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 32 % 152
Mega kills TOP 15 % 3
Ultra kills TOP 12 % 1
The World is a Vampire...
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 1 % 12,062 5,748 30.19 % 8.19 %
Thompson TOP 1 % 7,170 7,721 30.40 % 8.44 %
Grenade 1,304 911 TOP 36 % 35.08 % 84
Stielhandgranate TOP 1 % 877 365 49
Pineapple TOP 2 % 427 546 35
Luger TOP 3 % 344 237 30.65 % 8.83 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 2 % 218 75
Silencer 0 2
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 1
Colt TOP 4 % 179 353 31.43 % 7.01 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 3 % 93 132
Silenced Colt 0 5
Akimbo Silenced Colt 0 1
Grenade launcher 116 1,232 39.64 % 4
M7 TOP 5 % 116 764 4
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 0 468 0
Browning TOP 2 % 94 203 15.81 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 158
Carbine TOP 6 % 65 432
MG 42 TOP 4 % 52 197 18.69 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 146
Artillery TOP 8 % 27 219 41.94 % 0
Knife TOP 8 % 12 17 0.72 % 0
Sten TOP 16 % 7 82 34.39 % 10.34 %
Landmine TOP 24 % 3 239 16.36 % 1
Gewehr 43 TOP 26 % 2 118 40.00 % 6.25 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 95
Garand TOP 38 % 1 162 25.02 % 4.99 %
Scoped Garand 0 121
Dynamite TOP 37 % 1 16 2.50 % 1
Airstrike TOP 39 % 1 187 40.00 % 0
Machinegun 0 44
FG 42 0 74 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 1
Panzerfaust 0 276 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 8 0.00 % 0
Suicide 1,271
Gravity 31
Team switch 21
Crush 7
Hurt trigger 3
Karabiner 98k 0 249
Satchel 0 12 0.00 % 0
Construction madness 0 0 0
Mortar 0 161 0.00 % 0
Bazooka 0 538 0.00 % 0
MP 34 0 30 0.00 % 0.00 %
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 365 343 1.06
muchacho. 323 493 0.66
THE69EYES 312 307 1.02
fishy' 275 308 0.89
-proZac-> 273 115 2.37
*Bat* 265 159 1.67
QpaQ 251 304 0.83
page 248 186 1.33
Lee Dong John 240 393 0.61
S3ALL 229 311 0.74
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
muchacho. 493 323 0.66
Lee Dong John 393 240 0.61
crux 343 365 1.06
S3ALL 311 229 0.74
fishy' 308 275 0.89
THE69EYES 307 312 1.02
QpaQ 304 251 0.83
t!lt 228 151 0.66
mennen 226 223 0.99
de luxe! 211 173 0.82