
Member *1531751A
Server statistics
Rank TOP 3 % 408
Games TOP 14 % 648
K/D TOP 10 % 1.48
Kills TOP 9 % 12,838
Deaths 8,677
Time TOP 12 % 144 hours
Last seen 23.02.2024 19:17
Kill streak TOP 7 % 21
Death streak 14
K/G TOP 6 % 19.81
Headshots 14,033
Team kills 625
Team deaths 527
Revives TOP 5 % 4,921
Revived 2,309
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 19 % 28
Defuses 0
Health packs given TOP 5 % 1,628
Health packs taken 286
Ammo packs given TOP 23 % 112
Ammo packs taken 1,120
First blood TOP 6 % 66
First victim 38
Shoves TOP 9 % 809
Shoved 561
Axis TOP 3 % 95 hours
Allies TOP 5 % 50 hours
Soldier TOP 23 % 33 minutes
Medic TOP 3 % 137 hours
Engineer TOP 13 % 5 hours
FieldOp TOP 20 % 93 minutes
CovertOp TOP 28 % 34 minutes
Battle sense TOP 3 % 35,774
Explosives and Construction TOP 12 % 2,302
First Aid TOP 3 % 29,096
Signals TOP 18 % 516
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 72,343
Heavy Weapons TOP 20 % 237
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 34 % 145
Mega kills TOP 8 % 7
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 2 % 7,498 2,382 TOP 49 % 35.99 % TOP 18 % 13.91 %
Thompson TOP 2 % 4,157 3,192 TOP 37 % 37.20 % TOP 23 % 14.01 %
Grenade 532 490 TOP 16 % 42.11 % 9
Stielhandgranate TOP 3 % 387 249 7
Pineapple TOP 5 % 145 241 2
Luger TOP 3 % 265 79 34.90 % TOP 15 % 13.16 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 3 % 134 37
Silencer 0 1
Colt TOP 6 % 128 145 37.02 % TOP 23 % 13.13 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 4 % 64 72
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 32 % 1 0
Silenced Colt 0 1
Grenade launcher 64 583 68.40 % 2
M7 TOP 8 % 54 361 1
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 17 % 10 222 1
Carbine TOP 8 % 48 183 45.45 % 20.00 %
MG 42 TOP 8 % 32 95 26.10 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 14 % 9 78
Knife TOP 5 % 29 1 3.18 % 0
Back stab TOP 44 % 1 0 0
Artillery TOP 10 % 18 152 71.11 % 1
Sten TOP 10 % 17 53 37.08 % 18.73 %
Browning TOP 13 % 12 81 23.48 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 67
Karabiner 98k TOP 15 % 12 106 0.00 % 0.00 %
Landmine TOP 16 % 8 127 55.26 % 1
MP 34 TOP 17 % 7 24 37.50 % 60.00 %
Machinegun TOP 22 % 4 38
Airstrike TOP 22 % 4 145 100.00 % 0
Dynamite TOP 23 % 2 4 4.00 % 0
FG 42 TOP 25 % 1 74 27.78 % 10.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 1
Garand 0 62 45.36 % 10.23 %
Scoped Garand 0 47
Panzerfaust 0 177 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 3 0.00 % 0
Suicide 582
Team switch 50
Gravity 8
Hurt trigger 5
Satchel 0 3 0.00 % 0
Gewehr 43 0 31 39.81 % 4.65 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 26
Mortar 0 161 0.00 % 0
Bazooka 0 273 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 269 190 1.42
PAAVO 198 115 1.72
S3ALL 162 205 0.79
mennen 157 113 1.39
Honey77 156 88 1.77
Lee Dong John 146 94 1.55
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 143 122 1.17
Major MAJOR 132 85 1.55
rho 132 87 1.52
TeD 129 66 1.95
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
S3ALL 205 162 0.79
crux 190 269 1.42
QpaQ 136 111 0.82
rookie 130 114 0.88
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 122 143 1.17
aCid. 120 114 0.95
[!!!]TigeR 116 111 0.96
PAAVO 115 198 1.72
Kredenc=) 114 110 0.96
mennen 113 157 1.39