Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Profile
General Stats
Ping 51.11
Skill 1119
Games 33
Kills 441
Deaths 339
Kill streak 10
Death streak 4
Kills:game 13.36
Kills:death 1.3

Alias List
plainkey 18
aim-tastic{ plnk 12
aim-tastic{ plnk 3

9667FA31 78


   - " wtf "

Team deaths 27
Team kills 18
Damage from team 2631
Damage given 62172
Damage taken 42945
Damage to team 2352
Score 4110
Role action 
Ammo given 9
Ammo taken 6
Dynamites planted 6
Health given 15
Health taken 33
Revives given 54
Revives received 63
Health 627
Loss 21
Score 40908
Wins 15
Weapon Kills Deaths Suicides Eff % Hits Shots Misses Acc %  
Airstrike 9 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Arty 6 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Carbine 27 6 0 81.82 0 0 0 0.00
Colt 3 6 0 33.33 36 81 45 44.44
Dynamite 0 0 0 0.00 0 3 3 0.00
Garand 9 0 0 100.00 309 663 354 46.61
Garand scope 51 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Gpg40 0 21 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Grenade 0 0 0 0.00 45 111 66 40.54
Grenade launcher 33 18 0 64.71 45 87 42 51.72
K43 scope 3 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Kar98 0 6 0 0.00 9 21 12 42.86
Knife 0 0 0 0.00 0 156 156 0.00
Luger 15 6 0 71.43 96 291 195 32.99
M7 27 6 0 81.82 0 0 0 0.00
Mp40 156 120 0 56.52 996 2490 1494 40.00
Satchel 0 0 0 0.00 3 6 3 50.00
Sten 0 3 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Suicide 0 108 108 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Syringe 0 0 0 0.00 48 66 18 72.73
Thompson 102 66 0 60.71 846 2391 1545 35.38
Total 441 366 108 54.65 2433 6366 3933 38.22  

Easiest Preys (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
Alprax 30 21 58.82
SchwanzHans 30 9 76.92
Klobby 24 18 57.14
'Wee 24 3 88.89
CIAWUS 21 0 100.00
Knardooo 21 3 87.50
LUUL 21 3 87.50
Sirius 18 0 100.00
aqui 18 18 50.00
Sutina<3 18 12 60.00
MX THE COME BACK! 18 12 60.00
nevermind 15 9 62.50
Athlon 12 6 66.67
illy-ya 12 6 66.67
[#]Hanzu 12 0 100.00
Spaddu<3 12 9 57.14
h y p e r l oo p 9 21 30.00
Piu? 9 3 75.00
HELLDEMBEZ 9 3 75.00
Mrz 9 0 100.00
Pretender 9 3 75.00
vieral 9 15 37.50
noGPU 6 0 100.00
Ghuntyyy 6 0 100.00
P. Ness 6 0 100.00
Worst Enemies (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
Alprax 30 21 58.82
h y p e r l oo p 9 21 30.00
aqui 18 18 50.00
Klobby 24 18 57.14
vieral 9 15 37.50
Sutina<3 18 12 60.00
MX THE COME BACK! 18 12 60.00
SchwanzHans 30 9 76.92
muchacho. 6 9 40.00
junky yda 3 9 25.00
Spaddu<3 12 9 57.14
nevermind 15 9 62.50
Epistola 3 6 33.33
Athlon 12 6 66.67
ETPlayer 3 6 33.33
illy-ya 12 6 66.67
jau 3 6 33.33
rezta 3 6 33.33
[n]innocent-bystander 3 3 50.00
Piu? 9 3 75.00
dr[+]ne 3 3 50.00
999iikoo 3 3 50.00
kAnwuuu 0 3 0.00
Pretender 9 3 75.00
HELLDEMBEZ 9 3 75.00
Location Hits %
Head 312 12

Games List (last 50)
Time, Map
2021-01-21 21:02, braundorf_...
2021-01-21 20:46, missile_b3
2021-01-21 20:30, frostbite
2021-01-21 00:08, missile_b3
2021-01-21 00:02, frostbite
2021-01-20 23:44, supply
2021-01-20 23:21, radar
2021-01-20 22:56, bremen_b3
2021-01-20 22:40, sw_goldrus...
2021-01-21 21:02, braundorf_...
2021-01-21 20:46, missile_b3
2021-01-21 20:30, frostbite
2021-01-21 00:08, missile_b3
2021-01-21 00:02, frostbite
2021-01-20 23:44, supply
2021-01-20 23:21, radar
2021-01-20 22:56, bremen_b3
2021-01-20 22:40, sw_goldrus...
2021-01-21 21:02, braundorf_...
2021-01-21 20:46, missile_b3
2021-01-21 20:30, frostbite
2021-01-21 00:08, missile_b3
2021-01-21 00:02, frostbite
2021-01-20 23:44, supply
2021-01-20 23:21, radar
2021-01-20 22:56, bremen_b3
2021-01-20 22:40, sw_goldrus...
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