Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Stats  
Awards List
 Best acc. with Airstrike  kkk
 Best acc. with Arty  TheBigF
 Best acc. with Carbine  trinita?
 Best acc. with Colt  v!no <:D
 Best acc. with Dynamite  sensai HSK
 Best acc. with Fg42  Joss
 Best acc. with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best acc. with Garand  schlomo
 Best acc. with Grenade launcher  >> meehow
 Best acc. with Kar98  .Brylant
 Best acc. with Knife  dc>
 Best acc. with Landmine  bustaa :x
 Best acc. with Luger  Jungske1
 Best acc. with Mobile mg42  8bits-powi
 Best acc. with Mortar  FraGGer*****
 Best acc. with Mp40  edshotmachine
 Best acc. with Panzerfaust  ffdfsfsfdfdfssdf
 Best acc. with Satchel  Sisko
 Best acc. with Sten  HomR Simpson
 Best acc. with Thompson  Ramone.Dekkers
 Best overall acc.  supreme
 Best Killer with Airstrike  ///ramnes
 Best Killer with Arty  bIgDaDdY*
 Best Killer with Backstab  imnotgayliketXino
 Best Killer with Browning  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Carbine  Lee Dong John
 Best Killer with Colt  sArah
 Best Killer with Crush construction  Jaksuli69
 Best Killer with Dynamite  clownshoes
 Best Killer with Fg42  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Fg42scope  Pelliku
 Best Killer with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Garand  jtm
 Best Killer with Garand scope  jtm
 Best Killer with Gpg40  supreme
 Best Killer with Grenade launcher  kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
 Best Killer with Grenade pineapple  imnotgayliketXino
 Best Killer with K43  Shin
 Best Killer with K43 scope  snipa<3Jarhead:D
 Best Killer with Kar98  Face'N sPECULA
 Best Killer with Kicked  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Knife  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Landmine  [n]innocent-bystander
 Best Killer with Luger  :>!
 Best Killer with M7  Qwyx
 Best Killer with Machinegun  Malluka endine mees
 Best Killer with Mg42  ///thotto
 Best Killer with Mobile mg42  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Mortar  QpaQ
 Best Killer with Mp34  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Mp40  pro_in_2008:)
 Best Killer with Panzerfaust  JEBACZENKO
 Best Killer with Satchel  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Shove  imnotgayliketXino
 Best Killer with Silencer  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Smokegrenade  carniee
 Best Killer with Sten  Medzik
 Best Killer with Thompson  bobekk
 Most Dynamites Diffused  eXert<3muodysikor'
 Most Dynamites planted  Sutina<3
 Most Repairs  drunk
Field Ops
 Most Ammopacks Collected  2GR* ElMatador
 Walking Ammo Rack  VELTINS
 Best HS acc. with Colt  weed
 Best HS acc. with Fg42  :>!
 Best HS acc. with Garand  500hz
 Best HS acc. with Kar98  Achille.
 Best HS acc. with Luger  plug&pown
 Best HS acc. with Mp40  ufo_at
 Best HS acc. with Sten  ll. Rg
 Best HS acc. with Thompson  leszeksensimiller
 Best overall HS acc.  edshotmachine
 Most HS with all Weapons  uYop*
 Most HS with Colt  lepip
 Most HS with Fg42  ice&sun
 Most HS with Garand  Lee Dong John
 Most HS with Kar98  ScaTmaN_ :)))))))))...
 Most HS with Luger  Jinosta
 Most HS with Mp40  pro_in_2008:)
 Most HS with Sten  Medzik
 Most HS with Thompson  lepip
 Best Nurse  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Med Pack Whore  grand belial ski
 Most Revives Received  CIAWUS
 Walking Health Rack  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Best Efficiency  edshotmachine
 Best Killer  uYop*
 Damage Dealer  uYop*
 Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games)  CIAWUS
 First Killer  gooly
 First Victim  Pegasus.
 Highest Death Streak  |>B<|4nGel
 Highest Kill Streak  JosetTe
 Most Damage From Team  ice&sun
 Most Damage Taken  DEBT KNIGHT
 Most Damage To Team  CIAWUS
 Most Deaths  fatcat
 Most Rounds Lost  Qwyx
 Most Rounds Won  marshadildo
 Most Selfkills  cfgtest
 Smokes a lot  Kopyto
Random Quote(s)
wiseBoy " his sperm  "
jaribullmentula " ei voi  "
JosetTe " :-)  "

Player Listing
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# Name - Kills + Deaths + Eff% + KS + DS + K:D + K:G + Games + Skill +
151 kaufje 38669 37657 50.66% 16 13 1.03 14.92 2591 1163
152 PUSSYBASHER KrX 9524 8391 53.16% 16 9 1.13 16.80 566 1265
153 Imhotep 4470 3888 53.48% 16 10 1.15 16.62 268 1007
154 Noncimus 3312 3456 48.93% 16 10 0.96 8.28 399 1078
155 ghosting monitor 18683 20269 47.96% 16 15 0.92 14.90 1253 1106
156 Najki 1375 1617 45.94% 16 11 0.85 11.85 115 1000
157 ohnoes 68925 74878 47.93% 16 17 0.92 19.02 3623 1159
158 Brylant 4839 6798 41.58% 16 22 0.71 8.56 564 1054
159 Good:/ 1884 2178 46.37% 16 10 0.86 12.23 153 1013
160 oink 60945 87552 41.04% 16 25 0.70 12.23 4982 1001
161 valkk 5246 4324 54.81% 16 12 1.21 11.38 460 1077
162 >> meehow 5149 4304 54.46% 16 9 1.20 14.88 345 1144
163 kekekeke 1441 1261 53.31% 16 8 1.14 13.22 108 1147
164 hazz 2475 1836 57.40% 16 6 1.35 21.52 114 1243
165 :>! 13904 11368 55.02% 15 9 1.22 16.59 837 1310
166 Qanon 4616 3557 56.47% 15 8 1.30 9.27 497 1278
167 crs.jMk 13116 11880 52.47% 15 10 1.10 15.43 849 1205
168 VIP. 6927 8639 44.50% 15 23 0.80 11.28 613 1019
169 Mpo' 39589 41222 48.99% 15 26 0.96 13.06 3031 1056
170 ETPlayer 3312 3425 49.15% 15 15 0.97 14.72 224 1004
171 VLU 8463 7272 53.78% 15 8 1.16 14.82 570 1229
172 medvetalp 30362 29286 50.90% 15 13 1.04 14.91 2035 1254
173 autoheadshot 6402 5055 55.87% 15 13 1.27 10.81 591 1237
174 noniiin 8094 6252 56.42% 15 13 1.29 20.49 394 1134
175 ?SAnTi 9488 10674 47.06% 15 13 0.89 13.36 709 1002
176 rhythM 1762 1665 51.40% 15 10 1.06 13.15 133 1000
177 ETPlayer 13272 9504 58.27% 15 10 1.40 18.43 719 1076
178 ANMLZD NightmAre 33216 26160 55.94% 15 11 1.27 20.25 1639 1293
179 |*$B*| $toff 21856 19877 52.37% 15 14 1.10 11.02 1983 1178
180 jonasz 45126 49742 47.57% 15 19 0.91 13.29 3394 1140
181 STARboy 23617 28484 45.33% 15 16 0.83 7.89 2992 1031
182 pif paf 5284 4796 52.42% 15 11 1.10 11.01 479 1019
183 FaridBang 2610 2316 52.97% 15 10 1.13 11.55 225 1168
184 take it low :D 29193 25847 53.04% 15 13 1.13 10.60 2754 1315
185 hshooter 2564 2208 53.72% 15 13 1.16 17.32 147 1003
186 HELLDEMBEZ 24432 24654 49.77% 15 12 0.99 15.47 1578 1135
187 theanswer 2573 1927 57.17% 15 9 1.33 13.40 191 1124
188 TUSSA 35466 26600 57.14% 15 10 1.33 18.99 1867 1292
189 HeEmu 2088 1921 52.07% 15 13 1.09 12.81 162 1004
190 ManU 1996 1293 60.67% 15 8 1.54 16.36 121 1007
191 HomR Simpson 47886 57406 45.48% 15 13 0.83 13.67 3501 1020
192 outloAd 13734 9088 60.18% 15 14 1.51 16.08 853 1402
193 tristan 18001 19675 47.78% 15 15 0.91 12.46 1444 1000
194 ETPlayer 9255 6549 58.56% 15 8 1.41 20.80 444 1311
195 [dd] linda :) 21170 16058 56.86% 15 13 1.32 22.45 942 1060
196 random 20245 14385 58.46% 15 10 1.41 16.90 1197 1340
197 Sabaku no Gaara 23747 25844 47.88% 15 17 0.92 13.63 1741 1167
198 Rg,,, 3343 2539 56.82% 15 8 1.32 15.26 218 1082
199 rezta 100135 107501 48.23% 15 17 0.93 11.31 8854 1030
200 uGc'AdoBE 2859 2014 58.66% 15 11 1.42 17.98 158 1077
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