Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Stats  
Awards List
 Best acc. with Airstrike  kkk
 Best acc. with Arty  TheBigF
 Best acc. with Carbine  trinita?
 Best acc. with Colt  v!no <:D
 Best acc. with Dynamite  sensai HSK
 Best acc. with Fg42  Joss
 Best acc. with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best acc. with Garand  schlomo
 Best acc. with Grenade launcher  >> meehow
 Best acc. with Kar98  .Brylant
 Best acc. with Knife  dc>
 Best acc. with Landmine  bustaa :x
 Best acc. with Luger  Jungske1
 Best acc. with Mobile mg42  8bits-powi
 Best acc. with Mortar  FraGGer*****
 Best acc. with Mp40  edshotmachine
 Best acc. with Panzerfaust  ffdfsfsfdfdfssdf
 Best acc. with Satchel  Sisko
 Best acc. with Sten  HomR Simpson
 Best acc. with Thompson  Ramone.Dekkers
 Best overall acc.  supreme
 Best Killer with Airstrike  ///ramnes
 Best Killer with Arty  bIgDaDdY*
 Best Killer with Backstab  PaTTeS
 Best Killer with Browning  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Carbine  Lee Dong John
 Best Killer with Colt  sArah
 Best Killer with Crush construction  Jaksuli69
 Best Killer with Dynamite  clownshoes
 Best Killer with Fg42  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Fg42scope  Pelliku
 Best Killer with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Garand  jtm
 Best Killer with Garand scope  jtm
 Best Killer with Gpg40  supreme
 Best Killer with Grenade launcher  kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
 Best Killer with Grenade pineapple  kuCe.
 Best Killer with K43  Shin
 Best Killer with K43 scope  snipa<3Jarhead:D
 Best Killer with Kar98  Face'N sPECULA
 Best Killer with Kicked  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Knife  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Landmine  [n]innocent-bystander
 Best Killer with Luger  :>!
 Best Killer with M7  Qwyx
 Best Killer with Machinegun  Malluka endine mees
 Best Killer with Mg42  ///thotto
 Best Killer with Mobile mg42  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Mortar  QpaQ
 Best Killer with Mp34  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Mp40  pro_in_2008:)
 Best Killer with Panzerfaust  JEBACZENKO
 Best Killer with Satchel  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Shove  V!russ
 Best Killer with Silencer  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Smokegrenade  carniee
 Best Killer with Sten  Medzik
 Best Killer with Thompson  bobekk
 Most Dynamites Diffused  eXert<3muodysikor'
 Most Dynamites planted  Sutina<3
 Most Repairs  drunk
Field Ops
 Most Ammopacks Collected  2GR* ElMatador
 Walking Ammo Rack  VELTINS
 Best HS acc. with Colt  weed
 Best HS acc. with Fg42  :>!
 Best HS acc. with Garand  500hz
 Best HS acc. with Kar98  Achille.
 Best HS acc. with Luger  plug&pown
 Best HS acc. with Mp40  ufo_at
 Best HS acc. with Sten  ll. Rg
 Best HS acc. with Thompson  leszeksensimiller
 Best overall HS acc.  edshotmachine
 Most HS with all Weapons  uYop*
 Most HS with Colt  lepip
 Most HS with Fg42  ice&sun
 Most HS with Garand  Lee Dong John
 Most HS with Kar98  ScaTmaN_ :)))))))))...
 Most HS with Luger  Jinosta
 Most HS with Mp40  pro_in_2008:)
 Most HS with Sten  Medzik
 Most HS with Thompson  lepip
 Best Nurse  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Med Pack Whore  grand belial ski
 Most Revives Received  CIAWUS
 Walking Health Rack  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Best Efficiency  edshotmachine
 Best Killer  uYop*
 Damage Dealer  uYop*
 Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games)  CIAWUS
 First Killer  gooly
 First Victim  Pegasus.
 Highest Death Streak  |>B<|4nGel
 Highest Kill Streak  JosetTe
 Most Damage From Team  ice&sun
 Most Damage Taken  DEBT KNIGHT
 Most Damage To Team  CIAWUS
 Most Deaths  fatcat
 Most Rounds Lost  Qwyx
 Most Rounds Won  marshadildo
 Most Selfkills  cfgtest
 Smokes a lot  Kopyto
Random Quote(s)
han' " oO  "
ETPlayer " R U OK  "
Niarckou " nice reflex :D  "

Player Listing
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# Name - Kills + Deaths + Eff% + KS + DS + K:D + K:G + Games + Skill +
101 dot. bRAH1 43260 52557 45.15% 18 15 0.82 11.83 3657 1058
102 hunter 30275 24120 55.66% 18 12 1.26 19.02 1591 1295
103 agsor 2098 1160 64.38% 18 14 1.81 13.62 153 1000
104 NIEL 2017 2030 49.83% 18 15 0.99 9.89 203 1000
105 ice&sun 88141 68678 56.21% 18 12 1.28 16.75 5261 1455
106 NgN., 4065 4106 49.74% 18 15 0.99 16.52 245 1058
107 art1x 8259 10446 44.15% 18 13 0.79 10.04 822 1122
108 VELTINS 2598 5511 32.03% 18 20 0.47 3.45 751 1000
109 ll. Rg 9630 7402 56.54% 18 11 1.30 16.10 597 1264
110 senstest 22873 14929 60.51% 18 10 1.53 20.24 1129 1458
111 erika 1921 1843 51.02% 17 12 1.04 13.62 140 1000
112 [!!!]Bodin 3170 3357 48.56% 17 11 0.94 13.72 230 1019
113 sMz 4368 3712 54.05% 17 12 1.18 14.23 306 1213
114 bltzZ 6228 5961 51.09% 17 15 1.04 14.25 436 1166
115 Pelliku 1583 1396 53.12% 17 12 1.13 11.55 136 1016
116 h y p e r l oo p 68430 56729 54.67% 17 13 1.21 13.23 5173 1378
117 kaza 5751 3273 63.72% 17 9 1.76 17.86 321 1493
118 Pyat 22106 16063 57.91% 17 11 1.38 21.15 1044 1349
119 soottt 9420 5808 61.86% 17 8 1.62 23.37 402 1421
120 deliRium/Naik 4351 3834 53.15% 17 21 1.13 12.15 357 1239
121 S3AL 13472 10062 57.24% 17 12 1.34 24.10 558 1344
122 Bertha 25585 21358 54.50% 17 13 1.20 14.31 1787 1212
123 elysium ~ iNsAne 6729 6480 50.94% 17 12 1.04 15.54 432 1163
124 ETPlayer 127540 93069 57.81% 17 13 1.37 18.25 6987 1261
125 did0 5371 5604 48.93% 17 15 0.96 13.10 409 1020
126 dsdsdsd 1718 1499 53.39% 17 12 1.15 14.68 116 1004
127 Clown.cfg 2521 2343 51.82% 17 9 1.08 13.63 184 1000
128 agsor 2170 1780 54.92% 17 10 1.22 7.07 306 1135
129 lulu 13487 16170 45.48% 17 15 0.83 15.14 890 1036
130 Twitch.Tv 8300 9543 46.51% 17 13 0.87 15.99 518 1068
131 dAv1d_ 1497 1561 48.94% 17 9 0.96 13.37 111 1000
132 RGMANNNN 1624 1443 52.93% 16 10 1.12 13.10 123 1000
133 SHOOT 9632 6484 59.76% 16 11 1.49 20.63 466 1000
134 i p k i s s 3115 2265 57.89% 16 7 1.37 17.90 173 1110
135 Tuima 8577 7754 52.52% 16 8 1.11 14.79 579 1203
136 :-) 2834 2120 57.19% 16 7 1.34 17.94 157 1067
137 LAKERS 58577 65350 47.27% 16 13 0.90 15.32 3823 1193
138 KarteZ 13311 11829 52.95% 16 12 1.13 18.44 721 1262
139 seb.. 35281 46615 43.08% 16 18 0.76 10.03 3515 1052
140 chIPs 4683 6228 42.92% 16 17 0.75 11.20 417 1000
141 DrOws 4332 3367 56.26% 16 8 1.29 17.19 251 1000
142 YOU ARE DEAD 2638 1829 59.04% 16 9 1.44 18.71 140 1130
143 juan 41954 38742 51.99% 16 12 1.08 18.60 2254 1266
144 raul8) 7471 6400 53.86% 16 9 1.17 16.03 465 1276
145 *cl SwiteR 26391 25097 51.26% 16 13 1.05 15.63 1687 1225
146 WeedBoy 17301 19035 47.61% 16 19 0.91 12.15 1423 1000
147 bustaa :x 18704 19855 48.51% 16 14 0.94 9.82 1903 1079
148 carnage 12226 10026 54.94% 16 11 1.22 16.13 757 1262
149 Spaddu<3 61593 59858 50.71% 16 17 1.03 12.19 5051 1167
150 charlie 26851 21939 55.03% 16 9 1.22 19.57 1371 1232
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