Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Stats  
Awards List
 Best acc. with Airstrike  kkk
 Best acc. with Arty  TheBigF
 Best acc. with Carbine  trinita?
 Best acc. with Colt  v!no <:D
 Best acc. with Dynamite  sensai HSK
 Best acc. with Fg42  Joss
 Best acc. with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best acc. with Garand  schlomo
 Best acc. with Grenade launcher  >> meehow
 Best acc. with Kar98  .Brylant
 Best acc. with Knife  dc>
 Best acc. with Landmine  bustaa :x
 Best acc. with Luger  Jungske1
 Best acc. with Mobile mg42  8bits-powi
 Best acc. with Mortar  FraGGer*****
 Best acc. with Mp40  edshotmachine
 Best acc. with Panzerfaust  ffdfsfsfdfdfssdf
 Best acc. with Satchel  Sisko
 Best acc. with Sten  HomR Simpson
 Best acc. with Thompson  Ramone.Dekkers
 Best overall acc.  supreme
 Best Killer with Airstrike  ///ramnes
 Best Killer with Arty  bIgDaDdY*
 Best Killer with Backstab  imnotgayliketXino
 Best Killer with Browning  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Carbine  Lee Dong John
 Best Killer with Colt  sArah
 Best Killer with Crush construction  Jaksuli69
 Best Killer with Dynamite  clownshoes
 Best Killer with Fg42  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Fg42scope  Pelliku
 Best Killer with Flamethrower  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Garand  jtm
 Best Killer with Garand scope  jtm
 Best Killer with Gpg40  supreme
 Best Killer with Grenade launcher  kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
 Best Killer with Grenade pineapple  [TE666]Puaj!
 Best Killer with K43  Shin
 Best Killer with K43 scope  snipa<3Jarhead:D
 Best Killer with Kar98  Face'N sPECULA
 Best Killer with Kicked  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Knife  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Landmine  [n]innocent-bystander
 Best Killer with Luger  :>!
 Best Killer with M7  Qwyx
 Best Killer with Machinegun  Malluka endine mees
 Best Killer with Mg42  ///thotto
 Best Killer with Mobile mg42  [!!!]Harlekin
 Best Killer with Mortar  QpaQ
 Best Killer with Mp34  h y p e r l oo p
 Best Killer with Mp40  pro_in_2008:)
 Best Killer with Panzerfaust  JEBACZENKO
 Best Killer with Satchel  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Shove  imnotgayliketXino
 Best Killer with Silencer  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Smokegrenade  carniee
 Best Killer with Sten  Medzik
 Best Killer with Thompson  bobekk
 Best Efficiency  edshotmachine
 Best Killer  uYop*
 Highest Death Streak  |>B<|4nGel
 Highest Kill Streak  JosetTe
 Most Deaths  fatcat
Random Quote(s)
snjh " xD  "
LAKERS " :]  "
reflX.daNjoXx~ " :D  "

Player Listing
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# Name - Kills + Deaths + Eff% + KS + DS + K:D + K:G + Games + Skill +
51 kirin 6209 16434 27.42% 13 26 0.38 4.93 1258 1000
52 rx8 7471 8466 46.88% 14 26 0.88 13.99 533 1064
53 10.04 3677 7993 31.51% 7 26 0.46 6.69 549 1008
54 drughino 271 1586 14.59% 4 26 0.17 2.30 117 1000
55 leg!on!sta 4977 9933 33.38% 10 26 0.50 6.58 755 1000
56 Brad 265 2292 10.36% 3 25 0.12 1.22 216 1000
57 f3dr0 2235 5508 28.86% 6 25 0.41 6.75 330 1000
58 notrip<<< 1214 2242 35.12% 8 25 0.54 8.04 150 1000
59 HUNT 3213 6207 34.10% 6 25 0.52 6.87 467 1001
60 rowan 856 1957 30.42% 4 25 0.44 5.45 156 1000
61 Darko 471 2117 18.19% 4 25 0.22 3.32 141 1000
62 INjECtOiDE 4821 5584 46.33% 13 25 0.86 7.59 634 1000
63 Darko 554 2170 20.33% 4 25 0.26 4.13 133 1000
64 michbo 1380 4315 24.23% 5 25 0.32 4.55 302 1000
65 [n]innocent-bystander 3844 9105 29.68% 9 25 0.42 6.20 619 1000
66 Klemik sry im drunk 2338 7361 24.10% 5 25 0.32 4.26 548 1000
67 gulaschbacke,. 3619 6484 35.82% 5 25 0.56 7.10 509 1000
68 oink 60945 87552 41.04% 16 25 0.70 12.23 4982 1001
69 snjh 27950 22897 54.97% 37 25 1.22 18.27 1529 1018
70 r0/<en 13085 27482 32.25% 10 25 0.48 7.06 1852 1000
71 rebbb 35827 54901 39.49% 14 24 0.65 10.50 3412 1000
72 lokibalboa 2795 3799 42.38% 12 24 0.74 9.13 305 1006
73 KOKIA 5329 8775 37.78% 9 24 0.61 11.87 448 1000
74 Knocker 3448 10616 24.51% 6 24 0.32 5.97 577 1000
75 [TE666]Puaj! 1139 3952 22.37% 6 24 0.29 4.27 266 1000
76 dAnte 5010 5137 49.37% 10 24 0.98 15.90 314 1000
77 IZULA 7391 9680 43.29% 7 24 0.76 12.04 613 1015
78 radiohead 244 1455 14.35% 3 24 0.17 1.88 129 1000
79 420 tNa. 804 1983 28.84% 5 24 0.41 4.96 161 1000
80 michbo 7820 22409 25.87% 7 24 0.35 5.42 1442 1000
81 _powi 1386 1633 45.89% 15 24 0.85 12.38 111 1000
82 glazen. 4523 7489 37.65% 7 24 0.60 8.60 525 1004
83 Dave 4665 10852 30.06% 6 23 0.43 7.00 665 1000
84 VIP. 6927 8639 44.50% 15 23 0.80 11.28 613 1019
85 *** 1128 2940 27.72% 5 23 0.38 5.50 204 1002
86 ETD0g 5084 11054 31.50% 6 23 0.46 6.06 838 1000
87 Ch0sen0ne 1533 2717 36.06% 6 23 0.56 9.58 159 1000
88 Divine. 6596 11387 36.68% 9 23 0.58 6.49 1015 1000
89 Tuvok_ 4242 6937 37.94% 8 23 0.61 9.28 456 1000
90 Darko 1123 4320 20.63% 5 23 0.26 3.91 286 1000
91 Darko 1400 5794 19.46% 4 23 0.24 3.47 403 1000
92 PanDeWu 3939 5868 40.16% 8 23 0.67 9.92 396 1000
93 eXert<3muodysikor' 4255 5882 41.97% 9 23 0.72 10.30 412 1000
94 kamai 7607 19337 28.23% 7 23 0.39 4.18 1819 1000
95 *** 2808 5019 35.87% 10 23 0.56 6.53 429 1000
96 step2diz 3562 8259 30.13% 8 23 0.43 6.14 579 1001
97 toster 3088 6098 33.61% 9 23 0.51 7.07 436 1000
98 Vladick 309 1844 14.35% 3 23 0.17 1.90 162 1000
99 Jack 1290 2616 33.02% 8 23 0.49 10.24 125 1000
100 .DMG|Nightwing 810 2691 23.13% 3 23 0.30 4.29 188 1000
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 theme:bismarck by myrddin    vsp v0.47H, last updated @ 2024-03-31 22:27:05  skin:sssp by sssp  
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