Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot
Server IP: et.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Profile
General Stats
Ping 48
Skill 1090
Games 1202
Kills 15338
Deaths 18116
Kill streak 25
Death streak 17
Kills:game 12.76
Kills:death 0.85

Alias List
end of round 1319

9935238E 2313

end of round

   - " heheheheh "

Team deaths 1124
Team kills 1592
Damage from team 134639
Damage given 2505888
Damage taken 2133824
Damage to team 249357
First killer 43
First victim 39
Score 238504
Role action 
Ammo given 3444
Ammo taken 1304
Dynamites diffused 11
Dynamites planted 28
Health given 565
Health taken 2663
Repair 10
Revives given 368
Revives received 3214
Health 8968
Loss 642
Score 1896812
Wins 553
Weapon Kills Deaths Suicides Eff % Hits Shots Misses Acc %  
Airstrike 424 364 15 53.81 766 1227 461 62.43
Arty 769 416 19 64.89 1427 1934 507 73.78
Browning 10 68 0 12.82 0 0 0 0.00
Carbine 92 485 0 15.94 0 0 0 0.00
Colt 30 460 0 6.12 219 1212 993 18.07
Crush 0 6 6 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Crush construction 0 4 1 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Dynamite 0 20 2 0.00 0 92 92 0.00
Falling 0 39 39 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Fg42 9 50 0 15.25 116 431 315 26.91
Fg42scope 0 4 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Flamethrower 2 22 2 8.33 182 231 49 78.79
Garand 8 71 0 10.13 647 2777 2130 23.30
Garand scope 35 334 0 9.49 0 0 0 0.00
Gpg40 2030 267 87 88.38 0 0 0 0.00
Grenade 0 0 0 0.00 6661 21614 14953 30.82
Grenade launcher 2686 1563 338 63.21 5431 11337 5906 47.91
K43 88 8 0 91.67 0 0 0 0.00
K43 scope 206 47 0 81.42 0 0 0 0.00
Kar98 495 73 0 87.15 4225 16587 12362 25.47
Knife 14 66 0 17.50 61 1106 1045 5.52
Landmine 398 242 13 62.19 1014 1689 675 60.04
Luger 114 107 0 51.58 1305 6585 5280 19.82
M7 292 817 17 26.33 0 0 0 0.00
Machinegun 96 73 0 56.80 0 0 0 0.00
Mg42 16 41 0 28.07 0 0 0 0.00
Mobile mg42 1271 288 0 81.53 13837 110251 96414 12.55
Mortar 1744 276 6 86.34 2601 5256 2655 49.49
Mp40 1636 2488 0 39.67 19005 99314 80309 19.14
Panzerfaust 2677 868 306 75.51 3533 4452 919 79.36
Satchel 10 23 9 30.30 25 157 132 15.92
Silencer 2 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Smokecan 0 0 0 0.00 0 147 147 0.00
Smokegrenade 2 0 0 100.00 0 0 0 0.00
Sten 20 207 0 8.81 249 1295 1046 19.23
Switchteam 0 142 142 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Syringe 0 0 0 0.00 383 466 83 82.19
Thompson 162 9295 0 1.71 1947 10992 9045 17.71
Trigger hurt 0 5 5 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Water 0 1 1 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Total 15338 19240 1008 44.36 63634 299152 235518 21.27  

Easiest Preys (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
Stryczek 243 132 64.80
crUx 224 267 45.62
k!mbO_o 211 305 40.89
Struggler 204 259 44.06
Affrob 196 97 66.89
oink 196 273 41.79
[!!!]kodEk' 183 268 40.58
-proZac-> 180 143 55.73
a Banana 180 155 53.73
*Bat* 176 171 50.72
muchacho. 163 379 30.07
Dr.Manijak(SLO) 157 95 62.30
THE69EYES 155 198 43.91
Lee Dong John 145 237 37.96
GJIRO 141 148 48.79
PhunTyme 141 64 68.78
[!!!][J!nX.IgOr] 137 181 43.08
fishy' 136 239 36.27
Knocker 136 66 67.33
xAvi' 131 153 46.13
FlyEaglesFly 130 98 57.02
purple 128 215 37.32
mennen 125 186 40.19
[!!!]TechHead 120 94 56.07
de luxe! 119 192 38.26
Worst Enemies (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
muchacho. 163 379 30.07
k!mbO_o 211 305 40.89
APEMODE 109 292 27.18
oink 196 273 41.79
[!!!]kodEk' 183 268 40.58
crUx 224 267 45.62
Struggler 204 259 44.06
fishy' 136 239 36.27
Lee Dong John 145 237 37.96
purple 128 215 37.32
{q_-<l 96 209 31.48
t!lt 114 205 35.74
THE69EYES 155 198 43.91
de luxe! 119 192 38.26
QpaQ 89 186 32.36
mennen 125 186 40.19
D R E A M W O R K S 111 185 37.50
[!!!][J!nX.IgOr] 137 181 43.08
rookie 71 181 28.17
Tuima 106 175 37.72
*Bat* 176 171 50.72
the_vastness 60 157 27.65
a Banana 180 155 53.73
xAvi' 131 153 46.13
GJIRO 141 148 48.79
Location Hits %
Head 2006 03

Games List (last 50)
Time, Map
2021-01-29 20:39, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-29 20:16, fueldump
2021-01-29 20:02, radar
2021-01-29 19:41, railgun
2021-01-29 19:34, sw_battery
2021-01-29 19:09, goldrush
2021-01-29 16:29, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-29 16:08, fueldump
2021-01-29 15:52, radar
2021-01-29 00:42, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-29 00:19, fueldump
2021-01-28 23:55, radar
2021-01-28 23:34, railgun
2021-01-28 23:21, sw_battery
2021-01-28 22:59, goldrush
2021-01-28 22:34, venice
2021-01-28 21:11, railgun
2021-01-28 21:01, sw_battery
2021-01-28 20:36, goldrush
2021-01-28 18:59, railgun
2021-01-28 18:52, sw_battery
2021-01-28 18:30, goldrush
2021-01-28 18:15, radar_phx_...
2021-01-28 18:03, frostbite
2021-01-28 17:37, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-28 17:14, fueldump
2021-01-28 16:56, radar
2021-01-28 01:00, goldrush
2021-01-28 00:37, venice
2021-01-28 00:24, frostbite
2021-01-27 23:58, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-27 18:54, sw_battery
2021-01-27 18:28, goldrush
2021-01-27 18:03, venice
2021-01-27 17:47, frostbite
2021-01-27 17:26, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-27 17:03, fueldump
2021-01-26 23:39, railgun
2021-01-26 23:35, sw_battery
2021-01-26 23:21, goldrush
2021-01-26 23:10, missile_b3
2021-01-26 22:59, frostbite
2021-01-26 22:37, sw_oasis_b...
2021-01-26 22:20, fueldump
2021-01-26 22:04, radar
2021-01-26 21:47, railgun
2021-01-26 21:34, sw_battery
2021-01-26 21:09, goldrush
2021-01-26 20:47, radar_phx_...
2021-01-26 20:34, frostbite
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