Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot
Server IP: et.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Profile
General Stats
Ping 98.25
Skill 1005
Games 19
Kills 189
Deaths 269
Kill streak 7
Death streak 9
Kills:game 9.95
Kills:death 0.7

Alias List
FURIAhooli 2
aligator 1
hooli 1

8490087E 35


   - " XDDDD "

Team deaths 10
Team kills 19
Damage from team 1439
Damage given 34037
Damage taken 37405
Damage to team 2260
Score 2112
Role action 
Ammo taken 16
Health given 14
Revives given 52
Revives received 19
Health 701
Loss 12
Score 27774
Wins 6
Weapon Kills Deaths Suicides Eff % Hits Shots Misses Acc %  
Airstrike 0 5 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Arty 0 7 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Carbine 0 4 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Colt 0 5 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Dynamite 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Garand 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Garand scope 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Gpg40 0 2 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Grenade 0 0 0 0.00 15 70 55 21.43
Grenade launcher 6 10 0 37.50 0 0 0 0.00
Knife 0 0 0 0.00 0 4 4 0.00
Landmine 0 3 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Luger 4 2 0 66.67 26 103 77 25.24
M7 0 14 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Machinegun 4 2 0 66.67 0 0 0 0.00
Mg42 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Mobile mg42 0 3 0 0.00 20 158 138 12.66
Mortar 0 8 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Mp40 154 39 0 79.79 1483 4439 2956 33.41
Panzerfaust 0 6 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Sten 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Suicide 0 67 67 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Syringe 0 0 0 0.00 41 51 10 80.39
Thompson 21 98 0 17.65 241 776 535 31.06
Total 189 279 67 40.38 1826 5601 3775 32.60  

Easiest Preys (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
nelix 15 8 65.22
buster* 14 22 38.89
k!mbO_o 11 9 55.00
[!!!]TechHead 10 10 50.00
Specht. 8 0 100.00
[!!!]Pun!* 7 8 46.67
/hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 7 7 50.00
Oleg of newsens 7 3 70.00
Hela 6 4 60.00
.WTF ?! 6 6 50.00
*Bat* 5 4 55.56
spooky. 5 6 45.45
Lee Dong John 4 5 44.44
professor 4 5 44.44
n'papo? 4 3 57.14
apnzor 4 2 66.67
0x0 4 3 57.14
999iikoo 3 1 75.00
Legion 3 0 100.00
cfg 3 5 37.50
[!!!]TigeR 3 4 42.86
Mg-Battalion 66 3 3 50.00
PhunTyme 3 0 100.00
ExploreR 3 2 60.00
Worst Enemies (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
buster* 14 22 38.89
[!!!]TechHead 10 10 50.00
k!mbO_o 11 9 55.00
the_vastness 2 8 20.00
[!!!]Pun!* 7 8 46.67
nelix 15 8 65.22
/hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... 7 7 50.00
.WTF ?! 6 6 50.00
spooky. 5 6 45.45
cfg 3 5 37.50
ESPION 1 5 16.67
professor 4 5 44.44
jay:0 2 5 28.57
Lee Dong John 4 5 44.44
mennen 1 4 20.00
Hela 6 4 60.00
Struggler 1 4 20.00
rezta 0 4 0.00
[!!!]TigeR 3 4 42.86
*Bat* 5 4 55.56
n'papo? 4 3 57.14
P A A V O 2 3 40.00
Oleg of newsens 7 3 70.00
0x0 4 3 57.14
Location Hits %
Head 243 13

Games List (last 50)
Time, Map
2021-06-28 18:05, sw_battery
2021-06-28 17:34, goldrush
2021-06-28 17:08, venice
2021-06-28 16:58, frostbite
2021-06-28 16:51, sw_oasis_b...
2021-06-28 16:39, fueldump
2021-06-28 16:18, radar
2021-06-27 15:38, goldrush
2021-06-21 23:07, goldrush
2021-06-21 22:56, missile_b3
2021-06-21 22:42, frostbite
2021-06-21 21:09, goldrush
2021-06-21 20:50, radar_phx_...
2021-06-21 20:37, frostbite
2021-06-21 20:18, sw_oasis_b...
2021-06-12 17:46, goldrush
2021-06-12 16:58, sw_oasis_b...
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