Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot
Server IP: et.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Award Stats
Awards List
Best acc. with Airstrike ReimuVahe
Best acc. with Arty m@z
Best acc. with Bazooka ROOKiE#
Best acc. with Browning Method Man.
Best acc. with Carbine LEIMH X_x
Best acc. with Colt ...
Best acc. with Dynamite .Schwens
Best acc. with Fg42 Canni <o/
Best acc. with Flamethrower Marshall
Best acc. with Garand ght!
Best acc. with Grenade launcher ghosting monitor
Best acc. with K43 Kredenc=)
Best acc. with Kar98 foreva
Best acc. with Knife Krimi
Best acc. with Landmine .Ekimoz
Best acc. with Luger clownshoes
Best acc. with Mg42 Starship
Best acc. with Mobile mg42 TAu
Best acc. with Mortar pio
Best acc. with Mortar2 pio
Best acc. with Mp34 ramnes:thinking:
Best acc. with Mp40 supreme
Best acc. with Panzerfaust KAPSALONHOOCHI :^)
Best acc. with Satchel Assanuga123
Best acc. with Sten cfg
Best acc. with Thompson western.Shootej
Best overall acc. supreme
Best Killer with Airstrike hunter
Best Killer with Arty bIgDaDdY*
Best Killer with Backstab silence'vipe
Best Killer with Bazooka perus takki
Best Killer with Browning professor
Best Killer with Carbine Qwyx
Best Killer with Colt sArah
Best Killer with Crush construction Sepi69
Best Killer with Crush constructiondeath leszeksensimiller
Best Killer with Dynamite XenoMorph
Best Killer with Fg42 Specht..
Best Killer with Fg42scope 2fe4RyU
Best Killer with Flamethrower Radagast Smurf
Best Killer with Garand jtm
Best Killer with Garand scope jtm
Best Killer with Gpg40 El Diego Cigala
Best Killer with Grenade launcher kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
Best Killer with Grenade pineapple BlackAdder
Best Killer with K43 ESPION
Best Killer with K43 scope book
Best Killer with Kar98 El Diego Cigala
Best Killer with Kicked oink
Best Killer with Knife 20VI$ION20
Best Killer with Knife kabar Reudula
Best Killer with Landmine Hela
Best Killer with Luger s!kz
Best Killer with M7 Qwyx
Best Killer with Machinegun professor
Best Killer with Mg42 bananacookie
Best Killer with Mobile browning Aliaz
Best Killer with Mobile mg42 RoyalHV|Omega
Best Killer with Mortar BELLE_DELPHINE
Best Killer with Mortar2 Filzlaus
Best Killer with Mp34 Medzik
Best Killer with Mp40 NOkIANOkIANOkIANOkIA
Best Killer with Panzerfaust Asox
Best Killer with Satchel pio
Best Killer with Shove i p k i s s
Best Killer with Silencer ice&sun
Best Killer with Smokegrenade BraZil-JHB
Best Killer with Sten Medzik
Best Killer with Suicide rapala
Best Killer with Thompson D R E A M W O R K S
Most Dynamites Diffused lag|Kermit~
Most Dynamites planted P A A V O
Most Repairs Rhapsody
Field Ops
Most Ammopacks Collected *Biertje?
Walking Ammo Rack VELTINS
Best HS acc. with Carbine [!!!]Bodin
Best HS acc. with Colt w1lko:x
Best HS acc. with Fg42 nWccccccccccccccccc
Best HS acc. with Garand hannu
Best HS acc. with K43 [!!!]TigeR
Best HS acc. with Kar98 GiNekoloG
Best HS acc. with Luger h6Mr
Best HS acc. with Mp34 VARDASCA
Best HS acc. with Mp40 western.Shootej
Best HS acc. with Sten loltest
Best HS acc. with Thompson seppuku2
Best overall HS acc. low+ hs
Most HS with all Weapons newlol
Most HS with Carbine Dr.Manijak(Slo)
Most HS with Colt sArah
Most HS with Fg42 Specht..
Most HS with Garand jtm
Most HS with K43 silence'vipe
Most HS with Kar98 ESPION
Most HS with Luger s!kz
Most HS with Mp34 Medzik
Most HS with Mp40 western.Shootej
Most HS with Sten Medzik
Most HS with Thompson lepip
Best Nurse ERYThR0P0iETiN
Med Pack Whore ducks and their embr...
Most Revives Received *Heineken!
Walking Health Rack ERYThR0P0iETiN
Best Efficiency western.Shootej
Best Killer S3AL
Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games) bIgDaDdY*
First Killer Lee Dong John
First Victim .dRiv3r!
Highest Death Streak Ruediger
Highest Kill Streak Slash:)
Most Damage From Team S3AL
Most Damage Taken S3AL
Most Damage To Team Honey77
Most Deaths supreme
Most Rounds Lost Ladybird
Most Rounds Won foreva
Most Selfkills Average
Smokes a lot Specht..
Award Listing for Best hs acc. with carbine (top 50)
# Player Name  Games   Hits   Shots   Headshots   Accuracy 
1 [!!!]Bodin 659 125 275 25 0.2000
2 mennen 6236 954 2304 148 0.1551
3 sicapra 520 583 1334 83 0.1424
4 ///LAINE 1939 2474 4663 335 0.1354
5 buster* 7064 670 1616 86 0.1284
6 Monkyinarms 203 149 539 19 0.1275
7 BlackJack 212 164 404 20 0.1220
8 EXTREME TURBO!!! 8131 1264 4271 153 0.1210
9 PRR11 122 575 1494 67 0.1165
10 oink 7760 1453 3406 166 0.1142
11 zub 859 300 729 34 0.1133
12 empanao 2055 240 710 27 0.1125
13 kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 8873 1754 4857 196 0.1117
14 m@stery 1718 728 1570 81 0.1113
15 Kredenc=) 3326 1744 3628 191 0.1095
16 xAvi' 5643 627 1803 68 0.1085
17 1.618033 7200 218 526 23 0.1055
18 ,`/ 3715 1339 3781 141 0.1053
19 KGR 316 385 1195 40 0.1039
20 obeseanton 2113 405 742 42 0.1037
21 AnGaraT 1317 265 573 27 0.1019
22 xJupix 254 365 968 37 0.1014
23 cane 397 516 1796 52 0.1008
24 Legacy is shit 6879 18174 58356 1813 0.0998
25 Huasteco!:> 1100 2321 6489 231 0.0995
26 Jos 2684 2975 6671 296 0.0995
27 slapper 169 182 575 18 0.0989
28 Average 308 739 1677 73 0.0988
29 co? 1535 1704 4736 168 0.0986
30 Tekken. 538 665 1735 65 0.0977
31 hC|revolt 146 439 1296 42 0.0957
32 crshr 424 618 1783 59 0.0955
33 annu 1219 1089 4439 103 0.0946
34 trinita? 4821 932 3173 88 0.0944
35 nightmare 3634 3048 7888 287 0.0942
36 my name is RED :o) 136 319 718 30 0.0940
37 jessi 577 428 1007 40 0.0935
38 dejaVu 120 161 484 15 0.0932
39 Peter Gryffin 203 724 2350 67 0.0925
40 freezer 222 652 3121 60 0.0920
41 fishy' 8743 5173 13054 474 0.0916
42 McFish 260 164 1314 15 0.0915
43 silence'vipe 143 222 625 20 0.0901
44 Sklamak C: 240 391 931 35 0.0895
45 Gnat:> 2309 2165 5225 192 0.0887
46 jay:0 2788 385 1117 34 0.0883
47 aCid. 7917 216 590 19 0.0880
48 Five Guys 430 411 1723 36 0.0876
49 LAIVI TUVAHE 453 402 1396 35 0.0871
50 ETPlayer56618D07 194 1165 3236 100 0.0858
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 theme:bismarck by myrddin    vsp v0.47H, last updated @ 2024-06-30 23:22:55  skin:sssp by sssp  
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