Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot
Server IP: et.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Award Stats
Awards List
Best acc. with Airstrike ReimuVahe
Best acc. with Arty m@z
Best acc. with Bazooka ROOKiE#
Best acc. with Browning Method Man.
Best acc. with Carbine LEIMH X_x
Best acc. with Colt ...
Best acc. with Dynamite .Schwens
Best acc. with Fg42 Canni <o/
Best acc. with Flamethrower Marshall
Best acc. with Garand ght!
Best acc. with Grenade launcher ghosting monitor
Best acc. with K43 Kredenc=)
Best acc. with Kar98 foreva
Best acc. with Knife Krimi
Best acc. with Landmine .Ekimoz
Best acc. with Luger clownshoes
Best acc. with Mg42 Starship
Best acc. with Mobile mg42 TAu
Best acc. with Mortar pio
Best acc. with Mortar2 pio
Best acc. with Mp34 ramnes:thinking:
Best acc. with Mp40 supreme
Best acc. with Panzerfaust KAPSALONHOOCHI :^)
Best acc. with Satchel Assanuga123
Best acc. with Sten cfg
Best acc. with Thompson western.Shootej
Best overall acc. supreme
Best Killer with Airstrike hunter
Best Killer with Arty bIgDaDdY*
Best Killer with Backstab silence'vipe
Best Killer with Bazooka perus takki
Best Killer with Browning professor
Best Killer with Carbine Qwyx
Best Killer with Colt sArah
Best Killer with Crush construction Sepi69
Best Killer with Crush constructiondeath leszeksensimiller
Best Killer with Dynamite XenoMorph
Best Killer with Fg42 Specht..
Best Killer with Fg42scope 2fe4RyU
Best Killer with Flamethrower Radagast Smurf
Best Killer with Garand jtm
Best Killer with Garand scope jtm
Best Killer with Gpg40 El Diego Cigala
Best Killer with Grenade launcher kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
Best Killer with Grenade pineapple BlackAdder
Best Killer with K43 ESPION
Best Killer with K43 scope book
Best Killer with Kar98 El Diego Cigala
Best Killer with Kicked oink
Best Killer with Knife 20VI$ION20
Best Killer with Knife kabar Reudula
Best Killer with Landmine Hela
Best Killer with Luger s!kz
Best Killer with M7 Qwyx
Best Killer with Machinegun professor
Best Killer with Mg42 bananacookie
Best Killer with Mobile browning Aliaz
Best Killer with Mobile mg42 RoyalHV|Omega
Best Killer with Mortar BELLE_DELPHINE
Best Killer with Mortar2 Filzlaus
Best Killer with Mp34 Medzik
Best Killer with Mp40 NOkIANOkIANOkIANOkIA
Best Killer with Panzerfaust Asox
Best Killer with Satchel pio
Best Killer with Shove i p k i s s
Best Killer with Silencer ice&sun
Best Killer with Smokegrenade BraZil-JHB
Best Killer with Sten Medzik
Best Killer with Suicide rapala
Best Killer with Thompson D R E A M W O R K S
Most Dynamites Diffused lag|Kermit~
Most Dynamites planted P A A V O
Most Repairs Rhapsody
Field Ops
Most Ammopacks Collected *Biertje?
Walking Ammo Rack VELTINS
Best HS acc. with Carbine [!!!]Bodin
Best HS acc. with Colt w1lko:x
Best HS acc. with Fg42 nWccccccccccccccccc
Best HS acc. with Garand hannu
Best HS acc. with K43 [!!!]TigeR
Best HS acc. with Kar98 GiNekoloG
Best HS acc. with Luger h6Mr
Best HS acc. with Mp34 VARDASCA
Best HS acc. with Mp40 western.Shootej
Best HS acc. with Sten loltest
Best HS acc. with Thompson seppuku2
Best overall HS acc. low+ hs
Most HS with all Weapons newlol
Most HS with Carbine Dr.Manijak(Slo)
Most HS with Colt sArah
Most HS with Fg42 Specht..
Most HS with Garand jtm
Most HS with K43 silence'vipe
Most HS with Kar98 ESPION
Most HS with Luger s!kz
Most HS with Mp34 Medzik
Most HS with Mp40 western.Shootej
Most HS with Sten Medzik
Most HS with Thompson lepip
Best Nurse ERYThR0P0iETiN
Med Pack Whore ducks and their embr...
Most Revives Received *Heineken!
Walking Health Rack ERYThR0P0iETiN
Best Efficiency western.Shootej
Best Killer S3AL
Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games) bIgDaDdY*
First Killer Lee Dong John
First Victim .dRiv3r!
Highest Death Streak Ruediger
Highest Kill Streak Slash:)
Most Damage From Team S3AL
Most Damage Taken S3AL
Most Damage To Team Honey77
Most Deaths supreme
Most Rounds Lost Ladybird
Most Rounds Won foreva
Most Selfkills Average
Smokes a lot Specht..
Award Listing for Best acc. with fg42 (top 50)
# Player Name  Games   Hits   Shots   Accuracy 
1 Canni <o/ 170 6 8 75.00
2 KGR 316 7 10 70.00
3 blood whirlwind 581 22 33 66.67
4 kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 8873 8 12 66.67
5 Bessie 427 3 5 60.00
6 western.Shootej 4052 19 32 59.38
7 Jessi 1163 4 7 57.14
8 Vik. 162 53 95 55.79
9 j0!nT 329 7 13 53.85
10 Luke 539 8 15 53.33
11 gryph38 2244 10 19 52.63
12 the_vastness 1690 51 99 51.52
13 Knardooo !!! 1345 32 63 50.79
14 nUb 190 1 2 50.00
15 aCid. 7917 1 2 50.00
16 VALGE VIIN 122 48 96 50.00
17 nWccccccccccccccccc 1048 272 551 49.36
18 obeseanton 2113 1506 3073 49.01
19 Jos 2684 2517 5179 48.60
20 BlackJack 212 221 455 48.57
21 Jossss 559 81 168 48.21
22 newlol 645 1328 2778 47.80
23 Enthaw 1972 154 324 47.53
24 Colors of the Wind 342 17 36 47.22
25 NOkIANOkIANOkIANOkIA 3096 13 28 46.43
26 med1xza xDDDDDD 1993 2229 4807 46.37
27 kRs! 338 574 1243 46.18
28 fanart 410 2873 6224 46.16
29 nightmare 3634 6 13 46.15
30 rookie 1547 128 278 46.04
31 ulu#321 543 666 1449 45.96
32 wiertarka 662 117 255 45.88
33 //LuK:> 1141 16 35 45.71
34 my name is red :o)) 664 21 46 45.65
35 Joss 1594 402 881 45.63
36 Tardler 261 219 481 45.53
37 ///LAINE 1939 486 1073 45.29
38 Average 308 1740 3855 45.14
39 proudvirgin@nightmAr... 289 65 144 45.14
40 vik. 1287 141 313 45.05
41 Vik. 471 54 121 44.63
42 FartingPanda 2038 178 399 44.61
43 Bl4ck 2009 1206 2706 44.57
44 Slash:) 6188 4 9 44.44
45 LAMER 135 20 45 44.44
46 [!!!]TigeR 3752 1140 2568 44.39
47 Kredi<3 233 323 734 44.01
48 feel. 1933 267 608 43.91
49 1ndx 504 25 57 43.86
50 ***Sakan*** 687 7 16 43.75
 powered by vsp stats processor © 2004-2011 by myrddin 
 theme:bismarck by myrddin    vsp v0.47H, last updated @ 2024-06-30 23:22:55  skin:sssp by sssp  
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