
Regular *C5C6002D
Global statistics
Rank TOP 8 % 1,000
Games TOP 13 % 688
K/D TOP 14 % 1.32
Kills TOP 12 % 8,859
Deaths 6,712
Time TOP 12 % 138 hours
Last seen 03.11.2022 17:34
Kill streak TOP 7 % 21
Death streak 9
K/G TOP 27 % 12.88
Headshots 4,619
Team kills 717
Team deaths 520
Revives TOP 34 % 422
Revived 1,476
Repairs TOP 4 % 57
Plants TOP 42 % 7
Defuses TOP 5 % 19
Health packs given TOP 15 % 458
Health packs taken 1,944
Ammo packs given TOP 5 % 1,098
Ammo packs taken 500
First blood TOP 22 % 12
First victim 14
Shoves TOP 19 % 273
Shoved 556
Axis TOP 2 % 130 hours
Allies TOP 15 % 8 hours
Soldier TOP 2 % 21 hours
Medic TOP 9 % 25 hours
Engineer TOP 2 % 62 hours
FieldOp TOP 3 % 26 hours
CovertOp TOP 8 % 4 hours
Battle sense TOP 3 % 33,784
Explosives and Construction TOP 3 % 23,258
First Aid TOP 12 % 3,539
Signals TOP 3 % 7,500
Light Weapons TOP 5 % 31,190
Heavy Weapons TOP 2 % 7,583
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 11 % 1,110
Mega kills TOP 10 % 6
Han Solo
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 4 % 2,697 510 25.18 % 11.67 %
Grenade launcher 1,467 406 49.06 % 36
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 1 % 1,437 30 36
M7 TOP 11 % 30 376 0
Landmine TOP 1 % 960 69 TOP 24 % 59.92 % 18
Karabiner 98k TOP 1 % 774 21
Mortar TOP 1 % 701 107 TOP 39 % 36.20 % 5
Artillery TOP 1 % 438 56 53.73 % 5
Thompson TOP 11 % 387 3,961 27.73 % 12.90 %
Grenade 380 328 16.86 % 7
Stielhandgranate TOP 3 % 370 23 6
Pineapple TOP 22 % 10 305 1
MG 42 TOP 13 % 332 12 15.68 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 2 % 320 2
Luger TOP 2 % 245 10 28.49 % 9.82 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 9 % 24 3
Silencer TOP 13 % 3 0
Machinegun TOP 2 % 128 13
Gewehr 43 TOP 8 % 92 8 22.83 % TOP 46 % 8.81 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 3 % 79 7
MP 34 TOP 3 % 88 3 32.16 % TOP 20 % 17.67 %
Panzerfaust TOP 6 % 38 26 91.38 % 2
Browning TOP 24 % 33 81 19.52 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 7 % 28 57
Airstrike TOP 7 % 33 102 76.34 % 0
Colt TOP 14 % 19 182 30.80 % 11.94 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 33 % 1 68
Silenced Colt 0 4
Knife TOP 7 % 17 16 TOP 3 % 15.75 % 0
Carbine TOP 15 % 14 243
FG 42 TOP 12 % 7 28 28.06 % 5.13 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 27 % 1 1
Satchel TOP 11 % 4 6 24.07 % 0
Dynamite TOP 15 % 3 1 6.82 % 0
Flamethrower TOP 33 % 1 3 102.31 % 0
Airstrike marker TOP 40 % 1 0 0
Sten 0 106 31.76 % 20.37 %
Garand 0 119 24.20 % 13.21 %
Scoped Garand 0 101
Suicide 279
Team switch 39
Gravity 23
Hurt trigger 6
Construction madness 0 1 0
Bazooka 0 265 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 207 157 1.32
*Bat* 154 103 1.50
page 143 133 1.08
P A A V O 133 83 1.60
Honey77 123 56 2.20
QpaQ 119 146 0.82
mennen 116 101 1.15
de luxe! 109 126 0.87
[n]innocent-bystander 96 44 2.18
Major MAJOR 93 57 1.63
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 157 207 1.32
QpaQ 146 119 0.82
t!lt 143 84 0.59
page 133 143 1.08
de luxe! 126 109 0.87
muchacho. 109 68 0.62
*Bat* 103 154 1.50
mennen 101 116 1.15
Lee Dong John 85 55 0.65
P A A V O 83 133 1.60