Oleg of newsens

Regular *ACC9F8EB
Global statistics
Rank TOP 9 % 1,221
Games TOP 3 % 3,275
K/D TOP 41 % 0.92
Kills TOP 4 % 35,263
Deaths 38,276
Time TOP 3 % 25 days
Last seen 27.12.2023 21:00
Kill streak TOP 14 % 17
Death streak 13
K/G TOP 41 % 10.77
Headshots 23,922
Team kills 1,645
Team deaths 1,814
Revives TOP 6 % 4,963
Revived 6,658
Repairs TOP 3 % 42
Plants TOP 5 % 226
Defuses TOP 6 % 16
Health packs given TOP 6 % 1,429
Health packs taken 3,669
Ammo packs given TOP 5 % 1,075
Ammo packs taken 3,045
First blood TOP 7 % 67
First victim 57
Shoves TOP 6 % 1,363
Shoved 2,088
Axis TOP 1 % 10 days
Allies TOP 1 % 15 days
Soldier TOP 1 % 98 hours
Medic TOP 2 % 10 days
Engineer TOP 1 % 135 hours
FieldOp TOP 3 % 29 hours
CovertOp TOP 1 % 79 hours
Battle sense TOP 2 % 93,800
Explosives and Construction TOP 2 % 43,947
First Aid TOP 3 % 28,077
Signals TOP 4 % 7,349
Light Weapons TOP 2 % 134,030
Heavy Weapons TOP 1 % 31,969
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 1 % 30,458
Mega kills TOP 5 % 14
Ultra kills TOP 13 % 1
Oleg of newsens
Oleg of bypooping
Oleg of bystanding
Poop whirlwind
Igor Fan
Oleg of cruxing
Poop emoji
Colors of the Poo
Oleg of Novgorod
Wighty on the Stroll
Wight newcomp&sens
Wight mediumlag
Wight newmousetoo
Wight 8)
Wight yomamaisfat
Wight manylag
Yellow poop
Uthred Ragnarson
Pink poop
Wight onlyHS
Wight+gobarca :(
Peter Gryffin
Wight newcomp
Wight poop
Wight 12
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 1 % 8,499 9,751 30.78 % TOP 43 % 12.72 %
MP 40 TOP 2 % 6,349 15,885 30.27 % TOP 41 % 12.47 %
Grenade launcher 4,706 2,326 49.32 % 83
M7 TOP 0 % 2,897 981 52
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 1 % 1,809 1,345 31
Grenade 3,183 1,741 32.78 % 96
Pineapple TOP 1 % 1,646 675 42
Stielhandgranate TOP 1 % 1,537 1,066 54
Garand TOP 1 % 2,081 505 TOP 36 % 39.62 % TOP 12 % 13.36 %
Scoped Garand TOP 0 % 1,762 448
Panzerfaust TOP 1 % 1,641 977 TOP 22 % 101.72 % 151
Bazooka TOP 0 % 1,582 618 TOP 27 % 92.87 % 123
MG 42 TOP 3 % 1,199 477 17.08 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 1 % 1,132 401
Carbine TOP 1 % 1,183 437 0.00 % 0.00 %
Gewehr 43 TOP 2 % 926 460 TOP 36 % 39.06 % TOP 11 % 12.72 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 1 % 820 402
Karabiner 98k TOP 1 % 741 796 0.00 % 0.00 %
Browning TOP 4 % 700 246 TOP 44 % 18.75 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 1 % 649 186
Colt TOP 1 % 448 385 35.26 % TOP 25 % 13.16 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 6 % 50 178
Silenced Colt TOP 3 % 13 1
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 4 % 9 3
Landmine TOP 2 % 425 538 52.69 % 13
Artillery TOP 2 % 388 639 TOP 36 % 63.99 % 6
Luger TOP 2 % 339 616 34.37 % TOP 32 % 11.72 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 8 % 36 248
Silencer TOP 6 % 6 1
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 4
Airstrike TOP 2 % 326 315 TOP 4 % 115.55 % 3
Sten TOP 3 % 161 198 36.93 % TOP 48 % 14.89 %
Machinegun TOP 2 % 141 169
Knife TOP 2 % 66 69 3.28 % 0
Back stab 0 2 0
Mortar TOP 3 % 62 410 25.23 % 1
MP 34 TOP 5 % 43 227 35.25 % 14.15 %
FG 42 TOP 6 % 34 255 29.80 % 8.57 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 6 % 8 13
Dynamite TOP 3 % 22 6 TOP 14 % 6.68 % 1
Flamethrower TOP 7 % 9 24 22.94 % 1
Satchel TOP 7 % 9 27 4.34 % 4
Water 0 1 0
Suicide 4,861
Gravity 142
Team switch 109
Hurt trigger 18
Crush 16
Explosive 2
Kicked 0
Construction madness 0 0 4
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
VELTINS 671 348 1.93
crux 605 794 0.76
Major MAJOR 492 521 0.94
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 398 568 0.70
PAAVO 397 357 1.11
simpsonr 395 523 0.76
fishy' 347 491 0.71
Honey77 346 238 1.45
Bongoo!!! 334 288 1.16
BlAcKAnGeL 326 324 1.01
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 794 605 0.76
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 568 398 0.70
simpsonr 523 395 0.76
Major MAJOR 521 492 0.94
S3ALL 492 250 0.51
fishy' 491 347 0.71
Monty on the Run 424 249 0.59
de luxe 420 261 0.62
aCid. 395 276 0.70
muchacho. 393 175 0.45