Global statistics
Rank TOP 6 % 848
Games TOP 3 % 2,778
K/D TOP 41 % 0.92
Kills TOP 3 % 41,697
Deaths 45,447
Time TOP 3 % 27 days
Last seen 08.04.2022 23:50
Kill streak TOP 10 % 19
Death streak 19
K/G TOP 17 % 15.01
Headshots 35,123
Team kills 2,017
Team deaths 1,913
Revives TOP 4 % 7,286
Revived 5,411
Repairs TOP 5 % 20
Plants TOP 14 % 52
Defuses TOP 5 % 22
Health packs given TOP 3 % 2,615
Health packs taken 3,415
Ammo packs given TOP 1 % 8,298
Ammo packs taken 1,867
First blood TOP 5 % 85
First victim 93
Shoves TOP 33 % 107
Shoved 1,886
Axis TOP 1 % 23 days
Allies TOP 3 % 107 hours
Soldier TOP 1 % 51 hours
Medic TOP 1 % 12 days
Engineer TOP 1 % 113 hours
FieldOp TOP 0 % 7 days
CovertOp TOP 2 % 20 hours
Battle sense TOP 1 % 132,111
Explosives and Construction TOP 2 % 46,894
First Aid TOP 1 % 64,118
Signals TOP 0 % 62,511
Light Weapons TOP 1 % 295,744
Heavy Weapons TOP 1 % 16,117
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 4 % 5,138
Mega kills TOP 2 % 47
Ultra kills TOP 1 % 12
Holy-shit kills TOP 0 % 1
PR3D@TOR set name_switch vstr
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 1 % 20,617 6,933 30.98 % 10.22 %
Grenade launcher 4,108 2,375 47.44 % 46
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 0 % 3,530 412 39
M7 TOP 2 % 578 1,963 7
Thompson TOP 3 % 3,326 25,382 29.52 % 11.11 %
Grenade 2,140 1,461 32.97 % 133
Stielhandgranate TOP 1 % 1,851 309 114
Pineapple TOP 3 % 289 1,152 19
Airstrike TOP 0 % 1,985 454 TOP 22 % 92.85 % 12
Luger TOP 0 % 1,767 225 30.05 % 9.82 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 1 % 711 86
Akimbo Silenced Luger TOP 10 % 3 0
Silencer TOP 39 % 1 2
Karabiner 98k TOP 1 % 1,766 285
Artillery TOP 0 % 1,671 551 TOP 30 % 65.60 % 22
Mortar TOP 1 % 1,017 426 TOP 39 % 36.50 % 17
Panzerfaust TOP 1 % 679 272 85.80 % 57
MP 34 TOP 1 % 471 56 34.90 % 13.69 %
Bazooka TOP 1 % 414 1,217 77.04 % 20
Colt TOP 2 % 280 1,150 29.41 % TOP 42 % 11.80 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 4 % 86 501
Silenced Colt TOP 24 % 2 15
Akimbo Silenced Colt TOP 19 % 2 5
MG 42 TOP 5 % 253 310 TOP 43 % 18.68 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 3 % 208 184
Carbine TOP 3 % 253 1,192
Sten TOP 2 % 250 441 33.61 % TOP 42 % 15.22 %
Browning TOP 2 % 176 779 TOP 34 % 19.84 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 4 % 77 562
Gewehr 43 TOP 6 % 151 212 28.08 % TOP 50 % 8.35 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 3 % 129 172
Landmine TOP 4 % 131 489 TOP 29 % 59.39 % 1
Machinegun TOP 2 % 124 213
Garand TOP 15 % 53 742 27.82 % TOP 46 % 8.85 %
Scoped Garand TOP 5 % 48 588
Knife TOP 5 % 25 62 2.48 % 0
Satchel TOP 5 % 16 13 19.39 % 3
Flamethrower TOP 7 % 10 7 43.43 % 1
Dynamite TOP 7 % 9 13 8.05 % 1
FG 42 TOP 16 % 3 129 31.82 % 14.29 %
Scoped FG 42 0 9
Airstrike marker TOP 12 % 2 1 2
Suicide 1,302
Team switch 53
Gravity 31
Hurt trigger 15
Crush 7
Explosive 2
Construction madness 0 2 2
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
-proZac-> 824 394 2.09
a Banana 656 711 0.92
333 502 219 2.29
oink 466 417 1.12
*Bat* 453 404 1.12
crux 443 629 0.70
Affrob 438 246 1.78
GJIRO 429 373 1.15
QpaQ 427 653 0.65
t!lt 415 782 0.53
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
muchacho. 1020 380 0.37
S3ALL 864 329 0.38
t!lt 782 415 0.53
a Banana 711 656 0.92
QpaQ 653 427 0.65
ROOKIE 638 278 0.44
crux 629 443 0.70
Lee Dong John 586 329 0.56
de luxe 524 303 0.58
Struggler 478 360 0.75