Straight Outta Grade 10

Global statistics
Rank TOP 13 % 1,806
Games TOP 5 % 2,179
K/D 0.71
Kills TOP 8 % 16,071
Deaths 22,646
Time TOP 5 % 15 days
Last seen 29.07.2023 16:08
Kill streak TOP 37 % 11
Death streak 26
K/G 7.38
Headshots 16,318
Team kills 413
Team deaths 758
Revives TOP 6 % 4,449
Revived 3,316
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 40 % 8
Defuses TOP 37 % 1
Health packs given TOP 9 % 858
Health packs taken 143
Ammo packs given TOP 22 % 107
Ammo packs taken 1,085
First blood TOP 7 % 63
First victim 73
Shoves TOP 9 % 724
Shoved 1,096
Axis TOP 7 % 32 hours
Allies TOP 1 % 13 days
Soldier 4 minutes
Medic TOP 1 % 14 days
Engineer TOP 37 % 40 minutes
FieldOp TOP 8 % 6 hours
CovertOp TOP 8 % 4 hours
Battle sense TOP 2 % 63,378
Explosives and Construction TOP 33 % 289
First Aid TOP 3 % 24,199
Signals TOP 17 % 502
Light Weapons TOP 2 % 104,624
Heavy Weapons TOP 15 % 377
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 19 % 439
Mega kills TOP 11 % 5
Straight Outta Grade 10
Qanon Phenomenon
Big Dick Player
soaking wet pussy
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 1 % 13,301 2,408 34.90 % 11.55 %
MP 40 TOP 5 % 1,594 14,037 35.83 % 10.91 %
Colt TOP 1 % 560 55 31.91 % TOP 46 % 11.40 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 3 % 100 27
Silenced Colt TOP 15 % 3 0
Grenade 235 1,003 26.15 % 13
Pineapple TOP 4 % 204 98 13
Stielhandgranate TOP 14 % 31 905 0
Sten TOP 3 % 104 22 35.75 % TOP 39 % 15.56 %
Luger TOP 6 % 80 517 35.17 % 10.50 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 16 % 8 187
Silencer TOP 13 % 3 8
Akimbo Silenced Luger 0 4
Artillery TOP 6 % 43 309 44.96 % 1
MP 34 TOP 5 % 39 190 38.21 % 10.90 %
Browning TOP 6 % 35 38 14.47 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 12
MG 42 TOP 7 % 25 238 15.89 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 197
Machinegun TOP 7 % 19 65
Knife TOP 6 % 19 62 TOP 40 % 4.84 % 0
Airstrike TOP 10 % 16 171 58.00 % 0
Satchel TOP 29 % 1 19 22.22 % 0
Garand 0 41 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped Garand 0 24
FG 42 0 119 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 2
Panzerfaust 0 504 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 12 0.00 % 0
Dynamite 0 6 0.00 % 0
Water 0 1 0
Suicide 645
Team switch 293
Gravity 20
Hurt trigger 10
Crush 9
Explosive 1
Map rubble 1
Kicked 0
Carbine 0 64
Karabiner 98k 0 572
Landmine 0 443 0.00 % 0
Construction madness 0 0 0
Gewehr 43 0 231 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 173
Mortar 0 72 0.00 % 0
Bazooka 0 44 0.00 % 0
Grenade launcher 0 1,362 0.00 % 0
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 0 1,234 0
M7 0 128 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
crux 317 507 0.63
VELTINS 232 140 1.66
ExploreR 208 155 1.34
fishy' 193 375 0.51
simpsonr 169 257 0.66
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 162 255 0.64
Major MAJOR 152 186 0.82
BlAcKAnGeL 143 233 0.61
[n]innocent-bystander 142 97 1.46
oink 138 109 1.27
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
crux 507 317 0.63
fishy' 375 193 0.51
simpsonr 257 169 0.66
kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO 255 162 0.64
Slash:) 254 129 0.51
edshotmachine 240 54 0.23
BlAcKAnGeL 233 143 0.61
h y p e r l oo p 209 109 0.52
Major MAJOR 186 152 0.82
[!!!][J!nX.IgOr] 183 95 0.52