ghosting monitor

Global statistics
Rank TOP 5 % 560
Games TOP 18 % 467
K/D TOP 26 % 1.09
Kills TOP 13 % 8,067
Deaths 7,381
Time TOP 16 % 98 hours
Last seen 04.10.2020 14:24
Kill streak TOP 31 % 12
Death streak 14
K/G TOP 10 % 17.27
Headshots 12,039
Team kills 189
Team deaths 278
Revives TOP 13 % 1,839
Revived 1,393
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 37 % 9
Defuses TOP 20 % 3
Health packs given TOP 16 % 402
Health packs taken 70
Ammo packs given 0
Ammo packs taken 254
First blood TOP 11 % 37
First victim 49
Shoves TOP 15 % 379
Shoved 369
Axis TOP 5 % 55 hours
Allies TOP 6 % 43 hours
Soldier TOP 27 % 23 minutes
Medic TOP 4 % 92 hours
Engineer TOP 19 % 2 hours
FieldOp 0 seconds
CovertOp TOP 9 % 4 hours
Battle sense TOP 5 % 20,621
Explosives and Construction TOP 19 % 975
First Aid TOP 5 % 13,937
Signals 0
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 68,968
Heavy Weapons TOP 21 % 182
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 24 % 268
Mega kills TOP 34 % 1
ghosting monitor
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 3 % 4,378 2,625 TOP 25 % 39.70 % TOP 28 % 13.54 %
Thompson TOP 3 % 3,069 2,774 TOP 22 % 39.40 % TOP 18 % 14.60 %
Grenade 214 339 46.45 % 13
Stielhandgranate TOP 6 % 134 163 8
Pineapple TOP 7 % 80 176 5
Sten TOP 2 % 155 41 TOP 19 % 43.30 % TOP 11 % 19.54 %
Luger TOP 8 % 79 84 40.53 % 8.22 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 8 % 31 25
Silencer 0 1
MP 34 TOP 4 % 79 25 TOP 24 % 43.93 % TOP 43 % 15.25 %
Colt TOP 9 % 51 98 42.11 % 10.98 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 12 % 12 39
Silenced Colt TOP 15 % 3 3
MG 42 TOP 22 % 22 72 21.46 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 11 % 16 48
Knife TOP 9 % 13 10 4.67 % 0
Carbine TOP 27 % 3 135
Browning TOP 41 % 2 39 55.00 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 13
Dynamite TOP 37 % 1 2 5.26 % 0
Grenade launcher 1 452 133.33 % 0
M7 TOP 34 % 1 243 0
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 0 209 0
Machinegun 0 32
Garand 0 78 26.32 % 10.00 %
Scoped Garand 0 68
FG 42 0 19 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped FG 42 0 1
Panzerfaust 0 89 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 2 0.00 % 0
Airstrike 0 43 0.00 % 0
Artillery 0 50 0.00 % 0
Suicide 746
Team switch 12
Gravity 5
Explosive 3
Hurt trigger 2
Karabiner 98k 0 103
Landmine 0 100 0.00 % 0
Satchel 0 5 0.00 % 1
Gewehr 43 0 37 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 24
Mortar 0 41 0.00 % 0
Bazooka 0 76 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
J V L I V S || 131 151 0.87
simpsonr 107 84 1.27
jAISUNAATA 103 115 0.90
*Bat* 89 63 1.41
Jack 82 80 1.03
damio 81 57 1.42
500hz 80 172 0.47
20VI$ION20 78 15 5.20
JosetTe 74 117 0.63
QpaQ 70 50 1.40
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
500hz 172 80 0.47
J V L I V S || 151 131 0.87
JosetTe 117 74 0.63
playerrr 117 67 0.57
jAISUNAATA 115 103 0.90
snjh 113 65 0.58
MARSHALL 109 66 0.61
h y p e r l oo p 107 66 0.62
EL PENE 93 47 0.51
LEIMH 87 70 0.80