
Server statistics
Rank TOP 10 % 1,118
Games TOP 4 % 2,460
K/D TOP 26 % 1.11
Kills TOP 5 % 24,927
Deaths 22,358
Time TOP 4 % 18 days
Last seen 16.01.2025 19:42
Kill streak TOP 7 % 21
Death streak 12
K/G TOP 44 % 10.13
Headshots 16,623
Team kills 1,446
Team deaths 904
Revives TOP 3 % 8,052
Revived 4,307
Repairs TOP 11 % 14
Plants TOP 21 % 22
Defuses TOP 9 % 9
Health packs given TOP 2 % 4,203
Health packs taken 768
Ammo packs given TOP 11 % 355
Ammo packs taken 2,230
First blood TOP 7 % 54
First victim 55
Shoves TOP 6 % 1,087
Shoved 1,002
Axis TOP 1 % 11 days
Allies TOP 2 % 7 days
Soldier TOP 5 % 6 hours
Medic TOP 1 % 16 days
Engineer TOP 6 % 16 hours
FieldOp TOP 3 % 22 hours
CovertOp TOP 3 % 19 hours
Battle sense TOP 1 % 89,536
Explosives and Construction TOP 8 % 4,858
First Aid TOP 2 % 44,136
Signals TOP 5 % 3,929
Light Weapons TOP 2 % 123,325
Heavy Weapons TOP 3 % 5,882
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 3 % 7,635
Mega kills TOP 10 % 5
Ultra kills TOP 5 % 2
Monster kills TOP 3 % 1
legion no sound
legion 8/
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 1 % 13,244 6,639 33.73 % 8.80 %
Thompson TOP 1 % 7,523 8,562 33.28 % 9.37 %
Grenade 725 1,023 31.01 % 25
Stielhandgranate TOP 2 % 482 492 17
Pineapple TOP 3 % 243 531 8
MG 42 TOP 1 % 441 217 TOP 38 % 19.27 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 TOP 2 % 242 146
Garand TOP 2 % 430 285 TOP 25 % 45.34 % TOP 42 % 9.70 %
Scoped Garand TOP 1 % 350 232
Browning TOP 0 % 418 236 TOP 38 % 19.59 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning TOP 6 % 36 128
Luger TOP 2 % 291 195 35.16 % 7.42 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 5 % 54 83
Akimbo Silenced Luger TOP 6 % 7 2
Silencer TOP 10 % 4 1
Gewehr 43 TOP 3 % 280 155 TOP 43 % 38.51 % 7.84 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 2 % 216 139
Artillery TOP 2 % 271 290 49.81 % 2
Grenade launcher 267 1,451 48.59 % 6
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 4 % 203 610 4
M7 TOP 7 % 64 841 2
Machinegun TOP 1 % 243 96
Colt TOP 2 % 200 311 34.52 % 6.64 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 6 % 37 125
Silenced Colt TOP 46 % 1 3
Akimbo Silenced Colt 0 2
Karabiner 98k TOP 4 % 141 283 0.00 % 0.00 %
Landmine TOP 3 % 129 396 TOP 23 % 59.23 % 2
Airstrike TOP 4 % 72 195 TOP 18 % 96.85 % 0
Carbine TOP 6 % 67 385
FG 42 TOP 3 % 58 121 TOP 33 % 35.97 % 8.73 %
Scoped FG 42 0 9
MP 34 TOP 4 % 57 64 TOP 44 % 39.46 % 14.05 %
Panzerfaust TOP 6 % 35 418 62.50 % 2
Sten TOP 14 % 10 194 36.11 % 9.72 %
Satchel TOP 6 % 9 13 12.50 % 2
Knife TOP 12 % 8 22 0.43 % 0
Dynamite TOP 12 % 4 16 16.67 % 0
Bazooka TOP 15 % 4 556 166.67 % 1
Flamethrower 0 8 0.00 % 0
Suicide 3,201
Team switch 292
Gravity 21
Hurt trigger 10
Crush 5
Construction madness 0 0 0
Mortar 0 191 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
k!mbO_o 496 494 1.00
crux 437 493 0.89
flyEaglesfly 356 211 1.69
ExploreR 338 224 1.51
[!!!]Pun!* 288 326 0.88
oink 287 166 1.73
[n]innocent-bystander 286 211 1.36
ERYThR0P0iETiN 238 82 2.90
Jack 234 225 1.04
Bongoo!!! 234 178 1.31
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
k!mbO_o 494 496 1.00
crux 493 437 0.89
muchacho. 368 194 0.53
[!!!]Pun!* 326 288 0.88
buster* 302 233 0.77
de luxe! 290 216 0.74
QpaQ 244 147 0.60
Jack 225 234 1.04
ExploreR 224 338 1.51
fishy' 220 182 0.83