
Server statistics
Rank TOP 5 % 492
Games TOP 27 % 227
K/D TOP 25 % 1.13
Kills TOP 19 % 4,234
Deaths 3,758
Time TOP 26 % 46 hours
Last seen 19.10.2022 16:55
Kill streak TOP 38 % 11
Death streak 13
K/G TOP 8 % 18.65
Headshots 4,773
Team kills 117
Team deaths 155
Revives TOP 28 % 498
Revived 589
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 42 % 6
Defuses TOP 26 % 2
Health packs given 31
Health packs taken 50
Ammo packs given 2
Ammo packs taken 82
First blood TOP 12 % 27
First victim 35
Shoves TOP 21 % 194
Shoved 234
Axis TOP 6 % 33 hours
Allies TOP 11 % 13 hours
Soldier TOP 27 % 23 minutes
Medic TOP 6 % 42 hours
Engineer TOP 17 % 3 hours
FieldOp TOP 34 % 33 minutes
CovertOp TOP 17 % 75 minutes
Battle sense TOP 8 % 9,136
Explosives and Construction TOP 21 % 694
First Aid TOP 11 % 3,451
Signals TOP 35 % 111
Light Weapons TOP 4 % 34,064
Heavy Weapons TOP 19 % 236
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 21 % 364
Vik. is the GOAT
Mr Vik 1989
Vik. IZiGaMe And1
MotherFucker// Vik
IZIGAME And1 ,=-
V I K :))
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 3 % 2,848 903 TOP 35 % 38.38 % TOP 20 % 13.88 %
Thompson TOP 6 % 996 1,885 37.46 % 14.56 %
Luger TOP 5 % 95 28 TOP 41 % 39.31 % TOP 14 % 13.34 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 8 % 25 8
Grenade 50 167 37.23 % 7
Stielhandgranate TOP 11 % 42 45 6
Pineapple TOP 23 % 8 122 1
Karabiner 98k TOP 8 % 43 23
Colt TOP 11 % 37 41 39.48 % 13.59 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 12 % 12 8
Garand TOP 5 % 29 26 40.83 % 8.70 %
Scoped Garand TOP 27 % 2 17
Gewehr 43 TOP 8 % 26 2 39.10 % 9.54 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 TOP 12 % 12 1
Airstrike TOP 7 % 25 17 94.74 % 1
Grenade launcher 22 179 29.89 % 1
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 12 % 22 27 1
M7 0 152 0
Panzerfaust TOP 8 % 17 16 91.67 % 2
Knife TOP 7 % 14 5 6.45 % 0
Browning TOP 12 % 12 47 19.58 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 30
MG 42 TOP 16 % 9 27 23.75 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 11
FG 42 TOP 19 % 3 13 43.48 % 20.00 %
Scoped FG 42 TOP 26 % 1 1
Bazooka TOP 16 % 3 65 100.00 % 0
Carbine TOP 29 % 2 95
MP 34 TOP 27 % 2 24 38.33 % 17.39 %
Artillery TOP 35 % 1 20 100.00 % 0
Machinegun 0 14
Sten 0 71 52.94 % 14.81 %
Flamethrower 0 7 0.00 % 0
Dynamite 0 3 0.00 % 0
Suicide 395
Team switch 21
Gravity 2
Hurt trigger 2
Crush 1
Landmine 0 49 0.00 % 0
Satchel 0 7 100.00 % 0
Mortar 0 19 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
k!mbO_o 147 148 0.99
GJIRO 127 82 1.55
Affrob 116 50 2.32
GameEngine 108 38 2.84
plznokillme 101 67 1.51
flyEaglesfly 101 29 3.48
Libertarias 94 27 3.48
crux 93 93 1.00
Jack 90 65 1.38
buster* 88 110 0.80
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
k!mbO_o 148 147 0.99
buster* 110 88 0.80
Machina. 106 78 0.74
h y p e r l oo p 101 64 0.63
crux 93 93 1.00
obeseanton 87 71 0.82
t!lt 87 57 0.66
GJIRO 82 127 1.55
1.618033 71 52 0.73
plznokillme 67 101 1.51