my name is red :o))

Regular *E5BAD7AE
Server statistics
Rank TOP 2 % 101
Games TOP 13 % 652
K/D TOP 4 % 1.78
Kills TOP 8 % 13,950
Deaths 7,844
Time TOP 12 % 137 hours
Last seen 02.07.2024 23:30
Kill streak TOP 8 % 20
Death streak 8
K/G TOP 4 % 21.40
Headshots 17,367
Team kills 246
Team deaths 343
Revives TOP 10 % 2,102
Revived 1,054
Repairs TOP 34 % 1
Plants TOP 15 % 38
Defuses TOP 10 % 8
Health packs given 0
Health packs taken 251
Ammo packs given 0
Ammo packs taken 1,015
First blood TOP 12 % 28
First victim 28
Shoves TOP 14 % 402
Shoved 394
Axis TOP 8 % 21 hours
Allies TOP 2 % 116 hours
Soldier TOP 18 % 49 minutes
Medic TOP 3 % 127 hours
Engineer TOP 10 % 6 hours
FieldOp 4 minutes
CovertOp TOP 12 % 3 hours
Battle sense TOP 3 % 43,708
Explosives and Construction TOP 11 % 2,487
First Aid TOP 4 % 16,218
Signals 9
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 73,633
Heavy Weapons TOP 13 % 558
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 15 % 733
Mega kills TOP 7 % 8
Ultra kills TOP 5 % 2
my name is red :o))
red good but not best
/exec red.cfg
red :)
RED :@
/exec red.cfg :o)
red good but not best (n@bs best)
ReD :-)
red :>
red .
red :o
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Thompson TOP 1 % 9,702 1,026 TOP 2 % 47.16 % TOP 21 % 14.20 %
MP 40 TOP 4 % 2,455 4,553 TOP 1 % 48.99 % TOP 21 % 13.68 %
Grenade 785 287 TOP 1 % 60.18 % 40
Pineapple TOP 1 % 678 44 32
Stielhandgranate TOP 6 % 107 243 8
Colt TOP 3 % 282 27 TOP 1 % 51.79 % TOP 37 % 11.94 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 3 % 127 14
Silenced Colt TOP 16 % 3 0
Grenade launcher 232 397 TOP 9 % 59.39 % 8
M7 TOP 4 % 189 42 7
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 9 % 43 355 1
Sten TOP 3 % 138 8 TOP 2 % 52.37 % TOP 3 % 22.16 %
Carbine TOP 4 % 116 31 TOP 4 % 47.33 % 6.41 %
Bazooka TOP 5 % 53 56 110.29 % 5
Luger TOP 10 % 46 151 47.34 % 10.44 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 10 % 18 77
MG 42 TOP 5 % 43 70 41.54 % 0.00 %
Mobile MG 42 0 65
Karabiner 98k TOP 10 % 29 174 43.90 % 4.63 %
Landmine TOP 12 % 13 137 41.46 % 1
Knife TOP 31 % 12 11 2.00 % 0
Back stab TOP 7 % 10 11 0
Machinegun TOP 11 % 10 27
Garand 10 10 49.49 % 18.37 %
Scoped Garand TOP 14 % 10 7
Browning TOP 16 % 9 7 36.32 % 0.00 %
Mobile Browning 0 2
MP 34 TOP 17 % 6 81 48.21 % 25.62 %
FG 42 TOP 16 % 3 73 45.65 % 4.76 %
Scoped FG 42 0 7
Shove TOP 20 % 3 6 0
Dynamite TOP 37 % 1 2 2.27 % 1
Airstrike TOP 39 % 1 101 100.00 % 0
Artillery TOP 35 % 1 69 33.33 % 0
Panzerfaust 0 363 0.00 % 0
Flamethrower 0 7 0.00 % 0
Suicide 326
Team switch 45
Gravity 14
Hurt trigger 7
Crush 3
Target laser 0 29 0
Satchel 0 2 0.00 % 0
Construction madness 0 1 0
Gewehr 43 0 84 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 58
Mortar 0 30 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
fishy' 257 183 1.40
DarkTrooper 246 120 2.05
r*x.kar@m3l!to* 246 93 2.65
P3Tro on the Run 234 59 3.97
h y p e r l oo p 213 209 1.02
ExploreR 191 94 2.03
hYYzzz 167 96 1.74
[n]innocent-bystander 166 55 3.02
aCid. 164 140 1.17
NIGHTMARE 163 221 0.74
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
NIGHTMARE 221 163 0.74
h y p e r l oo p 209 213 1.02
fishy' 183 257 1.40
aCid. 140 164 1.17
[!!!][J!nX.IgOr] 132 133 1.01
nabzor 122 153 1.25
DarkTrooper 120 246 2.05
{q_-<l 117 158 1.35
jOS 114 102 0.89