Server statistics
Rank | TOP 7 % 267 |
Games | TOP 13 % 431 |
K/D | TOP 33 % 1.06 |
Kills | TOP 13 % 5,097 |
Deaths | 4,796 |
Time | TOP 14 % 72 hours |
Last seen | 10.01.2022 19:36 |
Kill streak | TOP 42 % 10 |
Death streak | 16 |
K/G | TOP 40 % 11.83 |
Headshots | 531 |
Team kills | 399 |
Team deaths | 418 |
Revives | 100 |
Revived | 1,681 |
Repairs | 0 |
Plants | TOP 2 % 184 |
Defuses | TOP 3 % 6 |
Health packs given | 41 |
Health packs taken | 1,257 |
Ammo packs given | TOP 8 % 174 |
Ammo packs taken | 83 |
First blood | TOP 10 % 29 |
First victim | 16 |
Shoves | TOP 15 % 278 |
Shoved | 416 |
Axis | TOP 5 % 30 hours |
Allies | TOP 3 % 42 hours |
Soldier | 0 seconds |
Medic | TOP 30 % 3 hours |
Engineer | TOP 1 % 63 hours |
FieldOp | TOP 9 % 3 hours |
CovertOp | TOP 6 % 3 hours |
Battle sense | TOP 5 % 13,568 |
Explosives and Construction | TOP 1 % 27,173 |
First Aid | TOP 29 % 598 |
Signals | TOP 7 % 1,135 |
Light Weapons | TOP 8 % 13,323 |
Heavy Weapons | TOP 23 % 40 |
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons | TOP 8 % 758 |
Mega kills | TOP 13 % 3 |
Expect_The_Unexpected |
Expect |
Zbignief |
Expect_The_Vegankiller |
Expect_The_NewYear |
Expect_The_Unaccepted |
9/11-False-Flag |
Exept_The_Expected |
Expect_The_Bazooka |
Gif |
Expect_40voltage |
Expect_The_Undrunakble |
Zbyszegg |
Expect_The_X-Mas |
Accept_The_Disability |
Expect_The_Undrunkable |
Expect_The_Smokeproducer |
Expect_The_Boom_er |
Expect_The_Panzer |
Expect_The_Obj |
Expect_The_Rifflebigginer |
Expect_The_LastBeer |
Mig_Chodz_prawda_boli_mnie |
Expect_After_2*beers |
Expect_The_Smoke |
123 |
ZbigniefpoDrinku |
Harnas_drinker |
Expect_The_Mgbullet |
Accept_The_Unacceptableble |
gh2granade |
Accept_The_Facegranade |
Accept_The_Facenapalm |
Alkochol_is_evul |
Expect_The_Pianist(R) |
Expect_The_Nosound |
Expect_The_Beeruser |
Unexpected_The_Expect |
Expect_The_Pianist |
Experiment_The_Batman |
Whereislove? |
Expect_The_Kaboom |
sekolPL |
Christmas |
Expect_Christma |
Expect_The_Drunk |
Expect_The_DynaPlanter |
Expect_The_lastKebabiswear |
Weapon statistics
Weapon | Kills | Headshot acc. | Suicides |
Grenade launcher | 2,805 | 55 | |
Grenade | 742 | 47 | |
Carbine | TOP 1 % 560 | ||
Karabiner 98k | TOP 1 % 405 | ||
Landmine | TOP 1 % 167 | 3 | |
Thompson | TOP 20 % 157 | 10.42 % | |
MP 40 | TOP 31 % 71 | 8.23 % | |
FG 42 | TOP 2 % 32 | TOP 23 % 11.15 % | |
Airstrike | TOP 5 % 31 | 0 | |
Gewehr 43 | TOP 2 % 30 | 4.70 % | |
Garand | TOP 3 % 21 | 5.86 % | |
Artillery | TOP 9 % 20 | 0 | |
Colt | TOP 12 % 16 | 5.68 % | |
Satchel | TOP 1 % 16 | 0 | |
MG 42 | TOP 12 % 7 | 0.00 % | |
Dynamite | TOP 2 % 7 | 2 | |
Knife | TOP 10 % 5 | 0 | |
Luger | TOP 33 % 4 | 7.84 % | |
MP 34 | TOP 36 % 1 | 7.14 % | |
Machinegun | 0 | ||
Sten | 0 | 16.67 % | |
Suicide | 490 |