Server statistics
Rank TOP 25 % 915
Games 33
K/D 0.38
Kills 129
Deaths 343
Time 5 hours
Last seen 01.11.2020 20:52
Kill streak 4
Death streak 12
K/G 3.91
Headshots 67
Team kills 17
Team deaths 16
Revives 20
Revived 76
Repairs 0
Plants 1
Defuses 0
Health packs given 10
Health packs taken 37
Ammo packs given TOP 29 % 18
Ammo packs taken 8
First blood 0
First victim 4
Shoves TOP 40 % 64
Shoved 57
Axis TOP 28 % 3 hours
Allies TOP 39 % 95 minutes
Soldier 0 seconds
Medic TOP 41 % 89 minutes
Engineer TOP 18 % 2 hours
FieldOp TOP 27 % 46 minutes
CovertOp TOP 27 % 21 minutes
Battle sense TOP 33 % 601
Explosives and Construction TOP 25 % 513
First Aid TOP 50 % 152
Signals TOP 48 % 54
Light Weapons TOP 44 % 459
Heavy Weapons 0
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 40 % 64
cl_allowdownloads 1
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
Grenade launcher 41 27 42.62 % 8
M7 TOP 15 % 23 18 6
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 TOP 16 % 18 9 2
MP 40 TOP 42 % 26 85 23.01 % 13.42 %
Karabiner 98k TOP 15 % 16 5
Gewehr 43 14 5 32.04 % 5.17 %
Grenade 13 25 26.17 % 0
Pineapple TOP 30 % 8 14 0
Stielhandgranate TOP 40 % 5 11 0
Landmine TOP 13 % 10 6 31.91 % 1
Thompson 7 152 23.16 % 13.49 %
Knife TOP 17 % 3 0 4.05 % 0
Artillery TOP 24 % 3 5 43.75 % 1
Carbine TOP 29 % 3 2
Luger TOP 46 % 2 3 20.59 % 0.00 %
Sten TOP 32 % 2 4 32.89 % 8.00 %
MP 34 TOP 25 % 2 0 29.21 % 11.54 %
Dynamite TOP 29 % 1 1 11.11 % 0
MG 42 0 1 0.00 % 0.00 %
Colt 0 12 14.29 % 0.00 %
Akimbo Colt 0 8
Garand 0 8 31.03 % 7.41 %
Scoped Garand 0 6
FG 42 0 3 0.00 % 0.00 %
Airstrike 0 4 0.00 % 1
Suicide 8
Satchel 0 0 0.00 % 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
Rebbb 9 14 0.64
WASTED 8 4 2.00
Viruss 5 6 0.83
human part 5 10 0.50
esoj 5 6 0.83
lepip 5 18 0.28
aRmaNd0000 4 0 4.00
Banshee. 4 12 0.33
sArah 4 20 0.20
jesus 4 2 2.00
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
sArah 20 4 0.20
lepip 18 5 0.28
a domestic cat 15 2 0.13
Rebbb 14 9 0.64
Banshee. 12 4 0.33
juan 12 1 0.08
ISKTR 10 2 0.20
human part 10 5 0.50
Plaz 9 0 0.00
hunter 8 2 0.25