
Donator *BE62EABA
Server statistics
Rank TOP 12 % 451
Games TOP 7 % 625
K/D 0.79
Kills TOP 10 % 6,872
Deaths 8,740
Time TOP 8 % 106 hours
Last seen 29.05.2021 20:28
Kill streak TOP 42 % 10
Death streak 12
K/G TOP 45 % 11.00
Headshots 7,579
Team kills 407
Team deaths 352
Revives TOP 7 % 2,160
Revived 2,041
Repairs 0
Plants TOP 30 % 13
Defuses 0
Health packs given TOP 13 % 226
Health packs taken 5
Ammo packs given 1
Ammo packs taken 173
First blood TOP 8 % 35
First victim 44
Shoves TOP 10 % 402
Shoved 382
Axis TOP 2 % 72 hours
Allies TOP 4 % 34 hours
Soldier 0 seconds
Medic TOP 2 % 106 hours
Engineer 15 minutes
FieldOp TOP 42 % 19 minutes
CovertOp TOP 44 % 8 minutes
Battle sense TOP 5 % 12,666
Explosives and Construction TOP 38 % 208
First Aid TOP 3 % 11,050
Signals 14
Light Weapons TOP 3 % 45,920
Heavy Weapons TOP 10 % 111
Intelligence and Scoped Weapons TOP 44 % 51
Mega kills TOP 13 % 3
nEw mOuSe
NeW Mouse tXino
Weapon statistics
Weapon Kills Deaths Accuracy Headshot acc. Suicides
MP 40 TOP 1 % 4,554 2,610 35.99 % 10.85 %
Thompson TOP 3 % 1,945 4,515 35.06 % 10.61 %
Grenade 250 436 29.11 % 14
Stielhandgranate TOP 3 % 180 140 9
Pineapple TOP 7 % 70 296 5
Luger TOP 7 % 63 54 32.70 % 10.00 %
Akimbo Luger TOP 7 % 25 20
Colt TOP 9 % 32 133 35.56 % 10.80 %
Akimbo Colt TOP 14 % 10 44
Silenced Colt 0 1
MG 42 TOP 4 % 16 10 21.51 % 0.00 %
Sten TOP 26 % 3 41 43.38 % 6.78 %
Artillery TOP 24 % 3 39 25.00 % 0
Airstrike TOP 30 % 2 34 500.00 % 0
Machinegun TOP 50 % 1 2
Knife TOP 41 % 1 9 0.05 % 0
Carbine TOP 38 % 1 138
MP 34 TOP 36 % 1 10 64.29 % 0.00 %
Garand 0 28 26.67 % 0.00 %
Scoped Garand 0 20
FG 42 0 26 0.00 % 0.00 %
Dynamite 0 0 0.00 % 0
Suicide 1,068
Team switch 27
Gravity 8
Crush 1
Hurt trigger 1
Karabiner 98k 0 61
Landmine 0 54 0.00 % 0
Satchel 0 4 0.00 % 0
Construction madness 0 0 1
Gewehr 43 0 9 0.00 % 0.00 %
Scoped Gewehr 43 0 5
Airstrike marker 0 0 0
Grenade launcher 0 517 0.00 % 0
Gewehr-Granatpatrone 40 0 166 0
M7 0 351 0
Easiest preys
Player Kills Deaths K/D
JosetTe 159 349 0.46
rezta 105 125 0.84
etplayer 101 130 0.78
J V L I V S || 84 102 0.82
FraGGeR***** 75 109 0.69
999iikoo 74 102 0.73
lazy 71 147 0.48
Vik. 70 77 0.91
hmng 69 87 0.79
Worst enemies
Player Deaths Kills K/D
JosetTe 349 159 0.46
lazy 147 71 0.48
etplayer 130 101 0.78
rezta 125 105 0.84
sus 114 24 0.21
FraGGeR***** 109 75 0.69
muchacho. 105 56 0.53
999iikoo 102 74 0.73
J V L I V S || 102 84 0.82
500hz 102 37 0.36