Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Profile
General Stats
Ping 47.92
Skill 1614
Games 5692
Kills 115638
Deaths 49914
Kill streak 36
Death streak 12
Kills:game 20.32
Kills:death 2.32

Alias List
edshotmachine 1188
ScreamY<3 267
western.Shootej BACK 182
:>>> 149
headshotautomat 133
:ooo 108
headhunter 106
cool ja 93
:DDDD 88
:DDD 81
howdy 72
yikesss 72
Super Saiyajin 72
Super Saiyajin G 69
Tokyo Ghoul 69
yeehaw 62
:ooooo 61
TtDragons 54
western.Shootej 53
Super Saiyan 48
meee 45
okuna 45
KeisezrG 45
Super Saiyan 42
hes machine bro 39
woohoo 33
*_*_*_* 33
deathadder v2 32
Titan Shootej #3hsel... 32
[^^] fjellape 31
new etplayer 30
bam bam 27
let's paly 27
2MGover 27
G Pro Ultra Light 27
western.Shootej SICK 27
yes yes yes 24
zzzzz 24
SAMURAi x 24
G Pro Ultra Light 24
HeadHunter# 24
finalmouse capetown 24
pfff 22
1tapelite 21
hehe :> 21
mouss 21
mowgli 21
tokyo ghoul 21
#3hselite 21
playboy 21
Zowie S2 21
.edshotmachine 21
testj 20
kut spel 18
let's go 18
nerds 18
phewphew in 2021 18
wink wink '-) 18
'-'@_ 18
supp 18
edshot machine 18
woo 16
:))) 15
:ppppp 15
gg's 15
reelay 15
GL | :>>> 15
model o wireless 15
Ochi Anwutji 15
#3hselite 15
Super Saiyan 15
d:DDD 15
it's over lvl9000 15
ghfgh 14
shooTeJ 14
edshotmachine 13
let's go baby 13
EC1-A Shootej FOV90 13
1234 12
mee 12
phew 12
phew phew in 2021 12
sick zzz :< 12
testje 12
weee 12
x)))) 12
xm1r 12
G Pro SuperHEAVY 12
Titan Shootej 12
x))))))))) 12
3tapelite 11
hgkhgk 11
jupski 11
d:p g640 11
skypad 10
'-'@_ Shootej 10
<333333 10
western.Shootej MX518 10
:>> 9
:OoOoOo 9
??????? 9
beter jaa 9
blabla 9
cherry 9
chill 9
chillingz 9
chillz 9
gfjgh 9
is he back 9
jhffjh 9
logitexh is trash 9
mikey 9
mousee 9
moustest 9
n1ce one 9
pling pling 9
washed 9
yesway 9
shit mouse 9
Super 9
#Eichichi 9
#Eikichi 9
Aonaro 9
Kappa 9
nerdjih_ 9
Shootej<3 9
gpro 9
Shootej'! mx518 9
Snitchy Bitchy 0_- 9
fjopte 8
muisje 8
zzzZ 8
-ShTj- 8
d:p 8
zH Shootej 8
ultimate Shootej 8
flupke 7
new aimstyle practice 7
[rtcw] Fiellape 7
/Super-Syjan 7
Shootej.NL 7
*_*_*_*_* 6
3hselite 6
:)))) 6
:*** 6
:>>>> 6
:pp 6
ballmouse 1990 6
broodje ei 6
cfggg 6
cfgtestt 6
dhgdf 6
fgjfjg 6
fhsdhdfsdfh 6
fucking dumb 6
fucking lagfest 6
ggg 6
hdgd 6
hdgdgh] 6
hey you wink ,) 6
hfgdg 6
it's over lvl9000 6
jupp 6
juuh 6
logitech :o 6
logitech test 6
mousje 6
muisjeeee 6
muisssss 6
no focus show 6
okok 6
oohyess 6
pew 6
phewww 6
phewwww 6
saiii 6
samurai 6
sensy 6
sheesh 6
sneaky beaky my frie... 6
stfu thanks 6
testjeee 6
testt 6
thdgfjhdhjg 6
tired 6
v56 6
viper testejj 6
we dem boyz 6
whoohoo 6
whooooo 6
yep 6
zzz 6
:pppppp 6
*_*_*_*_* 6
d:DDD 6
G Pro 6
g pro test 6
G Pro Superlight 6
S<3b0uncy 6
Team-uQ[mystic<3 6
[<<:] Shootej 6
tonto 6
gpro :o 6
SaiyajiN 6
Super b0uncy<3 6
Super Saiyan Shootej 6
Shootej'izi 6
:oooo 5
hgjjhghgj 5
not him 5
UnnamedPlayer 5
twitch.tv/Shootej 5
........ 4
:>>>>> 4
been a while 4
cfg of a legend 4
gfgsddfs 4
hgfhgf 4
pew pew 4
stfu 4
Aimtastic Shootej 4
d:p QCK heavy 4
<333333333 4
Magic.Shootej 4
edshotmachine 4
Shootej'finalmouse 4
*_* 3
-------- 3
-_0 wink 3
111 3
33345 3
:))))))))))))) 3
://// 3
:LKJ 3
:oo 3
:xxxxxxxxx 3
<3333 3
bitch plz 3
bored zzz 3
boring game 3
boring kak game zzz 3
boring shit game 3
cg_teamchatsonly 1 3
Cool ja Shootej 3
d:ppp 3
dghhdg 3
dttg 3
fdhgdfhd 3
ffd 3
ffy 3
fgdhfhg 3
fgdhhgfd 3
fhcghcdg 3
G Pro wireless 3
gfshhgfhg 3
gg man 3
ghhh 3
ghiii 3
gjdffgd 3
gjffgj 3
ha-hi 3
he hit those!?! 3
hes facking machine 3
hfdghfdg 3
hfxdfdxh 3
hknvvhkmn 3
hmmm 3
hoohoo 3
impressive 3
it's over lvl 9000 3
jdggj 3
jfghjfhfjhg 3
jfhfjh 3
jgffjgh 3
jkkkk 3
logitech 3
muisjee 3
n1c3 3
no WAYYY 3
nope 3
noway 3
oiiii 3
old roots 3
oow baby 3
pfff Shootej 3
pieww 3
psst 3
psst hey you wink '-) 3
ShiiShaa 3
sick zzz 3
Simonej 3
styyla 3
u never guess :D 3
wazzaaaa 3
what is he 3
whooo 3
woohaa 3
woohooo 3
wooiiii 3
Yeee 3
yes yes yes my friend 3
yrytf 3
zero Aim :< 3
zxcvbnm 3
zzzzzzzzzzzzzz 3
zzzzzzzzzzz 3
#3gselite 3
-A- 3
:)))) 3
:>>> 3
:oooo 3
EC1-A/Shootej 3
G Pro.Shootej 3
izibash'Super Saiyan 3
izibash.Shootej 3
schNee bully me :< 3
ScreamY<# 3
special guest 3
:>>>> 3
rtcw.fiellape 3
'-'@_ 3
*_*_*_*_*_* 3
Aimtastic.Shootej 3
ucgedshotmachine 3
western.Hangover 3
.Shootej 3
oeff 3
Super Saiyan lvl9000 3
finalmouse cape town 3
Shootej'Model o 3
Shootej'WEST 3
++++++++ 2
---------- 2
-=-=-= 2
:>>>>>> 2
:PPP 2
bella ciao 2
fffffff 2
ghallo 2
gohh 2
hangover 2
hfgjvh 2
hjghj 2
huh who what? :>>> 2
its over now 2
jfgjfgjgf 2
jgffghj 2
just like that 2
nana 2
noonoonoo 2
ooh nee 2
pfff Shootej 2
sensaa 2
Shootej :< 2
the real deal 2
thingthingthing 2
warmupje 2
wiggywiggywaaaa 2
woeiii 2
xxxxxx 2
UvuvwevOnyetweUgwemu... 2
uGc^edshotmachine 2
Aimtastic-Shootej 2
bootybasher.Shootej 2
d:D 2
d:D Shootej 2
d:p HyperX testej 2
it's him 2
laiN 2
Stueck sheisse 2
[^^] Shootej 2
rtcw.headshotautomat 2
woohoo-Shootej 2
Aimtastic Shootej 2
deathadder v2 2
ElfeNLied! Shootej 2
.... 1
...... 1
....... 1
:xxxx 1
<<>> 1
Aimtastic.Shootej 1
are you serious? 1
bored 1
fdgfgdhdf 1
fdgsfgshsfgh 1
fdhhdfg 1
fffff 1
ffffff 1
flushhhh 1
gdsgsfsgd 1
gffgfg 1
ghffgh 1
ghfgjh 1
hgghjk 1
hgkhkghkg 1
hollyy hangover :< 1
jgffgjjgfgjf 1
jhlopuy 1
jupjup 1
juppp 1
klakze 1
kroket 1
let's go hs show 1
nobody knows 1
oeff 1
PewPewPew 1
tfghfghj 1
uupsss 1
waazzaaaa 1
wazzaa 1
wooooo 1
woow reallyyyy 1
WungongWon 1
yghjjgy 1
yikesss'-'@_ Shootej 1
yikesss,Shootej 1
zzxxccvvbb 1
zzzzzzz 1
d:p HyperX 1
EC1-A! Shootej 1
western.Shootej :O 1
shootej is Aimtastic 1
Shootej #Cool ja:> 1
Suiseiseki 1

8A1D3F18 11348


   - " another polish retard "

Awards List
Best acc. with Mp40
Best overall HS acc.
Best Efficiency

Team deaths 2991
Team kills 1299
Damage from team 646060
Damage given 19791251
Damage taken 12198672
Damage to team 293719
First killer 555
First victim 238
Score 1879374
Role action 
Ammo taken 1383
Dynamites planted 8
Health given 1815
Health taken 3
Revives given 13932
Revives received 10421
Health 235101
Loss 2519
Score 7304354
Wins 3969
Weapon Kills Deaths Suicides Eff % Hits Shots Misses Acc %  
Airstrike 0 331 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Arty 0 372 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Carbine 0 1108 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Colt 1687 445 0 79.13 12363 24080 11717 51.34
Crush 0 6 6 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Dynamite 0 29 0 0.00 0 9 9 0.00
Falling 0 17 17 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Fg42 0 254 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Garand 0 99 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Garand scope 0 123 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Gpg40 0 1966 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Grenade 0 0 0 0.00 2572 5606 3034 45.88
Grenade launcher 1075 3996 20 21.20 0 0 0 0.00
K43 0 31 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
K43 scope 0 33 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Kar98 0 668 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Kicked 0 3 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Knife 119 64 0 65.03 275 8486 8211 3.24
Landmine 0 360 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Luger 2760 362 0 88.40 18631 35565 16934 52.39
M7 0 2578 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Machinegun 0 11 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Mg42 0 45 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Mobile mg42 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Mp40 62359 14945 0 80.67 468134 898575 430441 52.10
Satchel 0 34 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Silencer 0 1 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Sten 0 342 0 0.00 3 12 9 25.00
Suicide 0 2628 2628 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Switchteam 0 814 814 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Syringe 0 0 0 0.00 12571 13451 880 93.46
Thompson 47500 20201 0 70.16 366163 708036 341873 51.72
Trigger hurt 0 3 3 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Total 115500 51869 3488 69.01 880712 1693820 813108 52.00  

Easiest Preys (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
ARMAND0000 1325 532 71.35
JosetTe 1137 786 59.13
LUL 996 553 64.30
Sutina<3 942 330 74.06
j0!nT 923 559 62.28
SUPER HOT TARZAN BOY 913 353 72.12
.termit 902 270 76.96
dr[+]ne 882 209 80.84
fishy' 877 381 69.71
Vik. 849 462 64.76
ETPlayer 827 661 55.58
oink 825 312 72.56
HomR Simpson 811 383 67.92
LEIMH 748 368 67.03
rezta 737 375 66.28
Spaddu<3 716 325 68.78
lazy 711 461 60.67
Alprax 694 226 75.43
nuppe 668 248 72.93
FraGGer***** 667 194 77.47
BAD INTENTIONS 654 156 80.74
ice&sun 621 315 66.35
eiti 611 199 75.43
weetniet 604 334 64.39
999iikoo 594 261 69.47
Worst Enemies (top 25)
Player Kills Deaths Eff %
JosetTe 1137 786 59.13
ETPlayer 827 661 55.58
j0!nT 923 559 62.28
LUL 996 553 64.30
ARMAND0000 1325 532 71.35
Vik. 849 462 64.76
lazy 711 461 60.67
HomR Simpson 811 383 67.92
fishy' 877 381 69.71
rezta 737 375 66.28
LEIMH 748 368 67.03
SUPER HOT TARZAN BOY 913 353 72.12
Simon 469 344 57.69
weetniet 604 334 64.39
Sutina<3 942 330 74.06
Spaddu<3 716 325 68.78
d..r.s..d 522 318 62.14
ice&sun 621 315 66.35
oink 825 312 72.56
snjh 396 295 57.31
ohnoes 416 292 58.76
LOLLLL 315 291 51.98
LUUL 497 288 63.31
the_vastness 300 273 52.36
b0uncy 343 270 55.95
Location Hits %
Head 181343 20

Games List (last 50)
Time, Map
2021-08-18 20:04, braundorf_...
2021-08-18 19:53, sp_deliver...
2021-08-18 18:47, frostbite
2021-08-18 18:40, adlernest
2021-08-18 06:55, sw_goldrus...
2021-07-18 19:55, frostbite
2021-07-18 19:39, adlernest
2021-07-04 22:19, radar
2021-07-04 22:00, supply
2021-07-04 21:44, bremen_b3
2021-07-04 21:28, frostbite
2021-07-04 17:50, radar
2021-07-04 17:31, supply
2021-05-03 15:56, sw_goldrus...
2021-05-03 15:47, karsiah_te...
2021-05-03 15:38, sp_deliver...
2021-04-15 01:12, bremen_b3
2021-04-15 01:05, sw_goldrus...
2021-04-15 00:57, karsiah_te...
2021-04-15 00:51, sp_deliver...
2021-04-15 00:44, braundorf_...
2021-04-15 00:34, missile_b3
2021-04-15 00:18, frostbite
2021-04-15 00:01, supply
2021-04-14 23:19, sw_goldrus...
2021-04-14 23:12, karsiah_te...
2021-04-14 22:56, sp_deliver...
2021-04-14 22:35, braundorf_...
2021-04-13 00:17, sp_deliver...
2021-04-13 00:05, braundorf_...
2021-04-11 22:47, adlernest
2021-04-11 22:31, bremen_b3
2021-04-11 21:40, braundorf_...
2021-04-11 21:19, missile_b3
2021-04-11 21:03, frostbite
2021-04-11 20:51, supply
2021-04-11 20:38, radar
2021-04-11 19:38, missile_b3
2021-04-11 19:22, frostbite
2021-04-11 18:32, bremen_b3
2021-04-11 18:20, karsiah_te...
2021-04-11 18:04, sp_deliver...
2021-04-11 17:43, braundorf_...
2021-04-11 17:22, missile_b3
2021-04-10 20:36, karsiah_te...
2021-04-10 20:20, sp_deliver...
2021-04-10 19:59, braundorf_...
2021-04-10 18:21, sw_goldrus...
2021-04-10 18:05, karsiah_te...
2021-04-09 23:02, radar
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