Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot no HW
Server IP: et2.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Award Stats
Awards List
Best acc. with Airstrike kkk
Best acc. with Arty TheBigF
Best acc. with Carbine trinita?
Best acc. with Colt v!no <:D
Best acc. with Dynamite sensai HSK
Best acc. with Fg42 Joss
Best acc. with Flamethrower [!!!]Harlekin
Best acc. with Garand schlomo
Best acc. with Grenade launcher >> meehow
Best acc. with Kar98 .Brylant
Best acc. with Knife dc>
Best acc. with Landmine bustaa :x
Best acc. with Luger Jungske1
Best acc. with Mobile mg42 8bits-powi
Best acc. with Mortar FraGGer*****
Best acc. with Mp40 edshotmachine
Best acc. with Panzerfaust ffdfsfsfdfdfssdf
Best acc. with Satchel Sisko
Best acc. with Sten HomR Simpson
Best acc. with Thompson Ramone.Dekkers
Best overall acc. supreme
Best Killer with Airstrike ///ramnes
Best Killer with Arty bIgDaDdY*
Best Killer with Backstab V!russ
Best Killer with Browning [!!!]Harlekin
Best Killer with Carbine Lee Dong John
Best Killer with Colt sArah
Best Killer with Crush construction Jaksuli69
Best Killer with Dynamite clownshoes
Best Killer with Fg42 ice&sun
Best Killer with Fg42scope Pelliku
Best Killer with Flamethrower [!!!]Harlekin
Best Killer with Garand jtm
Best Killer with Garand scope jtm
Best Killer with Gpg40 supreme
Best Killer with Grenade launcher kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
Best Killer with Grenade pineapple bbi
Best Killer with K43 Shin
Best Killer with K43 scope snipa<3Jarhead:D
Best Killer with Kar98 Face'N sPECULA
Best Killer with Kicked h y p e r l oo p
Best Killer with Knife ice&sun
Best Killer with Landmine [n]innocent-bystander
Best Killer with Luger :>!
Best Killer with M7 Qwyx
Best Killer with Machinegun Malluka endine mees
Best Killer with Mg42 ///thotto
Best Killer with Mobile mg42 [!!!]Harlekin
Best Killer with Mortar QpaQ
Best Killer with Mp34 h y p e r l oo p
Best Killer with Mp40 pro_in_2008:)
Best Killer with Panzerfaust JEBACZENKO
Best Killer with Satchel ice&sun
Best Killer with Shove V!russ
Best Killer with Silencer ice&sun
Best Killer with Smokegrenade carniee
Best Killer with Sten Medzik
Best Killer with Thompson bobekk
Most Dynamites Diffused eXert<3muodysikor'
Most Dynamites planted Sutina<3
Most Repairs drunk
Field Ops
Most Ammopacks Collected 2GR* ElMatador
Walking Ammo Rack VELTINS
Best HS acc. with Colt weed
Best HS acc. with Fg42 :>!
Best HS acc. with Garand 500hz
Best HS acc. with Kar98 Achille.
Best HS acc. with Luger plug&pown
Best HS acc. with Mp40 ufo_at
Best HS acc. with Sten ll. Rg
Best HS acc. with Thompson leszeksensimiller
Best overall HS acc. edshotmachine
Most HS with all Weapons uYop*
Most HS with Colt lepip
Most HS with Fg42 ice&sun
Most HS with Garand Lee Dong John
Most HS with Kar98 ScaTmaN_ :)))))))))...
Most HS with Luger Jinosta
Most HS with Mp40 pro_in_2008:)
Most HS with Sten Medzik
Most HS with Thompson lepip
Best Nurse ERYThR0P0iETiN
Med Pack Whore grand belial ski
Most Revives Received CIAWUS
Walking Health Rack ERYThR0P0iETiN
Best Efficiency edshotmachine
Best Killer uYop*
Damage Dealer uYop*
Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games) CIAWUS
First Killer gooly
First Victim Pegasus.
Highest Death Streak |>B<|4nGel
Highest Kill Streak JosetTe
Most Damage From Team ice&sun
Most Damage Taken DEBT KNIGHT
Most Damage To Team CIAWUS
Most Deaths fatcat
Most Rounds Lost Qwyx
Most Rounds Won marshadildo
Most Selfkills cfgtest
Smokes a lot Kopyto
Award Listing for Most rounds won (top 50)
# Player Name  Rounds   Games   Ratio 
1 marshadildo 112 143 0.78
2 kevin.gs 96 127 0.76
3 LeXi@shitmouse 141 196 0.72
4 KAPSALONHOOCHI 89 124 0.72
5 Aureliona 195 276 0.71
6 h66vel. 225 316 0.71
7 DREAM KILLER 113 162 0.70
8 edshotmachine 3969 5692 0.70
9 /ESP Grcs 113 163 0.69
10 laptop fails ltd 82 118 0.69
11 Simon 2227 3288 0.68
12 YOU ARE DEAD 95 140 0.68
13 lepip 3068 4544 0.68
14 Plaz 798 1173 0.68
15 kaza 219 321 0.68
16 gyzr 75 111 0.68
17 Athlon 490 725 0.68
18 S3A### 78 114 0.68
19 Merc 84 123 0.68
20 #ET|Glue63 109 163 0.67
21 aslak 96 144 0.67
22 valkk 304 460 0.66
23 soottt 264 402 0.66
24 clownshoes 128 195 0.66
25 mAgicRifle 274 418 0.66
26 1.618033 115 174 0.66
27 the_vastness 1673 2553 0.66
28 Mouette.ei 92 140 0.66
29 sArah 3264 4912 0.66
30 Qanon 326 497 0.66
31 hazz 75 114 0.66
32 phyZiC 81 123 0.66
33 BEANS&POTATO 189 291 0.65
34 zOd 157 243 0.65
35 Athlon 1832 2817 0.65
36 M4tr!X. 113 174 0.65
37 SJAy 129 198 0.65
38 Simon 624 958 0.65
39 gayLORDZ|apina 170 263 0.65
40 kekekeke 183 288 0.64
41 Athlon 586 919 0.64
42 CATZ 191 299 0.64
43 mMm.Bystry 92 143 0.64
44 Athlon 813 1278 0.64
45 seeeeD 141 222 0.64
46 DirtyCinderella 155 242 0.64
47 carnage 486 757 0.64
48 obese.anton 1259 1964 0.64
49 ^varadi 108 168 0.64
50 Rafale:oo 824 1284 0.64
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