Hirntot statistics
Server name: [!!!]Hirntot
Server IP: et.hirntot.org:27960
Website: hirntot.org
Discord: hirntot.org/discord
Player Stats Game Stats Award Stats Map Stats
Player Stats  
Awards List
 Best acc. with Airstrike  ReimuVahe
 Best acc. with Arty  m@z
 Best acc. with Bazooka  ROOKiE#
 Best acc. with Browning  Method Man.
 Best acc. with Carbine  houdini
 Best acc. with Colt  ...
 Best acc. with Dynamite  .Schwens
 Best acc. with Fg42  Canni <o/
 Best acc. with Flamethrower  Marshall
 Best acc. with Garand  <Despo>
 Best acc. with Grenade launcher  ghosting monitor
 Best acc. with K43  Kredenc=)
 Best acc. with Kar98  foreva
 Best acc. with Knife  Krimi
 Best acc. with Landmine  western.Shootej
 Best acc. with Luger  clownshoes
 Best acc. with Mg42  gargamel
 Best acc. with Mobile mg42  TAu
 Best acc. with Mortar  pio
 Best acc. with Mortar2  pio
 Best acc. with Mp34  ramnes:thinking:
 Best acc. with Mp40  supreme
 Best acc. with Panzerfaust  Let's Play: ET
 Best acc. with Satchel  Assanuga123
 Best acc. with Sten  cfg
 Best acc. with Thompson  western.Shootej
 Best overall acc.  supreme
 Best Killer with Airstrike  hunter
 Best Killer with Arty  bIgDaDdY*
 Best Killer with Backstab  lawinepijl
 Best Killer with Bazooka  perus takki
 Best Killer with Browning  professor
 Best Killer with Carbine  Qwyx
 Best Killer with Colt  sArah
 Best Killer with Crush construction  Ratze
 Best Killer with Crush constructiondeath  DIRTYSANCHEZ
 Best Killer with Dynamite  XenoMorph
 Best Killer with Fg42  Specht..
 Best Killer with Fg42scope  60fps:(
 Best Killer with Flamethrower  Radagast Smurf
 Best Killer with Garand  jtm
 Best Killer with Garand scope  jtm
 Best Killer with Gpg40  El Diego Cigala
 Best Killer with Grenade launcher  kIANOkIANOkIANOkIANO
 Best Killer with Grenade pineapple  ROOKiE
 Best Killer with K43  ESPION
 Best Killer with K43 scope  book
 Best Killer with Kar98  El Diego Cigala
 Best Killer with Kicked  Ruediger
 Best Killer with Knife  20VI$ION20
 Best Killer with Knife kabar  Reudula
 Best Killer with Landmine  Hela
 Best Killer with Luger  D:>!
 Best Killer with M7  Qwyx
 Best Killer with Machinegun  professor
 Best Killer with Mg42  bananacookie
 Best Killer with Mobile browning  Aliaz
 Best Killer with Mobile mg42  RoyalHV|Omega
 Best Killer with Mortar  BELLE_DELPHINE
 Best Killer with Mortar2  Filzlaus
 Best Killer with Mp34  Medzik
 Best Killer with Mp40  NOkIANOkIANOkIANOkIA
 Best Killer with Panzerfaust  Asox
 Best Killer with Satchel  pio
 Best Killer with Shove  i p k i s s
 Best Killer with Silencer  ice&sun
 Best Killer with Smokegrenade  Plain
 Best Killer with Sten  Medzik
 Best Killer with Suicide  rapala
 Best Killer with Thompson  D R E A M W O R K S
 Most Dynamites Diffused  lag|Kermit~
 Most Dynamites planted  PAAVO
 Most Repairs  Rhapsody
Field Ops
 Most Ammopacks Collected  *Biertje?
 Walking Ammo Rack  VELTINS
 Best HS acc. with Carbine  [!!!]Bodin
 Best HS acc. with Colt  valk.co.uk
 Best HS acc. with Fg42  nWccccccccccccccccc
 Best HS acc. with Garand  hannu
 Best HS acc. with K43  [!!!]TigeR
 Best HS acc. with Kar98  GiNekoloG
 Best HS acc. with Luger  h6Mr
 Best HS acc. with Mp34  VARDASCA
 Best HS acc. with Mp40  western.Shootej
 Best HS acc. with Sten  loltest
 Best HS acc. with Thompson  seppuku2
 Best overall HS acc.  low+ hs
 Most HS with all Weapons  newlol
 Most HS with Carbine  PRR11
 Most HS with Colt  sArah
 Most HS with Fg42  Specht..
 Most HS with Garand  jtm
 Most HS with K43  Reudula
 Most HS with Kar98  ESPION
 Most HS with Luger  1ndx
 Most HS with Mp34  Medzik
 Most HS with Mp40  western.Shootej
 Most HS with Sten  Medzik
 Most HS with Thompson  lepip
 Best Nurse  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Med Pack Whore  ducks and their embr...
 Most Revives Received  *Heineken!
 Walking Health Rack  ERYThR0P0iETiN
 Best Efficiency  western.Shootej
 Best Killer  S3AL
 Damage Dealer  NOkIANOkIANOkIANOkIA
 Eyes Wide Shut (TK/Games)  bIgDaDdY*
 First Killer  Lee Dong John
 First Victim  .dRiv3r!
 Highest Death Streak  Ruediger
 Highest Kill Streak  Slash:)
 Most Damage From Team  S3AL
 Most Damage Taken  S3AL
 Most Damage To Team  Honey77
 Most Deaths  supreme
 Most Rounds Lost  promzod
 Most Rounds Won  foreva
 Most Selfkills  Average
 Smokes a lot  Specht..
Random Quote(s)
W4DAW " no  "
Kit4nao_0 " gg  "
*Bat* " omg crux its not your day  "

Player Listing
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# Name - Kills + Deaths + Eff% + KS + DS + K:D + K:G + Games + Skill +
101 old lady on crack 1378 3484 28.34% 6 27 0.40 4.14 332 1000
102 Ghost 585 1672 25.91% 6 27 0.35 3.90 149 1000
103 PrOtEuS 636 2150 22.82% 5 27 0.30 3.83 165 1000
104 snjh 1180 1674 41.33% 10 27 0.70 8.55 137 1000
105 inQ 1526 2860 34.78% 11 27 0.53 6.47 235 1001
106 r*x.kar@m3l!to* 13845 25664 35.04% 14 27 0.54 8.01 1728 1006
107 PAAVO 122938 153786 44.43% 26 27 0.80 11.53 10664 1121
108 Sepi_Susi 4637 7461 38.33% 10 27 0.62 8.35 554 1053
109 VELTINS 64371 117265 35.44% 26 27 0.55 7.84 8212 1000
110 d0pe 5082 13952 26.70% 7 27 0.36 5.51 921 1010
111 foxdie 2106 5065 29.36% 8 27 0.42 6.58 319 1000
112 NoFx 6876 15679 30.48% 13 27 0.44 6.81 1008 1005
113 gryph38 9263 28191 24.73% 20 27 0.33 4.13 2244 1000
114 :>! 66615 40829 62.00% 29 26 1.63 18.32 3636 1460
115 Sorseomnr 2789 7092 28.22% 5 26 0.39 5.31 524 1000
116 Zez[PL] 645 2343 21.58% 5 26 0.28 3.93 163 1000
117 |N3|Pink Lady 6536 14169 31.57% 7 26 0.46 5.92 1103 1000
118 Rhapsody 2660 9197 22.43% 8 26 0.29 4.12 645 1000
119 dan 1329 3641 26.74% 9 26 0.36 4.85 273 1000
120 komposthaufen 713 3535 16.78% 6 26 0.20 2.58 275 1000
121 STRAIGHT OUTTA GRADE... 13429 17710 43.12% 11 26 0.76 7.70 1742 1003
122 SairusCZ 3017 3635 45.35% 13 26 0.83 10.37 290 1000
123 RamboAti 9598 22893 29.54% 9 26 0.42 6.77 1417 1000
124 fuckface 1633 2137 43.30% 8 26 0.76 9.78 166 1015
125 maka2012 5645 11446 33.03% 10 26 0.49 6.65 848 1000
126 Sepi 652 2018 24.41% 7 26 0.32 5.87 110 1000
127 ParticleStorm 1980 4967 28.50% 10 26 0.40 5.37 368 1000
128 SrPlaka 324 1244 20.65% 4 26 0.26 3.12 103 1000
129 IJzerboot 312 1602 16.29% 3 26 0.19 2.74 113 1000
130 ETPlayer 4624 11785 28.18% 7 26 0.39 5.80 796 1000
131 Specht. 67771 96595 41.23% 13 26 0.70 13.03 5202 1002
132 kdc 10193 11533 46.91% 15 26 0.88 10.10 1008 1192
133 McFish 802 2838 22.03% 4 26 0.28 3.07 260 1000
134 oink 98767 132688 42.67% 17 26 0.74 12.86 7677 1197
135 woozy 400 2154 15.66% 4 26 0.19 2.48 160 1000
136 Svetik222 3503 5964 37.00% 17 26 0.59 7.11 492 1000
137 pendinopril 2790 5089 35.41% 8 26 0.55 8.94 311 1000
138 Borac 2757 9273 22.92% 10 25 0.30 4.48 615 1000
139 rockbuoy44t 159 934 14.53% 4 25 0.17 1.22 129 1000
140 Assanuga123 881 2389 26.93% 8 25 0.37 5.06 173 1000
141 Libertarias 2080 7333 22.09% 14 25 0.28 4.19 496 1000
142 random 2638 7510 25.99% 10 25 0.35 5.50 479 1000
143 d4f 1042 2163 32.50% 9 25 0.48 5.18 200 1001
144 Dr.Manijak(SLO) 11049 24782 30.84% 12 25 0.45 7.43 1486 1009
145 !stfu 8843 15275 36.66% 10 25 0.58 6.33 1396 1001
146 oliebol 4073 10979 27.06% 11 25 0.37 5.15 790 1000
147 Invincible 1968 4488 30.48% 7 25 0.44 7.43 264 1000
148 .dRiv3r! 698 2548 21.50% 6 25 0.27 3.75 185 1000
149 Kegel 426 1632 20.69% 4 25 0.26 3.70 114 1000
150 joKer 3878 7483 34.13% 9 25 0.52 8.49 456 1000
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